Recognising the warning signs...

I guess it's a good thing that I have been able to recognise the warning signs of impending failure/hiccup/stall before I've done any damage. Staying on course with this whole healthy eating/living thing requires my constant vigilance. are the signs that tell me I am at risk and need to refocus!

- Eating less fruit
- Buying my lunch instead of bringing it from home
- The level teaspoon of sugar that goes into my coffee becomes rounded, then on and a little bit.....
- I hear the chocolates calling my name from the staff lunch room
- I look in the cupboard/fridge and think there is nothing to eat, even though they are filled with the healthy choices I made at the supermarket and which kept me satisfied until now
- Stress and deadlines at work

What are your warning signs and how do you deal with them?


  • anyonebutmehaha
    when i can suddenly remember the phone numebr to pizza delivery place even though every time i've ever called them in past i've had to look up that same number. haha.
    but no worries- played a game on computer and promptly forgot number again.
  • Dulcislim
    I start to only track good eating days and I forget to log the bad days. Then I start to only log the good food, as if I can avoid the consequences of the calories if I don't write them down. Then I start not logging anything, which is game over . . .

    I really need to keep myself accountable to me.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I guess it's a good thing that I have been able to recognise the warning signs of impending failure/hiccup/stall before I've done any damage. Staying on course with this whole healthy eating/living thing requires my constant vigilance. are the signs that tell me I am at risk and need to refocus!

    - Eating less fruit
    - Buying my lunch instead of bringing it from home
    - The level teaspoon of sugar that goes into my coffee becomes rounded, then on and a little bit.....
    - I hear the chocolates calling my name from the staff lunch room
    - I look in the cupboard/fridge and think there is nothing to eat, even though they are filled with the healthy choices I made at the supermarket and which kept me satisfied until now
    - Stress and deadlines at work

    What are your warning signs and how do you deal with them?

    Interesting thread!

    Mine would be:

    - Going to the vending machine at work, for just one kitkat
    - Buying a bag of crisps, after all "just one packet" won't hurt, will it? (That is what I would mentally be saying to myself)
    - Sneaking in a bowl of breakfast cereal halfway through the day
    - Taking it for granted that the weight will not go back on :noway:
    - and the most crucial one - NO LONGER LOGGING, WEIGHING OR MEASURING MYSELF.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    One of mine is letting the salad mix go bad before I can eat it. Another, not having grilled chicken in the fridge.
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    slowly not logging and then slowly not going to the gym.

    great subject!
  • lozzae85
    Ha ha thats true about the cupborads having 'nothing' in them! I do that a lot. There is loads of food in there just not what I want to eat when I'm on the slippery slope!
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    I know I'm in trouble when I tell myself "It's ok to eat whatever I want, I'll start logging again tomorrow".
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Wanting to come out of retirement and go back to road building LOL reminds me to exercise.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    good ones. all those are mine too - lol @ the fridge thing. I had to give myself a STERN talking-to - thanks for the post. I can do this!
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    Mine would be similar to the previous posts, plus:

    buying WW snacks and eating multiple bags at one time
    staying up too late then eating in bed
    forgetting what being overweight was like, taking all the benefits for granted
    letting other things kick my exercise out of my schedule
    not taking the time to plan my meals and pre-cook
    mindlessly snacking when others around me do
    eating when not hungry
    eating to a feeling of full
    not drinking my water
    forgetting that I've failed (regained my lost weight +) gradually 7 times before
    thinking I'll get back on track tomorrow

    Thanks for this post. I've just spent 3 days "off track". I'm back now.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    when it gets to a sunday night and iv been workin all weekend and im tired n feeling rubbish and hungry i think.... mmm chinese food and automatically pick up the phone
    - when i think, il just go home for a nap and hit the gym later.
    - when i have a cheeky "duvet" day from work
    - when i go to the cinema and stop off at the shops before for juice and walk out with sweets, crisps, and ice cream
    - when i go to bed early and dont make my packed lunch
    - when the hangover kicks in and the only food that will satisfy me is a dominos
    - on tuesday for "two for tuesday" dominos
    - online delivery from dominos
    - in fact anything to do with dominos

    - getting weighed and not doing as well as expected and thinkin - F**K IT and pigging out

    THERE IS HUNDREDS!!!!!!!! hahahaha xx
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    Wow what a great thread. It actually really makes me think.

    - Not eating my apple every morning.
    - a big one is getting a Dr. Pepper for any reason. Coke I can handle, one or two sips in a month, but if I touch Dr. Pepper, its all over.
    - Not going to the gym in the morning
    - "forgetting" to log my food and exercise.
    - when i start to fry my food again...all of it.
    - And buying my lunch instead of bringing it, that one is a huge one.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    not drinking my water
    start throwing away fresh fruits and veggies that have gone bad
    when my daily 'treat" of 1 flavor ice freezer pop turns into 2 or 3 freezer pops
    I eat an entire loaf of bread in 2 days
  • CherylPierce
    CherylPierce Posts: 73 Member
    Great thread! My list includes:
    - Even one bite of anything at work (it's all cookies, donuts and candy)
    - Thinking, "Just one won't hurt"
    - "Forgetting" to prepare my food the night before
    - Being "too tired" to go to the gym on a regular basis
    - Drinking wine on weeknights (usually corresponds with "too tired" above)
    - EVER thinking, "I can start again on Monday"
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    craving a bag of crisps then buying a multipack to save money then being tempted by the other 5 bags.

    similarly craving a biscuit but buying a packet which I then scoff.

    eating because I'm bored, especially at work.

    opening a botle wine to just have a glass with meal, I never just have one glass, I should buy mini bottles.

    getting a takeaway because I can't be bothered to cook. Now I have a stash of home made meals like chilli in the freezer so no excuse.

    Treating myself to a meal out/takeaway just because it's payday. Why do I do that? It leads to eating food I can cook myself at home far cheaper and healthier, dessert and usually alcohol, grrr...
  • Inglebert
    Inglebert Posts: 39 Member
    The fruit one for me too. If I eat fruit early in the day, I'm a whole lot more likely to have a good food day.