Are you honest with your food diary?



  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Yep I track it all. As a wise MFP person once told me: "You don't lie to your phone!"

    It's a slippery slope and once a person tells a little lie.. well it could quite easily get out of control.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I do track everything yes. I don't see the point in lying, you're only lying to yourself really.

    Totally agree with this. I do track everything, but there have been a couple of times when I'm laying in bed at night, and I suddenly realize that I forgot to log that peach, or that yogurt, etc that I had earlier in the day. So, it's not like I'm trying to cheat. I don't intentionally omit things.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    I try my best to log everything I can coz am pretty curious to see how much I actually ingest a day - though I use the MFP database so am not sure how much it actually differs from what I eat. I have my meals out most of the time, so it's pretty much impossible to weigh or even know every ingredient that goes into the food.

    However, occasionally, if my colleagues were to offer me a packet of kerupuk (a generic name to call a range of snacks where I am) and I take like a small piece or two, I don't bother to add it in. Mainly coz I can't find it's equivalent in the MFP database, and the packaging usually doesn't even list the nutrition value.

    Oh yeah, I initially tried to log stuff I eat during buffets too, but eventually gave up coz it's too much hassle trying to remember what I ate and how much of each item I ate. Instead, I enter a flat value of 1,500 cals. Doesn't make a diff to me as I know, for buffet days, I'll definitely go over :laugh:
  • Lylas2
    Lylas2 Posts: 13
    I track everything as best I can.... if I cant find something I use something that is very similar.
    The only thing I don't track is spice (cinammon, pepper etc).
    I DO try and track salt or added salt intake
  • I track almost all of my food intake I don't track condiments. I have made it easy I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday except weekends my off days I don't add my exercise till the end of my day so at dinner I can eat a little more if I like but I am still usually under my calorie goal for the day. I also allow my self a free day usually Sunday ,don't deprive yourself of something you like if you do you will fail. Be honest with yourself and eat to live not live to eat. Everyone keep up the hard work it will payoff in the long run
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    So far, yes, little point in lying to myself! For those odd times I haven't been able to accurately track I've over estimated.
  • I track everything!! If you don't, you only lying to yourself to make you feel better. The only person you're hurting in the long you!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I track everything, but sometimes I do just use the quick calories if its somethign I dont eat offten, and I take it from the package so they are currect. If I take a few bites here and there of other things I usually just add like 100 cal. which more then covers it if I cant figure out the exact amount (example: I ate a few of my sons gold fish crackers like 3-4, 54 fish is a serving for 150cal didnt feel like doing the math so I just added 100)
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I try to be honest, but do occasionally forget things, ketchup or dressings mostly. If I binge I always track it as I like to look at the reports and see what triggers the overeating so I can try and avoid them in the future. As others have said, you are only cheating yourself if you lie to make it look better. :noway:

    Ahh me too. The other day I mixed a little emmenthal into my pasta sauce and then I forgot to add it but I had already hit "done" for the day and I was like, "Well I know how many calories were in it and I didn't go over or anything so I guess it's fine." Same with ketchup and things like tat.
    But in general I log everything. Even embarrassing things like 50 grams of speculoos spread or 6 squares of chocolate or whatever (I have a terrible sweet tooth).
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I track EVERYTHING! If I have one Hershey Kisses, it gets tracked. If I have a horrible day and stuff my face, I track it. If it's the holidays, I track it! If I don't, it causes me to feel less guilty, and like what I did wasn't a big deal. When I track, it causes me to take responsibility. :)
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I attempt to be as honest as possible with my diary when I can but no ones perfect
  • Using MFP has become a lifestyle for me now, I track it all even down to the Truvia I put on my cereal in the morning :)
  • i track everything, except for spices that do not contain sodium, gum, and sometimes i forget to record my water, however, i do try to drink over 100ozs on a daily basis.
  • 189andFalling
    189andFalling Posts: 58 Member
    Just to add.. I'm sure loads here have it.. but just by the fact you know you'll need to write it down means you'll go for the healthy option! One example is say a mars bar (at a guess 300cals) I know I could replace that with say chicken and noodles @ 300cals, and that would make me feel loads better from an energy perspective, so I don't reach for it!

    I think tracking calories on a 'bad day' would be a positive thing. You might not feel so stressed about it if you are only say 500 over maintenance.
  • Floridaboiler
    Floridaboiler Posts: 51 Member
    I pretty much track everything I eat. It is the only way to remind me of what I am taking in.
  • i dont track everything but i dont think im cheating because i sometimes just taste something... i mean that i eat it in a very small amount so i dont track it.. and this has not affected my progress... i keep on losing weight.
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    Yes unless at the end and I total out and have like 300 or 400 calories left I don't track like the 90cal. fiber one bar or a piece of fruit. I just track it in my head. I do like to be straight as possible also with the exercise and calories burned My bike logs less calories then when I go through MFB so I just quick calorie add the difference using the lower number.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I dont track spices or drinks (I drink water, unsweet tea or diet coke). Everything else, I do.
  • Yes, I track everything except water and herbal tea (I drink lots of water, usually between 3-4litres).

    Sometimes when I'm eating out / traveling I'm not tracking at all...that's not good when I'm just leaving the diary empty!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    95% of the time I track everything - but I occasionally cannot be bothered so I cannot say I track 100% of the time! That said I am honest with myself even if I don't publicise it. What I don't do is stress and beat myself up over bad days (and I don't have too many!). At the end of the day I have lost 28lbs over 4 months - I am happy with that rate of loss and if I maintain a bit, lose a bit, live a bit then that for me becomes much easier to maintain! I am at my half way point and have no intention of stopping now!