What was your rock bottom?



  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    When my daughter (who was young then) used "obese" in a sentence, but she said "obeAST" and I thought - "yea - same difference... I do look like a beast"...
  • suemurphy2010
    Being offered a gastric band operation as my BMI had hit 50. I did it to myself so I was certainly going to be the one to put it right.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    When I could balance my wineglass on my stomach while sitting on the couch.
    My story is similar.
    I was eating a cookie. A piece broke off and landed on my stomach ... and stayed there.
    I knew then, that I had to get rid of that 'shelf.'
  • BLSBoyer
    BLSBoyer Posts: 36 Member
    A lot of alarms were going off... I wasn't fitting in my clothes... the only pants I wore were black jogging pants... I started making fat jokes (about MYSELF)... I lacked any self-control around food... Even going up and down steps got harder... Since then I have dropped 28 lbs. but I still have a lot more to go!

    I also graduated last May with my MBA but keep getting turned down at interviews, and I am hoping with the weight loss and greater self-confidence I can change the outcome.
  • monharri
    woke up one morning after getting 10 hours of sleep and still felt like the walking dead. figured enough was enough.
  • jmhollifield
    jmhollifield Posts: 1 Member
    420 and gassed after walking to the mailbox... at 27 years old. With a baby on the way.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I've had the same realization twice.

    The first time was about 4 years ago when I thought I had lost some weight--I stepped on the scale only to realize that I was at my all-time high. It was about 20 pounds heavier than the last time I had stepped on the scale a few months earlier. Eek!

    The more recent time was just a few months ago. I realized due to health issues, my weight was creeping up. No matter what I did, nothing was making it stay put or even decrease. I basically accepted it, though, since it was medical--not me. Then, at Thanksgiving, I realized I was the largest member of my entire family (both immediate and extended). It wasn't okay with me. When I got home, I stepped on the scale only to see that I was back to my all-time high weight. That next Monday I started a gluten-free diet (turns out a gluten intolerance caused me to hold onto weight) and have lost 11 pounds.

    It's a slow proces (I'm still dealing with health stuff that slows my weight loss to a crawl), but it's happening...finally!
  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    looking at pictures from vacation and realizing I was HUGE. Pictures dont lie!

    ^^^^ this

    Same for me, my husband took a picture of me in my bathing suit. I was disgusted!!!
  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    Mine was almost the same, mine occurred to me when I looked up at the CC TV in my bank and throught, whoa, I'm huge
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am surprised I havent seen this one yet:

    I was tagged in a photo on the 4th of july on Facebook and I thought they made a mistake. Nope, I wasn't just a little thick, I was fat.

    Got back on MFP and decided it was time to change my life for good. Not just to lose weight again, but to lose the weight forever and life a healthier life.

    The same thing happened to me! I was tagged in a picture on FB from our neighborhood party and I literally could not believe how fat I looked.
  • Partyofpugs
    I had to buy pants two sizes larger than I ever wore, had to go to a cardiologist and found out I have a heart problem, an a whole host of health issues that continued to pile up. I've lost a lot of weight before, but this time I have to keep it off to stay alive! Very scary. My parents both died in their 60's. I'm almost 55 and realize that I want to live longer than 15 - 20 more years!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    When in High School I was always around the 150-155 mark. And when I went for a checkup at the doctor about 2 years later (never weighed myself before because I was a XC runner and softball player) the scale said 186 lbs. I couldn't believe it.
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I was looking at pictures from this past Christmas and I just looked like this round blob on the floor opening presents instead of a person. And then there was the fact that I got 3-4 workout related things for Christmas and I knew it was a sign. I started soon after that and haven't stopped since.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I went hiking at a mountain I used to climb all the time and I almost died :D
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Looking at vacation pictures with my husband and kids who are all quite athletic looking, slim but strong. I thought it wasn't that bad, until I looked at the pictures. Something had to change. I got halfway there, and I stopped. I don't know why, maybe I thought I had done well enough. But I still hated swimming, I looked awful in a bathing suit. Still couldn't wear shorts in public, still was buying pants that would 'squish' my belly. And I decided I didn't want to live that way anymore. So I am back to finish what I started. I won't settle for halfway. The end is in sight and I won't stop til I am there.
  • haj0808
    haj0808 Posts: 51 Member
    I thought I hit my low when I saw myself in a recent photo and I looked aged heavy and tired,And it hit me everyone around me felt I was fine and that's my norm! That's my norm! Wow! I lost 20 pounds... now here comes the new low feeling better I'm getting on track.And my doctor calls me to say..I need to test my blood twice a day. I'm pre diebitic. Just picked my monitor this morning....talk about depressed. I thought I was doing better. But its obviously not enough to little to late. This is my new bottom!. So i got keep going...
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Rock bottom.... hmmm

    My wife left me for one of my friends for being fat on christmas day 2003. That was pretty bad. I lived in a cave for a year not coming out except to work when I had to after that.

    I wasn't motivated to do what I do today from rock bottom though. Seeing a picture of myself playing soccer last spring at 242 lbs was motivation enough, followed by a couple of rude women who said some nasty things after meeting me.

    Here I am today.
  • Elizadolots
    I started 'dissapearing'. Or got noticed for the wrong reasons. People used to talk about my height, my eyes, my hair. Then it was the 'big girl' with the long hair. Not good enough anymore!
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    Rock bottom.... hmmm

    My wife left me for one of my friends for being fat on christmas day 2003. That was pretty bad. I lived in a cave for a year not coming out except to work when I had to after that.

    I wasn't motivated to do what I do today from rock bottom though. Seeing a picture of myself playing soccer last spring at 242 lbs was motivation enough, followed by a couple of rude women who said some nasty things after meeting me.

    Here I am today.

    you look great, now!
  • shutterbugteresa
    My wake-up call was hearing the Dr. say "Blood pressure pills & Cholesterol medicine"! I have heard horror stories about both!