MM Challenge-Closed Group



  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    So, I changed my "red light food" to chocolate. I forgot that this week was girls night out!!
  • Hi Ladies!

    i have had a stress-filled week, but have done the best i could. I did eat my food that I had eliminated yesterday, and also because of having an off the charts day, have weighed in more this a.m., so a weight gain this week for me. I think likely it is the salt, but it doesn't matter since I am getting right back on the plan today, starting with water!

    I now have a week off, where I will refocus, and get lots of sleep!

    I hope Tanya is back - an OK. Sometimes life gives us a lot of stuff all at once. And, I have "managed" it for years with food. I am happy to be on this challenge with you all, and hope we can also be supportive of the "slips". What I know for sure if that I used to have a day like yesterday 2-3 times a week, maybe even more. Now it is every month to two months.

    Happy day to you, wherever you are - an on the slopes, at home, working out!

    Go team!!!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    The new challenge should be posted tomorrow but here is what was posted today

    Nutrition-meet vitamins a, b, c & calcium Fitness-the 100 workout 100 Jumping Jack's 90 crunches 80 squats 70 leg lifts 60 woodchoppers 50 JJ's 40 crunches 30 squats 20 leg lifts 10 woodchoppers

    Tonya said we do not need to count vit b
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm confused. The 100 challenge posted below is different than the Excel sheet. Which is correct? Should we do this every day?

    I got on the scale this morning and weighed 1.5 more than I did on Saturday but my pants fit better than they did last week. I really would love for this challenge to keep track of inches because the LBs aren't showing my progress!!!!! :)
  • Glad the pants are fitting better! Yes, the scale IS unpredictable, and not my really reflective of all that goes on in long-term weight loss. I'd like that as a challenge too - Maybe when it is our turn....

    I think this is the recap of the exercises to be done daily...
    150 Jumping JAcks
    130 Crunchies
    110 Squats
    90 leg lifts
    70 woodchoppers

    Every day! Whew! That will be a lot!!!

  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    Well ladies, it's our turn to think of a challenge! Any ideas??

    Tara and I are thinking of certain # of minutes of workout everyday challenge (say 60 minutes of workout everyday) because everyone can complete a certain number of minutes of workout everyday rather than basing it off of calories per day to make it more fair.

    This workout is intense! Especially after an intense boot camp! And getting my calcium for the day was hard too. :-( Makes me realize how many of my days I obviously don't get my recommended daily amount. I wish MFP had more room to put all of the things on the page.

    Any other ideas for our challenges this week?
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I combined the number of exercises on the spreadsheet to simplify things. There was a PS on the challenge and we can do half of the exercises on alternate days.

    I like the idea of # of min of exercise per day or something like burn 10, 12, or 15 times your weight. For the nutrion part, I always like having a water challenge. I found this calculator a couple of weeks ago that determines how much water you need based on weight, exercise, altitude, dry climate, etc., it might be better than the normal 100 oz.

    I thought the calcium part was going to be hard but I usually have a smoothie with soymilk, protein powder/meal replacement, fruit, and spinach and I ended up getting most of my calcium today from the smoothie. Heather gave me some suggestions for vegetables that are high in calcium:

    Swiss Chard (boiled in a bit of water) 1 cup =22 g of calcium
    Sauteed Spinach (1/2 c cooked) = 14 g calcium
    Black beans (1/4th cup) = 8 g calcium
    Baked Potato (medium) = 10 g of calcium
    Figs, broccoli, french green beans, dried apricots, and tofu are high too...
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm all up to speed on the challenge now. I guess I was just having 'a moment' because it makes perfect sense now. :) I did the workout last night and loved it... though my lower abs are aching from all of those leg lifts!!

    I like the idea of a water challenge and the number of minutes of exercise per day. I think 60 minutes is do-able.

    What about this? (one of my personal favorites!)
    'Plank Marathon': (repeat twice for a total of 4 minutes each day)
    30 sec front plank
    30 second R side plank
    30 second front plank
    30 second L side pank (then start back at top)
    * can be done on knees if needed
  • Hi there:)

    I like the ideas for workout - could it be a workout each day with the plank and water (as calculated by the website) and.....

    I would like to encourage people to eat 2 servings of fruit or veggies at every meal.

    It is so good for us!

    Happy week! I'm now shifting to finishing up mu taxes!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    I like Heather's summary of what our challenge should be for next week.

