Things you do to self motivate

I think we all have our own small rewards that we give ourselves to keep ourselfs motivated. Here are some of mine

- Every time I work out I put aside a dollar and once I'm at a certain amount (20, 30, 50) I go out and buy a new article of clothing.
- If I was good I treat myself at least once a week with a sinful dessert. For me this is a lifestyle change and there is no way I could go through my life without sweets.


  • rsidebo
    I really like your monitary reward system. I think I will expand it to a $1 a pound, a dollar each time I stay within my limits on my food diary, a dollar everytime I do some sort of exercise. I'm having trouble getting started with exercise. It all hurts me. My doctor tells me to "work through the pain" because all my tests say negative to anything seriously wrong with my joints. Thanks for the idea!
  • okerachel
    okerachel Posts: 45 Member
    I keep myself fighting by... literally fighting! I go to a kick-boxing training class almost everyday. There is nothing quite as empowering as slamming/kicking/squatting and dancing around a punching back for half an hour. Definitely quiets that wimpy little you-can't-do-this voice in the back of your head.
  • carrie7511
    carrie7511 Posts: 2 Member
    I like the idea of putting $ for a new outfit. I HATE the way my clothes look and truly hate getting dressed these days. I used to love dressing and now I just feel blah. This would be a really good motivator for me.
    thanks for sharing.
    I just started this recently and am getting the hang of it.
  • Danielle_Star
    I love the idea of saving for a new outfit and I think I will adopt it! Also you just helped me realize that I do not have a reward system for myself. Thanks for helping me realize!
  • TamiKiki
    TamiKiki Posts: 18 Member
    -With every 5 pounds or so I buy a new workout outfit or outfit. Seeing how the clothes fits better is quite motivating for me.
    -I found workout routines that are "fun" and intense.
    -I treat myself once a week. During the week, I tell myself, just wait till Saturday. It helps to keep me on track for the week.
    -I push myself in the workouts. Whats really rewarding for me is to see the progress of my strength and endurance in the gym. Such a great feeling to be able to do something today that I never thought I could accomplish.
  • Camilalea
    Camilalea Posts: 18 Member
    I might steal that idea, too, if you don't mind!

    I remember I used to follow a bunch of thinspiration tumblrs, but they actually depressed me more than motivated me.

    This might sound odd, but my feelings are mostly what I use to motivate myself. When I hate those people who judge me, I run. When I hate that the guys never notice me, I run to prove them wrong. When I'm happy, I run to let myself be happier. When I hate myself for hating myself, I run to let myself love myself. The sound of my feet pounding of the pavement calms me down, and I run until I can hardly walk home or until I feel happy again.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member

    This might sound odd, but my feelings are mostly what I use to motivate myself. When I hate those people who judge me, I run. When I hate that the guys never notice me, I run to prove them wrong. When I'm happy, I run to let myself be happier. When I hate myself for hating myself, I run to let myself love myself. The sound of my feet pounding of the pavement calms me down, and I run until I can hardly walk home or until I feel happy again.
    I love this! I have a stressful life, and I try to use the stressors as my motivation. I love to be outside running, alone, at 6:00a.m. with my music and my mind!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I harness the power of the Ultimate Warrior.

  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
    If I did the money thing, I'd have around $60 every month to spend on myself!! I may steal this idea... : ))
  • ckerce
    ckerce Posts: 25
    Hey that sounds great about the clothes! I think I will start that one! Thanks for the tips!
  • mikellsmom
    mikellsmom Posts: 51 Member
    I buy myself something nice ever 15pds I lose. The other day I got myself a cut coach wristlet for the same price I would have spent on going out to dinner.
    I also have become addicted to pinterest. They have great motivational pins for fitness. I read over them everyday to keep me going.
    I have a huge sweet tooth so I treat myself one day of the weekend with dessert if I work out 4-5 days that week.
    I think I am going to steal the $ idea. It is really good..
  • PamelaKeebler
    PamelaKeebler Posts: 38 Member
    Strangely, I used to find my loneliness very motivational. I was bored, so I would go to the gym. I felt crappy about myself so I would go to the gym. If I was unhappy or mad about something, I'd go work out really hard. It helped. Now I'm in a great relationship, and the silly thing is that it really scared me at first. I thought I'd "let myself go" and lose all my progress. I guess something clicked.... I just feel better when I'm active. If I need a pick me up, I get on here and read success stories. I also love Pinterest for low cal food and fitness ideas. Also some great motivational posters and pics on there. I went back to a pilates class with a teacher that I love, and she's a huge motivational factor. I guess in my case It's a lot of small motivational things rather than one big motivational thing.
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    I've been treating MFP/FitBit as a game -- when I make my calorie/fitness goals I win! If I don't meet my goals the calorie/fitness gremlins win. So far, knowing the evil gremlins might win has got me up off the couch or out of the pantry when I was tempted.

    It feels good to have the opportunity to win every day -- it's more continuously motivating to me than waiting for big wins in my closet, at the gym, or on the scale.
  • Alexandrea22
    Alexandrea22 Posts: 37 Member
    I stare at my whiteboard which always has an inspirational saying on it. Right now it reads "You are down 17.4 pounds. When things get hard and you want to quit, take a minute and think about how AMAZING you feel at this exact moment...still worth it?" I put this up while I'm working out and it helps me push myself. Mental strength is so important! I also write my weekly goals on there so I feel like I'm running toward my next goal :)
  • silvercat64
    I love the "paid workout" strategy! Mind if I borrow it too?
  • princesspeach577
    princesspeach577 Posts: 56 Member
    The new clothing idea would definitely motivate me! Thanks for the idea :)
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I went window shopping today and found a workout outfit that i would like to have when i get to that size. right now it;s just sweats and a big ol t-shirt. would like to look good while working out in the public.
  • Chrisgarcia1287
    Buying new shoes/workout gear definitely. And music. Music definitely gets me motivated.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I keep reading the title as "Things you do to self medicate"


    Carry on.
  • nilroctarp
    i use a different twist on clothing. i don't necessarily buy new. i simply try on items of my old clothing that i want to get back to being able to wear. i do so knowing i may be a ways from fitting into whatever it is. so i might try the same pair of blue jeans on several times. each time, i make a mental note as to whether i'm getting closer or not making as much progress as i want. either way, it keeps me on track.