Hello, I need someone to help motivate me...

Hello fellow MFPers,

I started using MFP to help me try to win a biggest loser competition at work. At my initial weigh in I was 372. After 6 weeks of working out, eating better, and only drinking water or juice I've lost nearly 25 lbs. it seems to me that my biggest struggle is during the weekends. Some weekends I dont even want to look at MFP. Some weekends I don't even feel like adding in what I did. For instance this last weekend I had a going away party at my house for a friend. I ended up eating ice cream cake twice! I would really like it if someone could help me stay accountable. Please help me!



  • HollyMinear
    Hey Brandon,

    That's why we are here; to support one another. I'm logging and giving support every day. Feel free to add me.
  • cspark1982
    Yep that's what we are here for :) more then welcome to add me to:)
  • nakedwarrior
    This always gets me motivated and helps me stay focused when I'm feeling a little off track and can be applied to anything in life.


    Some of you may have heard it before, for those of you who haven't enjoy!
    (warning: It'll take you a few minutes...)