Frustrated with breakfast!!!

I am a teacher, so my day starts earlier than most ( today I ate at 6:00). Lets take to day as an example, I had 2 egg whites scambled with a little salsa for flavor in a wrap. I though for sure that would be a great breakfast and that it would last. Boy was I wrong! 9:00AM came around and my stomach was grawling! UNBELIEVABLE! Luckily I had a break and could heat up some oatmeal, here's hoping with will stick. The Frustrating part is that its now 10:00 and I have already consumed almost 500 cals. :sad: Any advice greatly recieved!


  • jbrandenberger
    I am a teacher, so my day starts earlier than most ( today I ate at 6:00). Lets take to day as an example, I had 2 egg whites scambled with a little salsa for flavor in a wrap. I though for sure that would be a great breakfast and that it would last. Boy was I wrong! 9:00AM came around and my stomach was grawling! UNBELIEVABLE! Luckily I had a break and could heat up some oatmeal, here's hoping with will stick. The Frustrating part is that its now 10:00 and I have already consumed almost 500 cals. :sad: Any advice greatly recieved!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I usually make a two egg omelete at night and put all kinds of fixins in it, yellow pepper, spinach, onions, alittle bit of cheese and sometimes imitation crab. I cut it in half and eat half of it one morning and the other half the next morning after that. I usually bring alittle snack pack of some sort to eat on the go "just in case" but usually the omelete and a bottle of water does it, if not think about maybe getting a protein powder. 5oz of the syntha6 chocolate milkshake usually does me and it's only 200 cal.
  • PrincessRitty
    You wanna try having the oatmeal instead of the eggs, Its must take less time, and considering im always hungary, i only had a little bowl of that this morning, and i was full till 12. Sometimes i dont last as long as that, but then i have a rice cake, teaspoon of philidelphia and either some fruit on top, or a slice of meat!!

    (Also, if you make the oatmeal so that its still thick and gloopy and sticks to your spoon, it gives you more to chew on, making your tummi feel as if its had more i guess))

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Go with the oatmeal, it's more filling, and bring a piece of fruit with you to work for your break, if you're not hungry save it til lunch. The trick is finding filling low-calorie foods........ Just takes some practice. Also, If fyou're hungriest in the morning there's no reason why you can't have a 500 cal breakfast, as long as the rest of your day accomadates it.
  • edleim
    edleim Posts: 81 Member
    So today for breakfast i had Barbara' Puffins (so delicious and all natural) with skim milk (150 calories) and a small banana (100 calories). I have the cereal at home and carry the banana because i know i will need it. This would be half your calories.

    Also, why is that almost 500 calories. I eat Natures Path Optimum Power Oatmeal and it is only 150 calories. When i make egg white wraps i use corn tortillas (just 50 calories each) and it feels like a real breakfast burrito. I add a little Fage non-fat Greek yogurt (so much better than sour cream) and a breakfast burrito is usually about 150 calories, and that is with one pepperjack veggie slice.

    If you know you will be hungry embrace it and be prepared, maybe the sugar in your coffee if you drink coffee. I know sugar speeds up my appetite, especially fake sugar!
  • jpketz
    jpketz Posts: 73
    I am a teacher, so my day starts earlier than most ( today I ate at 6:00). Lets take to day as an example, I had 2 egg whites scambled with a little salsa for flavor in a wrap. I though for sure that would be a great breakfast and that it would last. Boy was I wrong! 9:00AM came around and my stomach was grawling! UNBELIEVABLE! Luckily I had a break and could heat up some oatmeal, here's hoping with will stick. The Frustrating part is that its now 10:00 and I have already consumed almost 500 cals. :sad: Any advice greatly recieved!

    You gotta love Oatmeal! (It deserves to be capitalized). It's got fiber, some protein, lots of micronutrients. It can be eaten raw, cooked or in a smoothie and most's filling. Plus, if you're a teacher, you're most likely on your feet and burning some serious calories in the first part of the day...500 cals may not be enough. I bring Cliff Bars if I'm out and need a quick 260 calorie supplementary energy source.
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    all bran makes great breakfast bars i use for a snack. only 130 cals and 10 grams of fiber. keeps you full.
  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    For the last week and a half I've been eating mini meals all day long and I've finally found an easy way to not feel hungry all day long......and believe me, I was always hungry before! It keeps your metabolism up all day so it's easier for your body to digest the food and I swear I've lost a little weight just from that change.
    So your egg wrap is great at 6am, bring a yogurt for 9am, a sandwich for 12am, etc.... I use almonds and nuts, whole wheat crackers, pretzels (you can eat 48 sticks for only 100 calories!!), yogurt, fruit, cheese, etc. for snacks. I keep the snacks to around 150-200 calories all day and at the end of the day I usually have extra calories.....and the best part is, because I've been nourishing my body regularly all day long I wasn't even hungry!! It took almost a week for my body to get used to this change but it's so easy, it only takes a little extra planning at the grocery store (and the night before for me because I wake up early too). So easy to eat a snack between your classes! You should give it a try :smile: