Anyone battling hypothyroidism with 100+ lbs to lose?

Hello -

I've been a 'silent' member of MFP for a couple of years but have decided to become more vocal, now that I've decided to also become more vigilant about losing weight.

Hypothyroidism has been a real stumbling block for me over the past two decades. I have no real thyroid function, which makes it very difficult for physicians to adequately and consistently treat me. It was not until I was put on cytomel in combination with synthroid (two years ago) did I begin feeling like a normal person with a working metabolism.

So, now that my metabolism is being supported adequately, I am ready to lose the weight that has been such a burden to me. Also, my mother (God bless her soul) died recently after dealing with diabetes and heart issues - I do not want to follow her down that path and know that only becoming as healthy as I can get will allow me that.

At any rate, I'm looking for some folks out there who have similar issues: lots of weight to lose and thyroid issues. I'm hoping to form a group of friends to share the journey with.

Friend me if you're interested in communicating - thanks!


  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Hi there, I also have hypothyroidism and trying to lose a large amount. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have been on hormones for about 2 years but my latest bloods show I need an increase. I have an appointment with my doctor later in the week to hear what he says. Have been battling with my weight for years now, but this time I am determined that I will do it even if it takes a long time.
  • i also have hypothyroidism and i take levothyroxine everyday,
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    Me too! Friend me please!
    It's definately is more difficult, but not impossible!
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    Yes. It takes longer, but we'll get there :)
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    So great you are feeling better! I take Levothyroxine 100 mcg and cytomel 5mcg. I have had a thyroid problem since 1983 and nothing really works, but cytomel has been the best addition. I think my adrenals work better on it and I use less caffeine. I tried Armour due to the insistance of my doctor that it was more "natural" and I gained 10 lbs! I am maintaining at under 1200 cals and tire easily so I don't exercise much. I did cut the calories to force off 70 lbs. as low as 1000 sometimes. MFP is helpful to double check nutrition and makes me more aware of grabbing food for energy.
  • rhaizam
    rhaizam Posts: 13 Member
    Im very glad you are starting to feel better, I also have hypothyroidism and have to lose a lot of weight, so you can sure add me for support, we can sure do this!!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I had a pituitary tumor and it was removed with my pituitary gland. I am now adrenal insufficant. I have hypothyroidism and an adrenal mass on one gland. I have many issues in this area. I have lost 22lbs since Nov 2011 and want to loose another 80lbs. Feel free to add me if you like. I am on MFP daily and am very focused.
  • Mine
    Graves Disease - radiation therapy = no thyroid function 1 med.
    Diabetes type 2 3 meds.
    Fibromyalgia 1 med.
    post menopausal no meds

    need to lose just under 90 lbs. to be in the healthy range. I need all the friends I can find. Support returned in kind.

    add me if you would like to.
  • I have had my thyroid tested several times, all show normal. I have not been able to lose, no matter how hard I try, and have gained 40 + lbs since May. Been trying a new supplement "iodine + 2" for a few weeks, so far I have more energy. Gonna try MFP with hubby and give it my all, wish me luck.
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    Ok I think we need to form a group! What say you all? Anyone got a good name?
  • Definitely count me in, I'm going nowhere fast regardless of the calorie counting, soooo frustrating especially when I have people telling me if I stuck to the calories I can't help but lose the weight, yeah right!! Sorry if that sounded angry but I try so hard and then celebrate at losing 6 pound only to continue doing exactly the same and gain 2 pound back, Why??? I'm not giiving in though and will eventually get there regardless of how long it takes, call me the hypo-determinator! Been on levo then taken off that and have been on Armour for around 7 months now and feeling better than I was no just need to get the exercise in check! Add me and we can all support one another
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Not sure if everyone knows - there's a group now:

    It is so eerie how many of our stories are similar... I can TOTALLY empathize with being told that I just need to eat less. One time an endocrinologist said to me, "You may just have to eat only 500 calories a day to lose weight." Really? Has anyone ever been successful at that amount - asinine. At any rate, I think the key is to find a good doctor who will treat symptoms, not just statistics.
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 124 Member
    i sure am! feel free to add me!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    I have had my thyroid tested several times, all show normal. I have not been able to lose, no matter how hard I try, and have gained 40 + lbs since May. Been trying a new supplement "iodine + 2" for a few weeks, so far I have more energy. Gonna try MFP with hubby and give it my all, wish me luck.

    What have your results been? Does your doctor know the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists' standards for what a normal TSH test result is? Currently it's .3 to 3.04. They may even lower it more. Many labs still show a normal range as.5 to 5. This article might inform:
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    I had Grave's Disease, had a total thyroidectomy. Took Levothyroxine for a few years but could never get the dosage set, so Doc switched me to Synthroid about a year ago and feeling a bit better. Still can't lose weight though, but trying! Feel free to add me :)
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    On Levothyroxine my T4 is high, my TSH is still high, but the T3 is low. Antibody level is 400 which is blocking conversion of T4 to T3. Most doctors just want to test TSH and I always fall in the huge span of normal range. Adding Cytomel helps but doesn't fix
    the symptoms completely. It is a frustrating journey. My sis has low Thyroid, but a high T3 level and feels perfectly fine. She takes no meds at all. I didn't have 100 lbs to lose, but I lost 70 by being really stubborn and reducing calories until the weight started coming off. I called it the half portion diet. I am on here to lose the ten I gained on Armour. Good luck ladies, the more tests the better on thyroid I think and everyone reacts differently to medication so never give up.
  • I'm not yet, but chances are I will one day. Both of my brothers had graves disease
  • Hey y'all my name is Wanda! I have just recently found out about my fitness pal and joined! Actually today is my first day! I have hypothyroidism, I have had since I was a teenager. It's so very hard to loose weight with it as an obsticle, however it gives me hope to see all you guy's posting on here and doing so well. Congrats to you all, wish me luck, any pointers would be greatly appreciated! God bless!