Are you honest with your food diary?



  • whit1108
    I track every single thing that goes into my mouth. Even if i allow myself to have a cheat day i still track everything even if the stuff goes over so i know and see it. I think you only cheat yourself if you dont track everything.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Yes I track everything.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I track every bite, even the bad stuff (like yesterday's state fair crap).

    Another thing...if I'm not sure how many calories are in the meatloaf I had at that resturant, I will pick the highest calorie meatloaf in the database (instead of the lowest). I found that cheating in favor of eating fewer calories is not doing myself any favors. Assume the highest and then you have a little cushion for errors.
  • Rosbrook1985
    Rosbrook1985 Posts: 130 Member
  • _greeneyedgirl_
    Yep. Even the 4 french fries and one mozzarella stick I stole from my daughter's dinner at Friendly's, she didn't notice though.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I track every single morsel. Have been doing so since day 1 and in the middle of week 18 now. I have to be accountable to myself and if I didnt, no one would suffer the consequences but me.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I track everything, even this Saturday just gone which was a total write-off! Nearly double my recommended :noway:

    I'm on this site to keep a track of me, and if I'm not honest with myself, how am I supposed to do that? If I cheat on the food diary, I'm only cheating myself and making it harder to lose the weight.
  • daisydieter
    Yes... I think it helps that I am totally anonymous site for me. I have purposefully not "friended" on this site people who I know through Facebook are using it too. I know me, I'd start leaving off foods I'm embarrassed I ate. Plus, totally embarrassed that in two years I gained back 35 of the 45 pounds I lost. I'm sure my friends realize I put on weight... but I don't want my pride getting in the way of losing it.
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I track about 98%. I don't always track condiments like ketchup, though I mentally keep track of that. I figure as long as I'm aware of it, it's probably okay. What I've started doing, though, to help, is to create "meals" and "recipes" for things like how I fix a PB&J, which I do the same way every time. It's a lazy way of making sure I won't forget something like the jelly. I also don't track any drinks unless they have calories in them.
  • Simmie69
    I do, plus your body keeps an accurate journal regardless of what you write down.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Are you 100% honest when completing your food diary?

    I ask because i always tend to track every single thing i've eaten even if it is like a whole 100g bag of crisps or a whole loaf of bread! I rarely though see my pals on my profile ever have a bad day but they never lose weight. Are they tracking everything?

    I must admit I have recently(when i have bothered to track it) not done very well and stuffed my face silly hence why i've only lost a couple of pounds here and there.

    Do you track everything?

    Yes, I track everything, but I no longer weigh often because I get obsessed with the scale and then I stress and that stalls my weight loss, so I randomly weigh myself now and record my loss at that point.

    Here lately I am losing inches (fat loss) but not really losing pounds and I am happy with that. I would much rather wear smaller clothes and could care less about the poundage.

    Now, I have been getting some flack about the amount of calories I consume, but I eat when I am hungry and don't eat when I am not and I no longer count calories, so I am not worried about that either.
  • michellef216
    i track everything. even a reeses miniature i had last still eat a sweet(non-healthy) here and there bec ause i feel if i deprive myself i will indulge when i am around it. I have junk food all around me all the time. So if i don't track everything and become accountable, then i will fall off the wagon.
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Yes - generally. I try to log in advance so i can allocate amounts like 150g meat or 100g rice, or whatever so that means I can accurately stay within rather than eat and then find I have overdone it for the day. I also went back to weighing most things as I had a period where I stopped losing and I lost nothing or increased weight but I must have been over-estimating. If I don't have the time to go back and log something really small I don't think that matters as long as I am well within my goal for the day and know that it won't send me over. I do try to be honest - I have to say that at times I find it difficult to log as different entries of the same food on the database can give very different calorie counts - I may at times go for an in-between or lower one if I am tight for the day...If I have lots still to use I might go for the higher one to discourrage me from eating too much more. so I can be selective the odd time if it is about fitting in something. But I agree with ohters, you can't cheat yourself and I do try my best to do this well.
  • jmobashrn11
    Isn't there an option to make your diary private?

    Personally, I'm not really big on looking at anyone else's food diary (or other people judging my food diary). I've only lost 2 pounds so far and have skipped a few days of logging here and there due to busy days and lack of access to a computer.

    Stick to yourself and this won't even be a problem to begin with, IMHO.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Absolutely--if I fudge on my diary, that's like cheating at Solitaire, except the reward is extra pounds. I count everything, even if I'm 500 calories over.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Just yesterday I thought, I should log EVERYTHING--because I wasn't logging the supplements I take everyday. So now I'm logging everything I put in my mouth.
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    I make the effort to track everything. Usually if there are blank spaces in my diary its because I went out and I know that I went way over my daily calories so I don't spend the time trying to figure out what to add.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I track it all unless that particular day is a 'cheat' day. That said, I don't track things like sugarfree gum which is around 5 cal per stick.
  • tsartwork
    tsartwork Posts: 2 Member
    I lost weight with Quick Weight loss. The reason I did was to be accountible to somenone other than myself. I have lost the weight that I could not get off for over 15 years. The most I could lose on my own was 10 pound and then I simply put that and more back on. QWL really works if you have problems keeping to a plan on your own. I joined this sight basically from advice from QWL to monitor my food intake now that I have lost the weight.
  • anave285
    anave285 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm bascally honest. I usually eat dinner late (8 p.m. or later). So if I submit my diary for the day and still have some calories left over, I may eat something within that range and not track it, but that's just because I know that I didn't go over. If I do go over, I definitely track them the next morning.