What was your rock bottom?



  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Bottom for me has been a culmination since right after Christmas....

    1) Had to buy size 22 jeans for the first time ever
    2) Going to LegoLand and not being able to strap myself in on the roller coaster and the attendant asking me if I could put my breasts somewhere so he could force it to latch. Umm...they don't detach!
    3) A visit to the doctor where the scale hit 250 lb. which was a number I swore I would NEVER see.
    4) Last and not least...the end of my 2 year relationship with a man that destroyed my self-worth.

    It's time for the losing to begin and I am thrilled to find this site. (Wow...can't believe I actually shared all this with strangers)
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Going shopping at my favorite store and realizing that if I got any bigger would not be able to shop there anymore. Decided then that there was not going to be a plus size catalog in my future.
  • bobbi6440
    bobbi6440 Posts: 15 Member
    Going to the Doc again and having her increase my insulin one more time and having someone say your are an insulin dependant diabetic with thyroid issue. You will never be able to loose weight. I was on so much medication and sick of it continuing to increase. At that time I weighed 230 and had lost 26 pounds why couldn't I just keep going.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    The scales said 19 stone (I'm 5ft 4, this is the day after my 6ft 7 male friend said he weighed 19 stone) :noway:
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Pictures from my daughter's 3rd birthday party. My husband and I had separated a few days before that. I was at my highest ever (252). I did not want to see any more pictures like that again. Fast forward to her 4th birthday party, maybe 20 lbs lighter but still waaaaay too much of me, red faced and round... I have too much to live for and she is my #1 motivation. I can't wait for her birthday this September, to see what i have achieved and feel proud of myself.
  • cmillv
    cmillv Posts: 18 Member
    I hurt my back and was upset and frustrated that I couldn't do anything. I realized I was taking my health for granted. As soon as I felt better, I started C25K
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    When my aunt died from a diabetic coma & my mother-in-law died of lung cancer within 3 months of each other. I usually deal with stress by doing extreme things. I stopped smoking cold turkey, cut out salt & excess sugar. I ran out & got a tattoo (very therapeutic) and started at the gym a year later.

    I promised myself I wouldn't go over 200 lbs & when my family members died I looked at myself and said what the heck are you doing??? Life is a gift. Embrace it! You're body is but an instrument and you musn't take it for granted. I am so sad that my family members died, but I'm glad I got my life back because of it. I had to take something positive out of the whole situtation and bottom line... we're all going to die of something, but I'll be damned if it's from something I can control!
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    The little voice had been talking to me for some time about doing something for myself. Last fall while a a local kiddie amusement park, I was going down the big slide in the burlap sack with my daughter and we stopped half way down. Followed by my annual lady doc appointment in November when my doctor was hinting towards the you should lose weight conversation and she offered to write me a referral letter for gastric bypass surgery. I opted to wait until after the holidays and start the new year fresh. Although it was always in the back of my head and dropped a few pounds in December.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    my wedding pictures (being 235 on my wedding day was depressing enough), I had to photoshop out my double chin just to be able to look at them or want to put them in a scrapbook.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Realising that things are worse than I could even imagine; I'm fatter than ever and if I don't change this I will never be what I want to be. This is not my picture in my profile - it's a gorgeous model who is wearing an outfit that I've bought... one day I will fit into it and look good - it's about ten sizes away from where I need to be.
  • Having my doctor tell me at age 29, I have high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. I was shocked; I requested getting my cholesterol checked so I could have a baseline figure of what it is like while I am "young". I never thought, that it would be abnormal. I have lost 23 pounds since then, and I need to continue on my journey to a healthier, fitter, me.
  • 73 pounds gone!!!! Girl think how POSITIVE that is!!!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    It wasn't really rock bottom. I didn't own a scale at the time so I had no idea how much I weighed... I was at my grandma's house on Christmas and she has a scale in her bathroom so I stepped on it. It was more than I had ever weighed in my life. That's when I started. That was what, 8 weeks ago... I'm down a little over 10 pounds.
  • LoSena
    LoSena Posts: 14
    my rock bottom was when i moved home from NY back home (RI) & my dad saw me for the first time in about 8 months & he asked "what have you been eating?" a mean thing to say but it made me take a good look at myself & forced me onto the scale.
    234 lbs! i was ashamed! i'm done to 179 & my goal is 134 but i'm taking it 5lbs at a time!
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 178 Member
    I went out & bought three new pairs of pants, size 22.
    A few days later, I pulled the tags off the last new pair... & they didn't fit anymore. I couldn't even say "Oh, they shrank in the wash!" (You know you've done it too, lol!) like I "normally" would. I called into work, laid in my bed & cried nonstop for the next two hours.
    All I could think was "Your mom has always been fat. Grampy is too. Aunt April with her giant *kitten*. Esther. Angie. Everyone. Do you want to end up like them? High blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, asthma... "
    That day, I decided I would not be 24 in a SIZE 24.
  • Realizing that I had to buy new pants. I've worn the same size for about all of my adult life until late 2011. They all stopped fitting, and even my biggest "comfy" jeans were just barely fitting.
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Seeing patients in their 50's who can't get out of a chair without pain or walk down the hallways without losing their breath. I thougth that 1) I have to set a good example and do what I ask others to do and 2) I cannot let that happen to me
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    When I was excited to post vacation pictures, and I couldn't because I was so embarrassed about how big I was. It is the biggest I have ever been.
  • jgood21
    jgood21 Posts: 109 Member
    When you don't turn your husband on anymore and they almost leave you for a skinnier woman. Is my rock bottom. What got me to put my butt in gear tho is a trip to FL I'm taking in Apr I so wanna wear a swim suit on the beach and look decent.

    Maybe it isn't only the physical health part of your life that you need to change. Just sayin. Your husband should love you no matter what. I'm sorry.
  • amykens
    amykens Posts: 14 Member
    When instead of tickling me, my 11 year old son would grab a love handle and shake it! It was so mortifying.