weekend eating!!!!!



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i thought i was the only one on this....so here is the things ladies we all need to try really hard to be good on the weekend..i know its hard i'm right there with all of you..but all we can do this..if we can just get pass one day than there is no reason why we cant make it threw the next..i'm not saying dont have any just have a little..so this way we dont blow all of our hard work that we do during the week...if all you ladies are in..just let me know...GO LADIES WE CAN DO THIS....GO GO GO :bigsmile: :wink: :happy:

    this sounds like a good idea for a team!i:laugh:
  • lynnie25
    lynnie25 Posts: 93
    i so agree:happy:
  • squib
    squib Posts: 34
    my suggestion could be like this:
    since the summer and the warm weather is already here, try to spend time outside the house(away from that tempting refrigerator or cupboard) :wink:
    while you do some activities outside (even sunbathing) you won't be eating.
    at least that is my plan for now- be as much away from the kitchen as possible :laugh:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I think if you look at this as a lifestyle change, it won't feel so much like "being good" and "cheating". You've got your whole life in front of you, to gradually get to the point that "bad" foods don't tempt you any more. If it takes baby steps toward your goal, take baby steps.
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    I know a lot of people don't really want to work out on the weekends but if you know you have an afternoon or evening event, maybe you could walk/jog/run/bike or some other kind of cardio to burn some calories before you go. This will free up some extra calories for your to enjoy.

    Also, if you are asked to bring something, bring a veggie or fruit tray.

    I will be having my first experience with a "party" at our cabin on July 4th. It's all about drinks, food and fireworks. Fortunately, my family is well on board with what I'm doing and understand that I may not eat exactly what they do, or as much as I used to. My husband always smokes a brisket (I will have a couple of oz. just to get that "great" flavor) and I will do some homemade potato salad (mine is primarly mustard with just a tiny bit of fat free or light miracle whip, hard boiled eggs (whites only this time), dill relish and onion, and some fresh corn on the cob with some great seasoning. Not too bad! For desert....watermelon and fruit salad with fat free cool whip.

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Okay, I read through it all and like most people, I hear you!
    I tried the whole - eat like a baby chick through the week and cheat on the weekends - and it didn't REALLY work, I was maintaining my weight, but not loosing.
    SOOO I had to change. Here are my tips.

    - When with family (like the cottage) I bring healthy foods I can eat and share and I stick to them.

    - I am honest and open to the people around me that I'm trying to live healthier, they now are encouraged to cut out the crap too. Set an example.

    - I loved the comment when referring to get-togethers that have food involved. Eat a salad before you go because if you arrive hungry - LOOK OUT!

    - Have ONE cheat day that lets you have a piece of cake and a drink or two. But remember PORTION IT! And if you randomly feel hungry for junk, picture a serving of meat, if your not craving steak, chances are your minds playing tricks on you. Do everything you can to not let that cheat day end-up a 3 day binge.

    - When it comes to drinks remember that one drink is a vasodialator (more blood flow = healthy)- any more than that is poison or vasoconstrictor (decreased blood flow to organs, brain = unhealthy).

    - Look at the weekenders around you eating away. Chances are they are not fit - if you want to be fit, don't be like THEM. Fit healthy people don't eat a ton of crap and neither should you.

    - If you grab a plate of food that was way too big for your belly - stop, don't finish it. The host probably wont mind.

    good luck!

    Love love love these tips!
    A few to add...

    I also try to snack on healthy fruits and veggies before I go to get my main food plate, that way I am already feeling less hungry and I will be more likely to keep smaller portions.

    Don't sit next to chips & dip or brownies! Sit by the veggie tray.
    I have even moved the food I couldn't have outta my reach because I was talking with my sister and was thinking... don't do it, don't do it... and not even listening to her! :embarassed: I was hopping no one would notice I took away the brownies and came back with the veggies but my friend even said THANK YOU i needed to stop, so I felt proud that someone did notice after all!

    Drink water! I let my water drinking slip on weekends, trying to be better about that one 2!:drinker:

    Good luck to us all:happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • lynnie25
    lynnie25 Posts: 93
    i love all these great ideas...thank you all and keep them coming:bigsmile:
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