Food scale? Yes or No?



  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    Definitely!! They aren't very expensive and keep you in check on your portions!! :glasses:
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    YES!!! I don't know what I ever did without it!
    KLEALEE71 Posts: 33 Member
    I started weighing everything. I am glad I did, my guess(timating) was way off. I also started using my measuring cups for shredded cheese and for portion control on my side dishes. It has been working for me
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    Okay Dumb Question..... How do you log the calories then by weight?? I use measure cups and spoons but never thought about a scale! I am not losing like I had hoped so maybe i am not doing this right!

    If you read the nutritional facts label it'll tell you a serving size, usually a cup measurement with the grams measurement in parentheses. If you measure grams it's more accurate. If you're measuring fruits or veggies or meat that have no nutrition facts you just search for what it is you're eating on mfp and it'll ask you how many grams or ounces whatever it is you're eating weighs and it figures out your calories for you :)

    Best Wishes :)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I use mine everyday for almost everything I eat. I'm not good at eyeballing, probably one of the reasons I am in the shape (round) that I am today.

    To me it is much easier to track 100 grams than 1 cup. I have found that I can easily (without squishing too much) get almost 2 servings of shredded cheese in a 1/4 cup measure cup. Most certainly I would not have the success I have had if I did not weigh every item i eat.
  • Sassy_Girl
    Sassy_Girl Posts: 19 Member
    I measure at times, but tend to be a little lazy at being consistent. I like prepackages snacks so when they are gone I don't have access to the entire box. This has been a reason I am in the shape I'm in today.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I finally bought a digital food scale tonight, got the BL one at one Bed Bath &Beyond for 20 bucks. I will be eating exactly, not about, exactly 4 ounces of chicken breast for lunch tomorrow. :happy:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Yes. I would not be where I am without scale. I was doing really badly guesstimating.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I use a digital postal scale, it's not 10000% accurate, but it gets the job done to a margin of error I am comfortable with. I am a horrible eyeballer. If I continue this and continue to have good results I might just invest in a real food scale.
  • spookystitches
    spookystitches Posts: 37 Member
    Yes! I measure everything. I've gotten a few laughs about it, but at least I know exactly what I'm taking in. I couldn't live without it now.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    I've got a digital one where I can add a container and then weigh just the food. I use it ALWAYS for meat portions and a lot on other stuff that you can't measure in measuring cups. I always portion out my meat before it goes in the freezer. I measure it on the scale and then put one portion into freezer bags and toss in the freezer. So much easier when it's time to make a recipe for dinner. I also have 3 sets of measuring cups just so I can always find one the size I need even if another one is dirty. Portion control is probably my biggest issue and the scale really helps me with that.
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    Yes I have one and I consider it a must have. Agree about it having a "tare" feature and also grams!!
  • Rockchelle
    Rockchelle Posts: 5 Member
    When I don't use my scale--I cheat! It makes me honest!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I use a food scale. It's the old fashion kind, but it'll do.

    I find it very helpful when determining how much meat is on my plate. The "deck of cards" rule does not take thickness into consideration. (Either that, or I was too dense to realize how thick a deck of cards is...). I also like to weigh the potato before I bake it. It helps to know how close I am to my potassium goal.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I use my food scale faithfully!! I am a horrible judge of portion size!! The same goes for measuring utensils.

    ^^what she said!
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    I've got a digital one where I can add a container and then weigh just the food. I use it ALWAYS for meat portions and a lot on other stuff that you can't measure in measuring cups. I always portion out my meat before it goes in the freezer. I measure it on the scale and then put one portion into freezer bags and toss in the freezer. So much easier when it's time to make a recipe for dinner. I also have 3 sets of measuring cups just so I can always find one the size I need even if another one is dirty. Portion control is probably my biggest issue and the scale really helps me with that.

    Thought i was the only one... I have 4 sets of measuring cups and spoons, and a scale... I use them Everyday!!!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Only because I've learned what servings look like, so I can accurately judge how much to eat at parties, restaurants.. oh wow, without my food scale I would be SO LOST!
    Also, serving sizes on packages are either really generous or really scant. A food scale will show you exactly that. For example, pasta serving sizes are SO SMALL in comparison to what we generally eat! Finding this out was all I needed to ditch the noodles and make zucchini pasta.
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    Thought i was the only one... I have 4 sets of measuring cups and spoons, and a scale... I use them Every day

    Exactly this!!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yup I have one and it makes things soo much easier if your serious about your diet that is.
  • luvmybaby333
    I was just using measuring cups and such. I was diligent about it, and it seemed to be working well... But it was a pain in the butt. I just got my food scale a few days ago and I LOVE it. It is so easy to make sure I'm getting the right portion. I couldn't live without it now. I highly recommend getting one for yourself. :-)