OT Divorce Vent

allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
Can I rant here a little? This has nothing to do with weightloss or the usual topics posted here. I am just so frustrated. I am through my divorce and yet I still feel like I need an attorney on retainer. Every week I have a legal question and I am so tired of it. I just want everything to be done with so we can move on. Well, done in the sence of financial and "battles". We have kids so unfortunately I have to deal with this jerk the rest of my life. But I am so tired of not know the right/legal thing to do. Even in my divorce I was guessing most of the time because if I emailed my lawyer she would charge me for the time. And I don't have $250/hour to pay every situation that comes up. And now that everything is "final" and I still have questions I can't go to her at all. Well, I could but like I said, I would have to pay. With him not paying his child support I just don't have the money. I can barely support us on what I make and even then I find myself borrowing money. I never thought he would be this person. I have learned so much about the type of person he is. It's like someone I never knew. And this was the person I MARRIED!! And it scares me to think it could be like this for the next 16 years!! :(

OK, rant over. Thanks for "listening". You deserve a cookie. Go have one. I said so.


  • Do not feel bad about ranting! I think that is the best part of this website, I can rant about my day in a blog or in a post and feel so much better.
    I would rather rant and rave online than keep it inside and eat.
    I am glad that you want to share. I love listening. :D I think that's why I want to become a psychologist/
  • I am not sure what the laws are there, but if he is not paying I would contact the attorney generals office.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Thankfully no kids are involved so no "battle" there. But one day my wife just decided to "walk out" on me.. just up and left. I think she is completely clueless to the huge mess that she left behind (that I am stull cleaning up) and the huge mess she created going forward. North Carolina has a one year (F ME) waiting period, so I have to put up with the BS for another 9 months or so. I am not a happy camper. And of course she just flits away and goes on with her life like nothing happened and I'm the one shoveling *kitten* for years to come. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I am pulling my hair out over here.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    It is scary how much someone can change once you divorce them or money is involved. I wish you the best of luck. I know it must be hard on you and your children.
  • It's not the easiest thing to go through. Even if you don't love the person anymore, the dissapointment of your lack in judgement stays a little while! Do you know, you can drag this on for as long as you want, and with money and kids there might always be 'something'. But the biggest favor you can do for yourself, is to let go and let it be. Anger, frustration, fear - it's all going to hold YOU back. And your children!

    I decided the best revenge would be for me to be happy and fabulous. To put it all well and truly behind me! And I never looked back. Live now for yourself and your children, not to get even or score more points than him. Just let go of all of it. You'll be doing yourself a world of good.

    Chin up, it gets easier when you are ready to move on!
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I am not sure what the laws are there, but if he is not paying I would contact the attorney generals office.

    Oh, my legal troubles don’t have anything to do with him not paying child support. He quit his job once the full support kicked in and it was being taken out of his check. I have a case with Child Support Services and they will go after him for the money; should he ever have money. That is the EASY part of everything. Well, other than me being broke as hell. It is all the other stuff I need legal advice for.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    For those considering divorce, talk to women who have been through a divorce. They will know what you are entitled to. Do your research, tell the lawyer what you want, even write out a tentative agreement. This way, the costs will be lower. My lawyer didn't do a thing. I had 1 year of law training, did the research, and got a good deal. LOL


    In some states, you don't need a lawyer to get the child support. You can go to the attorney general's office and get some help or guidance. Shop around for lawyers as well. Some lawyers charge a flat rate. Go with them as your lawyer appears to be in it for the money, not to help people. Additionally, in some cases, if you have to take him to court over the child support, you may be able to also get him to pay your legal fees. Check it out. If you have a limited income, the county lawyer may be able to help you for a nominal charge. You may have to serve him. Have a big bully friend serve the papers instead of a court appointed person. They can take others along if they need to.

    Hope this helps. Good luck. And yes, we find out who the real person is when things like this happen. Many ex's - men and women - will hurt the children in order to get back at the ex-spouse. It is immature and irresponsible, but that is the way of humans.
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    It's not the easiest thing to go through. Even if you don't love the person anymore, the dissapointment of your lack in judgement stays a little while! Do you know, you can drag this on for as long as you want, and with money and kids there might always be 'something'. But the biggest favor you can do for yourself, is to let go and let it be. Anger, frustration, fear - it's all going to hold YOU back. And your children!

    I decided the best revenge would be for me to be happy and fabulous. To put it all well and truly behind me! And I never looked back. Live now for yourself and your children, not to get even or score more points than him. Just let go of all of it. You'll be doing yourself a world of good.

    Chin up, it gets easier when you are ready to move on!

    I WANT to move on. And I am trying to. But until I get get all the financial stuff severed I have to deal with him. I would NEVER try to get him back for anything. My kids come first and to do anything like that would just hurt them.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Sorry to hear about all the stuff the attorney is putting you through. I'm learning about those type of expenses and how they work in Accounting and it's just awful! I really agree with the lady that suggests looking for other divorced women you can talk to for FREE and get some real information the divorce lawyer probably won't want to part with. I can understand they have to make a living too but it seems all so ridiculous just to get some questions answered.

    I hope things work out for you eventually! Good luck.
  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    Every Sunday when my EX comes to pick up the kids, I wonder to myself.....how in the world did I ever love you? I just want to know when the feelings of wanting to punch him in the face will pass lol
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    Unfortunately my legal questions aren't general but are specific to my case. And like I said, the divorce is final. We have the decree. But it is a matter how some things can be intreprited and then I had to file BK and how does that affect the accounts. Other things that are more tricky.

