lost all motivation



  • Hi - I know exactly what you mean! As a possible solution try brushing your teeth when you get the cravings! That gives you a different taste in your mouth and removes the 'craving germs'. It really does help!
    I'm only new to this website and I must say it's fabulous! I am totally motivated and so keen! Mind you, I have so much to lose, hopefully this motivation will keep up! I am determined though! Good luck to you! :-))
  • Hi - I know exactly what you mean! As a possible solution try brushing your teeth when you get the cravings! That gives you a different taste in your mouth and removes the 'craving germs'. It really does help!
    I'm only new to this website and I must say it's fabulous! I am totally motivated and so keen! Mind you, I have so much to lose, hopefully this motivation will keep up! I am determined though! Good luck to you! :tongue:
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    I too have the same problem. I have found to chew alot of Wringley's Desserts Gum: Apple Pie and Strawberry Shortcake...it doesn't always work but it helps.

    Too many time to count have I lost control and binged on every sweet thing I could get my hands on. Seems that tomorrow is a new day has become my everyday mantra :(

    Feel free to add me and we can help each other!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I see you have been on here a while. its hard when we lose motivation. ask yourself why you are doing this and what your final goal is. is one moment of pleasure eating something sweet worth all the hard work you have done? if not. throw it out. If so, eat it and move on. life is for living. not for beating yourself up all the time. get the crap out of the house so that when you are bored you dont have any chance of eating it. ask what you can do without and why you always go over. are you cals set too low to maintain that kind of loss? i started out at 1200 and bumped it up to 1500 and it s amazing the difference. i have more energy to work out and am hardly ever hungry and i dont usually have too many craving for sweets and i have a huge sweet tooth. if i want something i eat a banana or apple. sweet and satisfying. also the low cal ice creams are good. figure out why you are doing this and make yourself a priority.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    you haven't got far to go! perhaps you could try something completely new to give yourself a boost, something completely different to whatever it is youa re doing. Something short term and achieveable like 30 Day Shred might help you get past it?
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    I'm in exactly the same situation, I love weight very slowly haven't lost any weight since November and have binged for the last two weeks- put 4 pounds back on. Just cannot seem to get re-started.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    try planning when to give in to the craving. Start your day knowing taht at 4pm you will have something sweet, chances are by the time 4 rolls around you will have conquered the craving.

    I have fallen in love with Jello Temptations they seem to cool the sweet craving.
  • __Jackie__
    __Jackie__ Posts: 39 Member
    reading these forums helps me gain my motivation back.

    I have been stalled since September and am just getting back into it
  • reb1565
    reb1565 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost all motivation. I have lost aroung 12 pounds and food is starting to look better then ever. HELP!!!!! :sad:
  • i always crave sweets when i am not getting enough good carbs
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I allow myself to eat crap. Just eat half a portion..or eat what you want, just try to stay inside your calories.
  • I was having the same problem. The only way you can stop cravings is to put something else in its place. Whenever I have sugar cravings, I satisfy that craving (have one Hershey kiss) but then I drink 2 glasses of water with some squeezed lemon in it. This makes me feel full and I have the sugar craving satisfied.
  • Hi, I seen your post, try skinnytaste.com They have awesome recipes for food that looks super nummy and they are healthy. I cook the food, portion it out in containers so I don't eat to much at a sitting. There seems to be recipes for everything I am craving so I can eat food without feeling guilty! I love to cook and love to eat food that isn't boring and plain!
  • Vegan_Runner
    Vegan_Runner Posts: 133 Member
    You need to reassess your want to lose weight. Why do you want to lose it? Is it an important enough reason. Are you really over weight or do you feel like you don't fit into "societies" vision of what "right" is? If you are eating healthfully and exercising and not really over weight then why does the number on the scale or on your clothing tag matter. I have my weight loss set to .5 a week. That gives me enough calories to eat what I want and stay under or go over as needed. This isn't a race, it is a life style change and you need to go at a pace that makes it sustainable. If you set unrealistic goals you will burn out quickly.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I hit that same spot last week! I could not get out of the funk I was in! But, I am happy to say I somehow got out and am now motivated more than ever!!!! Just remember why you were motivated in the first place and go from there. Slowly reduce the junk so you won't crave it then you won't be eating any before you know it! You can do it!!
  • Barbara98
    Barbara98 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been on this site for 15 days now. and i'm a big sweet eater. Espeically after dinner. Especially icecream. So what i did is not deprive myself. I got the lowest calorie icecream that i could find which is by weight watchers and it has a dark chocolate coating with black raspberry icecream in it for 80 calories. It really satisfy s me. You are doing great!!! Don't give up. Just find other alternatives :smile:
  • cant see your food diary to see what you are eating in a day to make any suggestions... but i just had a week of sweet and some junk food attack to the point where i just said screw it ..this morning i woke up and said 'ok back to business as usual' and im back on track with my diet..we all go through it but you have to focus on your goal and the reason for your goal to get through those indulgant moments.

    i just had a similar conversation with a close friend this morning. i told her to find something to do in her life. she has nothing to do but obsess about food. if im sitting around i eat. i keep busy. i work, volunteer, go to the gym, and the list goes on. i swear it was very helpful for me the last two years i have lost 80lbs.
  • amyjanetx
    amyjanetx Posts: 70 Member
    I've been having motivation problems too lately, but then I saw some recent pictures of myself and was like whoa! I need to get serious! My goal is to do what the person above me said...find low calorie treats like those WW rasberry ice cream bars. They are yummy! Good luck! You can do it, just dont give up!
  • I'm in exactly the same situation, I love weight very slowly haven't lost any weight since November and have binged for the last two weeks- put 4 pounds back on. Just cannot seem to get re-started.
    I seem to be a weekend warrior so i'm losing and gaining the same 5lbs every week....it's super frustrating i can't seem to lose either so i understand but i'm trying to remember it's a marathon not a sprint and i didn't get this big overnight it's not going to come off overnight...It's hard but we can do this feel free to add me
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Try reevaluating why you are doing this, and how far you have come. There is nothing worse than taking a step forward and taking two backward. Relosing weight is not only reaking havoc on your metabolism but it will make you crazy. I had originally lost 70 pounds and when I started on mfp I had to lose 20 pounds that I had already lost before and it seemed like such a waste. So hurry up and get back on track!!!