How to handle cardio with knee pain

6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
The inner side of my left knee has been hurting for some time now. it is much worse with I exercise more, but I can't seem to lose any weight if I cut down the exercise. Does anyone have any suggestions as to good cario exercise that is gentle on the knees? Lately I have been using the elliptical, walking and some arc trainer for my cardio. I appreciate any advice. :flowerforyou:


  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    do you have access to a pool?
  • casendcq9
    Swimming would be an excellent choice, if you can get to a pool. Otherwise, you stole my thunder with walking and the elliptical. All three will burn calories and are very low impact on your joints.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I wish I did have access to a pool. No, it is very cold outside here and I have no indoor pool available. It is good to know the elliptical is o.k. for joints. That is probably what I use the most. Lately I am so frustrated. I am only 38 and feel like I am quite limited with the cardio due to the knee. Last night it hurt so bad it kept me from sleeping.
  • Bsnell10
    there are several things you can do..i have found a few things that help my knees an elliptical is one of them...spinning is the other..crazy i know but i talked with my trainer when i thought i was going to have to quit spinning which i love and she said it is about your legs not your knees and it really doesn't bother my knee squats on the other hand do bother my knee a lot...i burn anywhere from 500-800 calories in a 45 min class!!!! if you can use a pool that is another great way to get in your cardio and if you belong to a gym Aqua zumba i am told is amazing!! hope this helps good luck!!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    you might want to see a doc just to rule out anything serious but spending some time strengthening your quads will help with the knee pain. Your quads help keep your knee 'on track' sort of so if they are weak you can develop knee pain. Good luck to you!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Maybe one trip to a physiotherapist? They might be able to suggest an exercise to ease and protect the knee.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Thanks for your advice everyone. Aqua Zumba sounds like fun... I wish I had a class where I am located. My gym doesn't have classes for spinning but maybe I can create my own with their workout bikes? Thanks again...
  • monharri
    Definitely try flax seed oil if you haven't already. It helps reduce inflammation and when I had my knee injury a year ago it did wonders for me. I remember feeling just as frustrated with my injury because I was on a roll with the cardio and had to stop because of my injury. Just be sure to take care of the injury first--the cardio will come. I went to see a chiropractor and switched between icing and heating the area which helped tremendously. I also upped my intake of fish oil which also helps with inflammation.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Are you wearing the proper and supportive shoes? You need to figure out if you are wearing a cross trainer or a running shoe....each are made for different activities and different motions. By wearing a proper shoe your pain may lessen.

    Alternatively, you can try exercises that are easier on the joints...such as aquafit/swimmng, ride the recumbant bike at the gym, walking, doing push-ups/pull-ups/sit-ups, weight training, Ergometer (upside down bike where you peddle with your hands), pilates, etc.

    There are options to keep moving. Don't let your pain hold you back....just find a way to get rid of the pain by strengthening that joint/muscle...
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    I am curious what exercises would help strengthen the quads
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    blew out my knee when I was 18, have had 3 surgeries. Elliptical is a good choice, also look into Race Walking-looks kind of goofy but burns just as many calories as running the same distance while being low impact. If a dr hasnt checked you out, that should happen. Some pain you should work through, other pain you should pay attention to and scale back--a medical professional should tell you which kind you have.

    don't forget that ice on for 20 min after exercise helps. As mentioned in an earlier post, strenghten your quads, but also strengthen your hamstrings too; women tend to have more quad strenght and weaker hamstrings, leading to imbalance. Plus abductors and adductors--basically build up muscle strength in all 4 directions. I use osteo-biflex daily and find that it helps me.

    the more muscle you build up, the more calories you body burns every day because muscle requires more energy than fat. As you lose weight, the stress on your knees decreases--even 5-10 lbs makes a huge difference! There is hope--I am now able to do squats (carefully) with weights. Good luck!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I am curious what exercises would help strengthen the quads

    most basic is where you tighten the quads and hold as tight as you can for 10 seconds or so, then release. Before my 2nd knee surgery, when I could do nothing else, they had me doing at least 100 of these a day. also, any exercise that involves a bent knee pushing against resistance: squats with body weight only or other weights, leg presses, leg raises, kicks with a resistance band or on the cable machine. Remember to work the hamstrings as much as the quads, if not more, to keep them balanced.
  • wilnat
    wilnat Posts: 14 Member
    I wish I did have access to a pool. No, it is very cold outside here and I have no indoor pool available. It is good to know the elliptical is o.k. for joints. That is probably what I use the most. Lately I am so frustrated. I am only 38 and feel like I am quite limited with the cardio due to the knee. Last night it hurt so bad it kept me from sleeping.

    Dont let this make you feel old. I have had tendonitis in both of my knees since I was 19. I tore the cartilage in my right knee at 18. This made it VERY hard for me to exercise. I used to run but it aggrivated my knees. I started usuing the elliptical for my cardio exercising. When I first started my knees would give out but I would just keep doing a little more each day. I now rarely have knee pain. The elliptical helped strengthen my knees. I fell off the fitness wagon a few years ago and am back on. I am able to do some running on a tredmill but I do not push myself and if I feel the need to just run like hell.. i get on the eliptical and run away to relieve my stress. Good Luck!
  • Bsnell10
    Yes diffently make your own "ride" the internet has amazing tips and i have heard Youtube has videos of people doing spinning classes that you can flow along or atleast watch before you go to the gym to get the idea of what you are doing..another thing that might help that did help me was getting new shoes, for spinning you want something with a sturdy sole to it not alot of flex in the shoe! good luck
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I am NOT a professional, but this helped my knee. I don't know if it will help yours. Try only if you want and if it feels basically know your own body best.
    Lie on your stomach. next, smoothly and gently bend your knee so that your heel comes toward your buttocks. Hold for 5 seconds and release your foot back down to the floor. Repeart 5-10 times per leg. You will feel some stretching in your quads..strength there will ease the pressure on your knee. If you have a hard time bringing your ankle up, you can tie a rope or scarf around your ankle, then reaching behind, simply 'reel' your heel toward your buttocks.
  • Timora77
    I have to get a Knee replacement. I will get both knees done. I get my cardio by doing swim aerobics. There is no impact what so ever on my joints. I see the difference combined with weight lifting. You really get a good workout.
  • Timora77
    One more thing, make sure you x-rays on your knees to see what is going on. These days you can get minor surgery that help.:smile:
  • 30yearssincebikini
    Definitely try flax seed oil if you haven't already. It helps reduce inflammation and when I had my knee injury a year ago it did wonders for me. I remember feeling just as frustrated with my injury because I was on a roll with the cardio and had to stop because of my injury. Just be sure to take care of the injury first--the cardio will come. I went to see a chiropractor and switched between icing and heating the area which helped tremendously. I also upped my intake of fish oil which also helps with inflammation.

    This is interesting. I also have knee troubles. I must be super uncoordinated, because in a span of ten years or so, I managed to dislocate both knees! One, I was working( doing hair) and tripped over a clipper cord and fell, dislocating it. Then about ten years later, I was taking tae kwon do with my little ones and did a round house kick and the standing leg twisted and dislocated. So now I find that my knees swell and hurt during cardio, but I just do the best I can. I can't give it up, because it's addicting, and helping my on my weight loss/toning.

    Maybe I will try the flaxseed and fish oil. Thanks for sharing.