Bob Harper Ultimate Cardio Body

WOW! I just did this work out. It is old school lunges squats jumps and running in place - also weights for presses and curls.

Not for the faint of heart! Some people have reviewed that it was hard on the knees. I do body weight strength to fatigue training so I felt I could hang in there for the entire hour. Dripping in sweat and LOVED Bobs personality and timing. Felt like I had someone working me out right in my room LOL - Also I liked that the people who were his class in the video weren't just robots executing everything perfectly. They were struggling through too which was comforting to see hehe.

Anyway If you are up for a killer home dvd that utilizes all the simple old moves to bring your heart up and down -check this out! Anyone else use this video? What are your thoughts? --

I burned 555 calories. This is my first video from Bob Harper- I think I want to get another of his!


  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I just got this dvd but I haven't tried it yet. I also got 2 of his kettlebell dvds and will try those as soon as I go buy a kettlebell. I will post back here after I have done them.
  • mandrews2307
    Bob Harper's kettlebell workout is a killer. When I first started doing it I was dripping wet within 5 minutes. I don't do it every day but over the course of months, I have definitely gotten stronger in my core. I might actually need to increase my kettlebell weight soon. Good luck.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    This sounds like something i should try out! :) Dripping in sweat is always a nice feeling! :)
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I have his cardio kettlebell shred and do it about 3 times a week. Recently brought a heartrate monitor to log how many calories I burn while working out, and I was greatly surprised to find out in just 30 minutes of doing it I had burned 600 calories. And I drip with sweat every time.
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I have just created a group for those doing the Bob Harper DVD's! Please feel free to join so we can all motivate eachother! :)

    It's for the Bob Harper Inside Out Method

    Thanks! :)
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I forgot to post on here that I did this workout this past saturday and I am still sore!! I weigh about 170 and burned 610 cals in the 65 mins I was doing it per HRM. This was by far the hardest video I have done. I am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. This one has got to give amazing results b/c I thought I was going to die while doing it. Lol.
  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    Anyone still doing this? I just started it last week, and it IS a workout! !