Hungry All the Time!!

I am seriously hungry all the time. I try to eat healthy and I try to stay within my allowed caloried but I am starving. I eat plently of fiber. I drink lots of water (as evidence by how much i pee). I do several small meals throughout the day so I can space it. Nothing seems to be helping. I need either a very strong appetite suppressent or another trick I haven't tried. I'm having such a hard time losing weight.


  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    What is your calorie limit? And what exactly are you consuming? Lots of protein? Good carbs? Veggies? Some more information will be helpful for us to try to help you :-)
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I deal with hunger, as well. I have found that it is a matter of carb choice, and if I get a bunch of veggies on my plate and balance it out with something of substance (like adding beans), it helps a lot. Also, I make sure to have protein with each meal, and I don't go fat free. A small amount of a healthy fat (olive oil, avocado, etc) will help tremendously.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    What is your calorie limit? And what exactly are you consuming? Lots of protein? Good carbs? Veggies? Some more information will be helpful for us to try to help you :-)


    Appetite suppressants are not the answer
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    can you open your diary, more people will try and help you. maybe need to up your calorie limit.
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    My calorie count is at 1200 but i usually consume around 1300. I eat lots of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and fish. I can't eat too many vegetables though bc they make me extremely bloated and gassy. I'll do whole grains. I stay away from sugars and anything that could cause a spike in my blood sugar. I am 190 lbs and only 5'2''. My goal weight is 125 which is healthy for my body frame.
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    can you open your diary, more people will try and help you. maybe need to up your calorie limit.

    I didn't know i could do this. I'll try
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Are you breastfeeding your baby? I glanced at your profile and saw that you have a little one. If you are breastfeeding then you need to up you calories to a minimum of 1800-ish.

    If you aren't, you may still want to up your calories a bit. What is your weightloss set at? If it's two lbs per week, you might want to drop it to one. Also, an open diary might help.

    I eat a ton of fiber and protein. I also exercise daily so I can eat back my exercise calories. Healthy fats are wonderful, too.
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    Are you breastfeeding your baby? I glanced at your profile and saw that you have a little one. If you are breastfeeding then you need to up you calories to a minimum of 1800-ish.

    If you aren't, you may still want to up your calories a bit. What is your weightloss set at? If it's two lbs per week, you might want to drop it to one. Also, an open diary might help.

    I eat a ton of fiber and protein. I also exercise daily so I can eat back my exercise calories. Healthy fats are wonderful, too.

    I am not breast feeding. And I have it set at a number between 1 and 2lbs a week. I think. I'll have to go back and readjust it. I'll try upping my calories some and see if that helps. I may be doing too drastic too quickly. I would exercise more but i am nursing a broken foot and torn tendents (sp) in my ankle so i'm limited in what i can do.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Are you breastfeeding your baby? I glanced at your profile and saw that you have a little one. If you are breastfeeding then you need to up you calories to a minimum of 1800-ish.

    If you aren't, you may still want to up your calories a bit. What is your weightloss set at? If it's two lbs per week, you might want to drop it to one. Also, an open diary might help.

    I eat a ton of fiber and protein. I also exercise daily so I can eat back my exercise calories. Healthy fats are wonderful, too.

    I am not breast feeding. And I have it set at a number between 1 and 2lbs a week. I think. I'll have to go back and readjust it. I'll try upping my calories some and see if that helps. I may be doing too drastic too quickly. I would exercise more but i am nursing a broken foot and torn tendents (sp) in my ankle so i'm limited in what i can do.

    YEOUCH! That sounds painful! Good luck in being active.... that is rough.
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    In terms of water, spacing out meals etc, it sounds like you are doing the right things. I personally would try upping your calories. Check what your BMR is (in the 'tools' bar I believe) and I would suggest eating at least that number as that is what you're body would need if you were literally in a coma. IMO, slow progress is the best kind because you're more likely to change those bad habits and keep the weight off. Hope you see some positives soon! :)
  • Jingram2b
    Eat more protein. It will help with hunger. Carbs won't (generally).

    The spacing of meals probably isn't helping your hunger either and, further, it's not necessary. Since meal spacing it doesn't seem to be working for you on a psychological level, you should consider stopping the 5-6 meal a day thing.