    I don't think my lawyer was a bad lawyer or "money hungry" that is the going rate for a divorce lawyer. She wasn't the cheapest but she also wasn't the most expensive. And I think she did a great job. Especially when he showed up to our Financial conference with a TEAM of lawyers like something out of Erin Brokavich. It was a power play used to intimidate but we held our own and I mostly got what I expected to get.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Can I rant here a little? This has nothing to do with weightloss or the usual topics posted here. I am just so frustrated. I am through my divorce and yet I still feel like I need an attorney on retainer. Every week I have a legal question and I am so tired of it. I just want everything to be done with so we can move on. Well, done in the sence of financial and "battles". We have kids so unfortunately I have to deal with this jerk the rest of my life. But I am so tired of not know the right/legal thing to do. Even in my divorce I was guessing most of the time because if I emailed my lawyer she would charge me for the time. And I don't have $250/hour to pay every situation that comes up. And now that everything is "final" and I still have questions I can't go to her at all. Well, I could but like I said, I would have to pay. With him not paying his child support I just don't have the money. I can barely support us on what I make and even then I find myself borrowing money. I never thought he would be this person. I have learned so much about the type of person he is. It's like someone I never knew. And this was the person I MARRIED!! And it scares me to think it could be like this for the next 16 years!! :(

    OK, rant over. Thanks for "listening". You deserve a cookie. Go have one. I said so.

    It will get better. If your in a state that permits and he doesn't pay. Take him to court. If you can't afford a lawyer the state has to fight on your behalf. Im sorry you had to go through that. I hope things turn around for the better. In the mean time take care of yourself and your children. <3

    Edit: :) Love the cookie bit at the end lol
  • It's not the easiest thing to go through. Even if you don't love the person anymore, the dissapointment of your lack in judgement stays a little while! Do you know, you can drag this on for as long as you want, and with money and kids there might always be 'something'. But the biggest favor you can do for yourself, is to let go and let it be. Anger, frustration, fear - it's all going to hold YOU back. And your children!

    I decided the best revenge would be for me to be happy and fabulous. To put it all well and truly behind me! And I never looked back. Live now for yourself and your children, not to get even or score more points than him. Just let go of all of it. You'll be doing yourself a world of good.

    Chin up, it gets easier when you are ready to move on!

    I WANT to move on. And I am trying to. But until I get get all the financial stuff severed I have to deal with him. I would NEVER try to get him back for anything. My kids come first and to do anything like that would just hurt them.

    You're a good person! Initially I felt very vengeful towards my ex. Didn't do too much about it, but could understand why some people might!

    I walked away from all the money, because it meant not having to deal with the ex that much. Can't recommend it for everyone! The ex stayed rich and carefree, I had to move out of my house and got a bad credit rating. Still, worth it for me in many ways.

    Wishing you best of luck.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    If you're having trouble making ends meet you can try to find a Legal Aid type office. They usually have a sliding scale fee based on what you can afford. You can call your local welfare assistance office and ask them for the phone number of someone who does legal stuff for low income people. You may not be low income but it's still worth a shot.
  • just a quick bit of advice..Department of social services (I didnt look where you are) have a child support enforcement office. You go there, fill out some paperwork and they serve him. From then on, they create an account that he has to deposit the child support into or their are legal remifications for him. Takes the 'You' out of the equation since for most men its a control issue trying to still control you.

    edit-and I see that you already have this going...strength & hugs..all divorces are unique and hard. Especially when the partner involved decides to make it ugly.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    If you're having trouble making ends meet you can try to find a Legal Aid type office. They usually have a sliding scale fee based on what you can afford. You can call your local welfare assistance office and ask them for the phone number of someone who does legal stuff for low income people. You may not be low income but it's still worth a shot.

    Sort of along the same lines, does your work offer any kind of mental health or legal benefit? Would be worth it to check into it. I work for the local government, and my employer offers both types of assistance.

    Good luck to you. What a horrible situation to be in...
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Maybe you could start a closed community group for divorcing/divorced women on MFP? They may be able to answer some of your questions- who knows, you may even get a member with some legal background.

    In any case, keep your spirits up! You have to focus on you and your kids- don't let him bring you down!

    Good luck!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I understand exactly how you feel. I felt like I was constantly wondering if his threats or the situation I was in was something I could do something about. I also felt like I had to have a lawyer standing by.
    I was so weak at that time that everything he said to me scared me and I wasn't sure what my rights were. He threatened to not return the children to me, not to pay child support, take them out of the country. He threatened kill me, kill himself, told me that I was stuck with this bill or that bill. Here was the kicker. He gave me child support - deducted from his check, but he forced me to return 3/4 of the money to him. I did it because he scared me. How is that for a real man? Some guy who pretends to pay child support and doesn't want to take care of his children. I did call the lawyer at first, and then I started researching on my own. I would definitely confide in other women. Please feel free to PM me with anything. I went through a lot of financial crap including cars, homes, credit card bills, etc. and it all worked out.
    I can tell you that it totally sucks knowing that you must deal with this person for many years, but it will get better. You will probably never like him but you will be able to tolerate him.
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I know, it's a nightmare. Lawyers don't come cheap. Cost me £8k (over $12k) to sort out my child access. I got a couple of family law books and read them through, helped me get my head around things.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Have you tried filing his CS through the state? That's what I ended up having to do with my ex husband.