Knee Stretch?

My knee has been bothering me a little this past week. I've just been doing 30DS. It's the inside of my right knee, feels like a little muscle or something right beside the knee cap? It doesn't feel like soreness and there's no pain, it's just a little uncomfortable. I was wondering what kind of stretch I could do work it out?


  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    It actually sounds like runner's knee.... even if you're not running. I've had the exact same pain in the same spot on my left side - inside of the knee, almost within the kneecap. Google runner's knee and see if that describes your symptoms. For me it flared up on level 1, 3rd circuit with the side lunge/anterior raises. I could never make it through those - do you notice pain then? I don't have any specific advice for stretching it, but just make sure you're stretching really well before and after the 30DS.

    I started wearing a brace (but ACE wrap works just as well) on the knee when doing the 30DS and that helped A LOT. Sometimes your knees just need a little extra support and that's okay. Give it a try :)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Bump :)
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    I've had knee pain from JIllian's workouts and the yoga instructor at my gym recommended hero pose and it seems to be helping a bit (its only been a week). Basically you sit on your heels (tops of your feet flat on the floor) and your knees aligned with your hips. You can google the pose I'm sure. I need to sit on a block because I'm not flexible enough to sit on my heels.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Bumping for info :)

    ETA because I am on day 20 of 30DS and my knees are crazy nuts.
  • BecksFit88
    The funny thing about knees is that the entire rest of your body stabilizes the joint, so a pain in your knee could be coming from IT band problems, your TDH, TFLs, etc.

    I prefer using a foam roller or 2 liter soda bottle to roll out my IT band and calf muscles
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    The biggest issue I see with home DVD workouts is that there is NO ONE to tell you if your form and execution are correct. It's one thing to watch a DVD and JM doing the workout and another for the participant to do it correctly with emphasis on correct form. I'm gonna bet that your squats and jumps are wrong. If you can squat and/or jump in front of a mirror, see if you knees are coming together. If they are, then that's probably going to be the cause. Knees should travel in line with toes and squats and jumps should originate from the heels.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    My knee has been bothering me a little this past week. I've just been doing 30DS. It's the inside of my right knee, feels like a little muscle or something right beside the knee cap? It doesn't feel like soreness and there's no pain, it's just a little uncomfortable. I was wondering what kind of stretch I could do work it out?

    Oh goodness!! I was doing the 30DS for about a week as well and the SAME (right knee) thing is going on with me! At first I thought it was just soreness.. and worked through it. Then, started it started to swell and knee seemed out of place, lol!..and also I kept hearing a popping when I moved the knee a certain way. I didn't have intense pain, but tolerable pain with 2 Advil. But I sure couldn't get on my knees and do the push ups or anything of it for that matter. I've left the 30DS alone for now until it heels or at least the swelling goes down some. I think mine started with the interior lungs..