    Edit: I just read that you're eating only 1200 cals a day. Eat more and make sure you incorporate resistance training.
  • 30yearssincebikini
    For me, two things helped. The biggest thing was probably joining the gym. Since I have been exercising regularly, my hunger/cravings have all but stopped. Also, eating a lot of unprocessed food, like lean meats etc, has made my cravings diminish. At least I think that's why I don't crave food as much as I used to. But definitely exercise. Do you exercise?
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    PROOOOOOTEEEEEEEIN. and a good amount of dietary fats, too.

    I've seen this question many times on these boards. Usually, after looking at their food diary, the number one source of calories in their diet is carbohydrates.
  • Dammitviv
    I am seriously hungry all the time. I try to eat healthy and I try to stay within my allowed caloried but I am starving. I eat plently of fiber. I drink lots of water (as evidence by how much i pee). I do several small meals throughout the day so I can space it. Nothing seems to be helping. I need either a very strong appetite suppressent or another trick I haven't tried. I'm having such a hard time losing weight.

    I had a similar problem. A couple months ago, I upped my calorie allowance to 1500 and was eating 5 small meals; but I found my stomach growling constantly. Three weeks ago I decided to try something different. I still have my goal set at 1500, but now I eat a much larger breakfast 400-500 calories, and around 300 calories for lunch. The big breakfast keeps my tummy happy until about lunch time. I have an afternoon snack and a decent sized dinner. In the last 2 weeks, I finally started seeing the scale move.

    I have also found it helpful to bring a container of frozen veggies to work, if I get hungry towards the end of the day I can throw them in the microwave and "steam" them and that keeps me from snacking while I cook dinner.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I agree with the above post that eating a bunch of small meals throughout the day isn't helping you. I personally think that makes me hungrier, since one can't really eat their fill at one setting, so you are never really satisfied.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I can't offer any suggestions, I am also hungry all the time. For me, when i am hungry, i hammer down 16-32 oz of water. It helps, but doesn't make it go away. I take in over 150g of protein a day, and I drink 1 gallon of water at least per day.

    I personally feel like when I am hungry, thats a good thing. I take in enough calories to support my activity, but to lose weight, to me you should be hungry. Being hungry to me reminds me I am doing this right..........also fighting the cravings is a battle of wills........
  • alix1105
    i'm not sure about a hunger suppressant... but I was definitely having the same problems as you when I started. I was like.. WTF? How do people only take in 1200 calories a day?! that was crazy to me. lol But i started watching my portions (which helps A LOT!), I be sure to eat breakfast every day! (this was a huggeeee part that helps me get through the day!) and I started taking more vitamins which helped not only provide me with more energy, but burn more energy as well. I started taking a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and the one that helped the most is B12. That DEFINITELY boosts my energy and burns a lot too. I love it. Just take small steps tho. Definitely don't cut your diet down to what MFP tell you to if it's not what you're used to. For instance, I started out eating probably about 2000 cals a day. I slowed down moderately every week.. to 1800 cals, then 1600, then 1400 and so on.. it's different for everyone. you just have to find whats right for YOU.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Eat more protein. It will help with hunger. Carbs won't (generally).

    The spacing of meals probably isn't helping your hunger either and, further, it's not necessary. Since meal spacing it doesn't seem to be working for you on a psychological level, you should consider stopping the 5-6 meal a day thing.

    Edit: I just read that you're eating only 1200 cals a day. Eat more and make sure you incorporate resistance training.

    I have the opposite problem. If I don't have a little bit of starchier carbs (typically 2 servings a day) I will have insatiable hunger. No amount of nuts, healthy fats, protein, fruit or veggies will solve it. I have 1/2 -1 cup of carbs, and suddenly things are fine. Definitely experiment, our body chemistry can be very different.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    After a year and a half I am still hungry all the time :ohwell:
  • HealthyHappyVegan
    I actually find exercise to be a great hunger suppressant! But be careful, it makes some people far hungrier.
    I have recently been burning anywhere around 700 calories at the gym about 4 or 5 days a week. It's great because you then get a ton of calories to eat back, and if it works for you like it does for me, you'll be less hungry too :)