lost all motivation



  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    The same thing happens to me sometimes. My trick is to buy a new pair of running shoes or a new yoga outfit. I know this sounds silly, but if I spend the money, I must use the exercise gear. Working out makes me want to be in shape, so just getting back into working out a little more motivates me to be careful with my food. :laugh:
  • 2Phat1
    2Phat1 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with Barbara98. I have a sweet tooth too and have something sweet every day. The trick is to have it sweet and not over the top with calories. I recently posted a recipe for low calorie cheese cake that is only 100 calories a slice, a recipe for pancakes that are 26 calories each and with blueberries are about 40 calories each.

    This weekend I will post a recipe for individual pavlovas that are 82 calories each. (I just need to perfect it first. :wink: )

    My basic philosophy is deny myself nothing, limit everything. Keep up to 2 or 3 low calorie sweet treats with you throughout the day and then you can at least indulge without going commercial and add unnecessary extra calories.

    Just think, a piece of cheesecake, a blueberry pancake and a mini pavlova all in one day (spaced out will help you manage intake better) is a total of 222 calories. My example is a bit extreme and I am not advocating to eat three sweets every day just trying to show that a blow out doesn't have to be too costly in extra calories.

    Best of luck getting back on track.
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    dig deep down inside you, your close to your goal
  • srdeaver
    srdeaver Posts: 39 Member
    It's pretty simple for me- when you feel like quitting, remember why you started!!
  • Kristenjones20
    I am in the same boat. I have 15 more pounds left to go until my goal and I am stuck. I keep eating bad foods and need to talk myself into working out everyday!! This is horrible! I have lost 92 lbs already I know I can do this!!
    :smile: :smile:
  • aurablue
    I fond for myself if I completely ban things that I love to eat it will just cause me to give up. I need something sweet most days, so instead of choosing a sugary yogurt for breakfast I save the sugars and calories and have a snack pudding or a small piece of chocolate. maybe a really rich ghiardelli square, but ONLY ONE. just to get rid of the craving. I still have the occasional oreos but I have 2 (double stuffed) and I make sure I only have them on the days I earned extra calories through exercise. This is a lifestyle change not a diet, and it is about balance. Don't completely deny yourself, but don't go overboard either. I have to say it really does motivate me on the eliptical, when I have to earn my 2 oreos ;) It also puts it into perspective whether the choice your making is worth it. I once bought a teeny Ben and jerrys single, and i worked out in the am, wwatched what I had for the day so I could earn it, and by the time I actually ate it, It really wasn't worth all the effort. Some things are, some are not but making that decision gives you the power over the food.

    Also the more sweets you eat, the more you'll crave them similar to any other addicting thing. It's hard to wean at first but once you do you won't crave it as much. Good luck your doing great!! Take it each choice at a time.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I just had a weekend which I want to forget but can't let myself do so. I have to use the feeling of failing myself as motivation to go hit the gym even harder. Ate donuts, doritos and the list keeps going. It happens and once in a while we have to recommit to ourselves. Start today, find that thing that you want to workout for, live healthier life, body shape ect.

    I bought yesterday a sugar free strawberry jelly which i put on some rice cakes and OMG that was so good. Rice cakes low cal and so is the jelly and tastes very good.

    Remember this is a journey, there will be lows and highs. We just have to make sure our highs are much more frequent and epic than our lows. Good luck.
  • Mhachey
    Mhachey Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried a supplement called DIDA? Here is a bit of information about it....


    A lot of times, even without knowing it, we have an over abundance or a build up of candida yeast in our intestines causing carb cravings. Dida has been very helpful for me in cleansing my body and stopping the cravings most times completely. It is completely made up from herbs and spices you will find in most kitchens.

    Hope that helps!.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    This is my second go around, I did quit last time. I was over my calorie goal and totally giving in to my sweet cravings. I'm back because I'm still unhappy with my body and want to fix it. The sweets are easier to manage if they're limited and skinny cow has some great chocolate choices if that's your downfall. They're about 100 calories per packet and three musketeers has the truffle crisp bar which is also around the 100 calorie mark. I try for these whenever I'm in really bad need of the chocolate fix.
    Some of the other suggestions are awesome as well, try limiting what you're eating and save part of your treat for later. It's hard the temptation is there, but you know you're stronger for not doing it.
    Don't give up especially if you've been working so hard towards your goal. It's a shame to let that hard work goto waste!!
  • 44nFab
    44nFab Posts: 19
    you can't give up. You just have to figure out a portion control thing. don't deny yourself your cravings just limit them. I used to eat sweets all the time. but i started only having them at a certain time of the day. plus i started stocking up on more fruits and would eat them instead. the cravings WILL go away you just need to convince yourself more

    I'm sorry to say that portion control, when it comes to sweets, is not the answer for everyone.
    For me, sweets, the sugar in them, are addictive. My doctor explained that there is a pysiological reason for it. There is something in our bodies that thrives with increased sugar intake. They excrete a chemical that is a call for more sugar. So, we eat more sugar to satisfy that urge. More sugar allows more of these to grow to excrete more of the chemical and so the cycle perpetuates. Sorry I don't have the scientific lingo to share, but you get the idea.
    Anyway, my personal experience is that I had to break the addiction but cutting out all sweets for a couple of weeks, then slowly introduce small amounts of naturally occuring sugars. Once I did that, the cravings dissappeared and I know longer even desire sweets. Personally, I cannot portion control sweets. For me it is all or nothing. Once the addiction is broken, it becomes easy to not eat sweets. Learn what is right for you. If you can portion control, that's great. But, if you are like me and can't, that is okay too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    I used The Maker's Diet to break my sugar addiction. The cravings don't last forever. I promise.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Remove the temptations from your house for starters. If they are not there, you cant indulge yourself. If you have children in the house, dont justify having the snack stuff around for them. They need to learn healthy eating now so they dont end up where we are or have been. I work one sweet, like a mini peppermint patty or a mini tootsie roll into every day. I know one is my limit and I save it for the end of the day. Make yourself the priority!