I cant find the motivation to go anymore :(



  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    Im in Auckland and finish work about now, Im just going to go, I know once Im doing my workout Ill feel great but right now I still dont want to. I need some motivation and support I think as I feel like im alone in my battle for health and vanity LOL. I so want this but (and this is my problem) Im so tired, i know its only because I havent been so .... BREATHE IN ..... off I go!

    I have found that you can search high and low for motivation but if you aren't your own motivation, it's very unlikely anyone else can give it to you. Also, if you're not ready to do it, then you won't. "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right" You just have to NOT think about it and go. I am not a morning person but I drag my butt out of the bed at 4 AM to make it to the gym for 4:45 AM still dark out and my love is still in a warm bed. I have been going strong for 6 wks now just because I am taking control over my lazy self. I know that if my only option was to go after work in the evening, I wouldn't do it. Just don't allow yourself to make excuses :) GOOD LUCK! YOU CAN do it.
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    Bottom line is make yourself go and tough through it. You will feel better and then it will become easier for you to go again. I have the same problem when I slack off. I have been in a rut myself but am slowly finding myself getting back into the swing of it again. I watch the biggest loser and last season Dolvett said to one of the contestants that it only take one week to lose the progress that you made of working out and eating right. That is so true!! The past month and a half I have struggled with working out 5-6 days a week. It is easy to say no I don't want to. It is pure motivation and effort when you say "I AM GOING TO GO WORKOUT!!" Even if you are sleeping through it you are moving. Pretty soon you are getting back into it! I have done it. I have found myself dreading the workout until halfway through it. At least I tried. Everyday gets easier. You know in your heart it does. One step at a time! Feel free to add me if you want!! Hang in there! You can do it!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    You don't "find" motivation. That means you're looking for an excuse to go. That's backwards thinking. You make up your mind to do it and YOU JUST GO. Get a calendar, write on it when you're going, what you're doing and make a plan. Make a 4 week plan or a six week plan, or plan out the entire time until your trip date. Whatever you do, ink it in, make it stone and DO IT regardless. It's not always easy, it's not always fun, but no one said it would be (no one being honest or with any sense at all), so those aren't valid excuses. If you want results, you have to put in the time. Period.
  • juliejacobsen
    You don't "find" motivation. That means you're looking for an excuse to go. That's backwards thinking. You make up your mind to do it and YOU JUST GO. Get a calendar, write on it when you're going, what you're doing and make a plan. Make a 4 week plan or a six week plan, or plan out the entire time until your trip date. Whatever you do, ink it in, make it stone and DO IT regardless. It's not always easy, it's not always fun, but no one said it would be (no one being honest or with any sense at all), so those aren't valid excuses. If you want results, you have to put in the time. Period.
  • kiwigal7
    kiwigal7 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone, well I got up and went yesterday and did 20 mins of the cross trainer then did the summit climber. Then regardless of my headache I went again today had a check up and my blood pressure is low (dont know why or what it means) but I have lost approx 8cms since I went last so a bit of motivation there. Busted my backside today, I went 4 levels up on the cross trainer and at a 2km faster pace. Burned more calories in the 20 mins then ever before. Gave the summit climber another go today and felt I could hardly breathe haha, so its showing me how unfit ive become. I Used to go Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. But Im going to 6 days now. I can feel it already, Ill get back to enjoying asap
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    tell yourself you are just going to go do the elliptical (or whatever your fave machine is) for 15 mins... when you get there you will feel so good that you will do more! this is what i had to do! good luck
  • kiwigal7
    kiwigal7 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks, I know once Im there I want to go and push myself. I enjoy the elliptical trainer, its my favourite thing to do at the gym after a week, ill be racing to the gym lol
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Just go. Promise yourself you will stay for 15 mins and if you want to leave after that - you can.
    Once you're back in the habit you'll be fine.

    ^^THIS. I used to run (I can't now because of a severe illness) and I always felt better while I was running and after - runner's high it's a real thing! Somedays I would struggle and not want to go, but my deal with myself was to go 1 mile and if I still wanted to give up I could. 95% of the time I would finish my run. Sometimes it's just kicking yourself in the pants to get yourself going! Good luck :-)