    -Work out/Exercise @ least 60 min each day
    -Plank Circut as suggested by apple84
    -Water determined by the website
    -@ least 2 servings of veggies/fruit each meal -this one will be hard for me (at b-fast anyways!)

    Any other takers/suggestions/opinions?
  • This will be pretty hard core - what if we said all of the above, but 45 minutes of cardio? That might make it more do-able for those who work 12 hour days...
  • Or, what about extra points for those working out more than 30 minutes a day in increments of 15 minutes? That would make a nice challenge between teams...
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    I think it all sounds wonderful! Whatever combo you guys decide works best is fine by me!!
  • Hi Ladies! I just looked up the RDA on fruits and veggies...

    Minimum 1.5 fruits a day ( that's fruits as in CUPS of fruit, or a whole fruit)
    2.5 Cups of Vegetables a day. 8 oz veggie juice =1 serving, 2 c lettuce =1 serving.

    This is the minimum. I think the challenge should be 6 CUPS (or the equivalent), not servings, a day for the challenge.

    And, I tried the PLANK today! Whew! 30 seconds is my max... people may need to modify and do more reps to get to 4 minutes, but it is a GREAT exercise!!!

    Hope your week is going well, all!

  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    I think leaving the plank portion at 30 seconds is fine but note that modifications may be necessary. Maybe do 1/2 every other day like the 100 challenge this week.

    I read an article last night about the importance of fiber and I think adding Fiber to the nutrition challenge would be good. I like the fruit/veggie part too. I've been eating a ton of veggies lately and I've been feeling great!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    I think we should leave it at 60 mintues of exercise per day. And here's why:

    Most peope on here are trying to loose weight or stay healthy and already work out 30 minutes a day, so it wouldn't be a challenge for them like it should be. This is about motivation. If we challenge people to do 60 minutes a day and they don't do it, they don't do it which means that they have to put a "No" on their spreadsheet for that day. People don't like doing that. I hate doing that. So people would be more inclined to work out for whatever they're missing so that they can say "yes" and know that they've accomplished the challenge for that day. Plus, we already did a "points" program and feel like that didn't really motivate many people. It looked like everyone worked out what they normally do and just put the points down, sometimes only 2 point or whatever a day (like me on my no bootcamp days). This is supposed to be challenging and motivational! People can break up the 60 minutes throughout the day and do 5 min here, 15 min there blah blah blah.

    Anyways, that's why I think we should keep it at 60 minutes! Make people work to not have a punishment for not doing the work out they should be doing anyways! :-)

    Sounds like our challenges are going to be intense! I think the fruits/veggies is gonna be hardest for me just because I'm on the go constantly and don't have time for a full blown lunch half the time! But I'm up for the challenge. Same with the water. :-( I hate having to go pee every 5 minutes drinking that much water.
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    Preach it, sister! :) I agree about making it 60 minutes so that it is challenging.

    So to sum up what we have for challenges:
    60 minutes of exercise per day
    Plank Marathon - Daily (or 1/2 every other day if needed)
    1.5 cups of fruit per day
    2.5 cups of veggies per day

    Is that right?

    In other news, I came across a workout that I think is worth sharing. I'm going to post it on the refrigerator and incorporate it into my workout routine a few times a week.
    30 jumping jacks
    5 push ups
    25 high knees
    7 burpees
    10 crunches
    7 squats
    5 push ups
    10 crunches
    5 push ups
    7 squats
    30 jumping jacks
    1 minute wall sit
    5 push ups
    25 high knees
    Repeat 3-5 times for Max Results.
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    So we have:

    60 min of exercise per day

    'Plank Marathon': (repeat twice for a total of 4 minutes each day)
    30 sec front plank
    30 second R side plank
    30 second front plank
    30 second L side pank (then start back at top)
    * can be done on knees if needed
    * can do 1/2 on alternate days

    6 cups of fruits/veg per day

    I think we should drop the water challenge, the fruits/veg are tough enough. Did I miss anything?

    That workout routine looks challenging.
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    Sounds good to me! It'll be a tough week for sure!!
  • I'm so excited for this week's challenge. Groan! Last week's, in addition to my Couch to 5 K running has mad me one tired lady! Tonight an early night!

    Let's see what Trex says about our proposal...

    Happy day of rest!