Water Hater here needs info...



  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Ultimately your body is looking for H2O, and its looking for it in everything you take in. So as long as you've got water in it you're getting hydrated.

    Herbal teas aren't diuretics or caffienated most of the time, so there's nothing really bad about them. It's just plant parts you're letting sit in some hot water.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i hate water as well. i'm getting a lot better at drinking it though. In the morning, and in the evening i have a cup of tea (my mugs hold 16oz) its red tea, and i don't put sugar or milk in it at all.

    then through the day i'm drinking my 8 glasses, i just try to chug it fast and get it over with. or i'll put a little lemon or lime to make it taste better
  • Although I can never understand the hate of the basic living need......water, I will chime in. Apples have water.....so basically yes your vitamin water will work. Try crystal light.....with ice, you will get your water that way too. I love water. There are 2 have to haves in my house........milk and water.

    I hope that helped. Also watch out for drinking alot of vitamin water....cause you don't wanna OD on vitamins which can happen.....cause you to feel ill. So maybe a couple a day and then crystal light....OH OH how about Ice tea with sugar substitute....perfect time for ice tea.


    Thank you for the suggestion of the Crystal Light, its helped alot! :flowerforyou:

  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Men's health does a list of WORST/BEST things for you. Vitamin water is number 19 on their list of top 20 worst drinks.

    Here's the blurb they had on it, and the link:
    19. Worst "Healthy" Drink
    Glaceau VitaminWater (20 oz bottle)

    130 calories
    33 g sugar

    Vitamins and water might sound like the ultimate nutritional tag team, but what the label doesn't say is that a bottle of this stuff carries nearly as much sugar and calories as a can of Coke. Makes sense, though, since this so-called functional beverage is produced by our often-sugar-crazy friends at The Coca-Cola Company.

  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Doesn't it have calories in it? I've never had it but try crystal light packets or tea! Good luck

    ~Leash :heart:

    Some vitaminwaters only have 10 calories, some have more. Trying to stay away from tea because of the caffeine (I LOVE GREEN TEA!) and the crystal light has some artifical sweetner I don't like but thanks for the suggestions!

    It says they have 10 calories PER SERVING.....but I'm gonna guess there are lots of "servings" in one bottle!!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've never really been a water drinker, and I'm pretty particular about what I do drink... some of my friends have AWFUL tap water. Here are a couple of things that I do to make sure I get my water:

    I bought a couple of BPA free water bottles and I fill my bottles of water at night and put them in the refrigerator - if I have to drink it, I want it COLD.

    I freeze lime juice, lemon juice, strongly brewed green tea with Stevia, cranberry juice, etc. in ice cube trays. I put a few ice cubes in the bottle of water and as the ice melts it flavors the water.

    If I have to drink from a glass - I drink through a straw and count to 5 while drinking - then swallow. It's amazing how quickly you can drink a glass of water that way.

    Alternate sips. When we go out to eat - I LIKE having a diet coke or (insert gasp here) a REAL coke!. I always order water as well. As I drink, I just alternate which glass I'm drinking from... a sip of coke, a sip of water....

    I do not drink my morning cup of coffee before drinking a glass of water. I try to get at least 1/2 of my water in before 11AM... then I have the rest of the day to get the rest in.

    Good luck!

    Edited: BPA - not EPA lol!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I bought a couple of EPA free water bottles and I fill my bottles of water at night and put them in the refrigerator - if I have to drink it, I want it COLD.

    Just a heads up, in case you didn't know drinking ice water actually burns Calories. Check it:

    See, your body has to burn Calories to warm it to body temperature. In fact the actual definition of "calorie (little c)" is "the amount of energy needed to raise one ml of water by one degree celsius." Granted, what we call Calories (big C) is actually a kilocalorie, or 1000 calories (little c).

    Fun stuff huh?
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    I dont have too much of a problem drinking water, but it would be nice to get some flavor in it every once in awhile w/o adding in unwanted calories etc.

    I'll probably try the lemon juice and even the mint idea sounds exciting :bigsmile:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    This may sound very weird to a lot of people but I LOVE hot water. I don't like it cold but if I take a coffee cup and put it in the microwave and then drink it hot...it has a totally different taste and it is sooooo soothing to the throat and nerves. Try it...you may become a hot water drinker instead of a cold water drinker. I drink about 4 cups everynight after I get home from work. During the day I drink 20 oz bottles with a Lipton green tea honey lemon flavor. That is what works for me to get water down because I am right there with ya not likeing the way it tastes.

    Good luck!
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    hot water sounds like something good for stress :smile:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Hot water is great. Tastes and smells completely different. It is funny because I have actually been drinking hot water at night for years. During the winter I will just keep a tea pot with hot water on the stove to stay warm and drink it all day long. My mom says that her mother, who was full blooded sweedish woman, drank hot water all the time. She laughed at me the first time she saw me do it. Gramma also used to lick a sugar cube and then take a sip of her water. They were farmers during the depression and sugar was hard to come by so by doing this she was able to make her sugar cubes last a long time! Kinda a neat story.
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    Sounds like it :smile:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I only like water when it's ice cold...well, like is a strong word, so I keep one of my favorite glasses in the freezer, and use it as my water glass. Water is a little more enjoyable in a frosty mug. :smile:
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    i found this bottled water from Dierburgs in their Organic section and it's already got mint flavor to it and i took a sip of it (it was warm tho) and it was pretty good :smile: It's called "hint"
  • nhoffman08
    nhoffman08 Posts: 28
    There is a GREAT product from Quixtar (Amway) of all places...It's called Nutrilite Twist tubes. You just add it to a bottle of water. Oh my goodness...they are so good. Now, I'm not an Amway rep so I can only give you a link to the general order/info page...but they are relatively inexpensive and taste AWESOME! I tried the Tropical Sport flavor and fell in love with it. Plus, added benefit of antioxidants and other goodies.

    http://www.quixtar.com/search/default.aspx?Ntt=twist tubes&sid=192118EB4331

    Check it out!
  • I love Crystal Light too.....but be careful not to overdo it as the sweetner in it can cause stomache problems if you drink a lot. I got into a habit of drinking a quart a day and got some tummy aches that way. A reflexologist that I know suggested warm water with pure lemon (about the juice of one large lemon in 2-4 cups warm water) every morning to help with my legs swelling and dehydration. I'm not a nutritionist but she said the lemon is a natural electrolyte! Living in Baja, this has helped me significantly and the warm drink is more palatable than straight water.

    OOPs....I posted this under my husband's signin...this is JillReinstadler :blushing:
  • ilmommkc
    ilmommkc Posts: 73
    according to some reports i have read, anything you take in that has liquid counts...soup, fruit, crystal light, etc.
  • Cucumber slices, and lemon slices in the water are refreshing a fabulous.....
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