My Chubby Belly



  • loulabelle73
    loulabelle73 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm no expert on anything, but I remember back in the day, my friends and I toned our bellies without realizing we were doing it by going out dancing 3 nights a week. I know you've just had babies, and I'm not suggesting you hit the clubs, but there are several great 'dance" workouts that people seem to enjoy a lot. You might want to try something like that if you enjoy dancing.
    You can't spot reduce.
    No, but you can tone, which can help shift abdominal weight distribution.
    What? You reduce belly fat via diet. "Toning" will not give you a chiseled mid section and will most defiantly not "shift abdominal weight distribution"

    Where does this stuff come from?
    That was a good read.... thanks for posting that link
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    I've had 3 c-sections with big babies (9'6,9'3, and 10'4) i know exactly what you mean! i do jillians 6 week 6 pack in addition to kickboxing or 90 day supreme and finally see it going down. my last baby is almost a year so it has def been hard and i've struggled here and there...but when i stick to it my stomach shrinks almost immediately
  • All right, guys. This was for suggestions, not debates. Thank you for all who replied, though. Pilates actually sounds like a good idea. I had my daughters three years ago in March, so I have had plenty of time to heal, lol. I wouldn't mind still having a lottle pooch, but it kinda looks like I am about 6 monts pregnant or something. Thanks again to all who replied! Have a wonderful day!
  • *a little and *months. Dang texting! Hehe.
  • Hehe, thanks. Jillian will definitely be my best friend when I get near my goal weight. She is amazing!