So really really down.

I am sat here propped up on cushions in agony. I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey. Which I do not find an easy task as I am totally on my own and suffering from depression find it difficult to motivate myself. I have been working out 3 times a week which has that helped me greatly with my black moods. But now I have hurt my back big style and can't do anything. I have had surgery there in the past which has in turn led to the depression. I feel like I am in a loop. Need to lose the weight (12kg min) to help the back., need to do the exercise to lose the weight......aaaaaarghhh


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    exercise for fitness, calorie control for weight loss.

    you can lose weight without lifting a finger, it just takes longer, break the loop.
  • KathPearce
    KathPearce Posts: 146 Member
    Give yourself time to heal and then get back on track. I too have depression, so I have very good days )if I'm lucky weeks) and have very low periods. It can really effect how I feel about my weightloss journey and the efforts I put in. Now I just try and focus on the positive stuff-easier said than done at times but I'm getting better. I also suffer with my back (accumulation of years working in care homes) so when it 'goes' it is agony and can take me off my feet for days, so I can sympathise with you there. Just start back doing little things, walking burns Kcals and helps loosen up the back so when your able to start back try that. Another low impact exercise is swimming.

    You CAN do this, Don't give up!

  • cesmith5
    hi - been there on the depression so I feel for you. Could you try swimming or walking? or go and sit outside (wrapped up!) to get some sunshine, I know it's not very sunny (not in England anyway) but it might be enough to up your mood. If you can limit eating to your maintenance level while you're in pain I'd take that as a good thing in terms of managing the depression - if you can eat less then that's great.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    walking really helps to clear the mind
    I love walking but not on the treadmill...blah!!!
    I work 3rd shift, so I get up and walk around the other departments in the building
    Its nice and quite because they all work 8 to 5
    when the weather is nice I like to walk outside
    walking is the cheapest, easiest exercise/therapy you can do:bigsmile:

    Feel better!!!:bigsmile:
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    Most back injuries heals quicker when you move around a lot and it becomes important not to be still. If it's like that in your case then maybe you would feel better after a light workout session?
    What you always can do is go for walks. I like to borrow audio books from the library and walk around listen to them.

    Even if you can't move around so much you can still lose weight by eating right. I love cooking and try out new recipes all the time. Here's a blog with some awesome lowcal ones:
    Then there's and and loads of other sites that have many inspiring low calorie and healthy recipes.

    Good luck, and hope you feel better soon! I got a slipped disk in my lower back 10 years ago (when I was only 16) so I've been to hell and back when it comes to back problems :)
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    exercise for fitness, calorie control for weight loss.

    you can lose weight without lifting a finger, it just takes longer, break the loop.

    While this is so simple, it is so true. Don't give yourself the excuse of "no exercise" to also mean "no weightloss".
  • garbudebb
    Self belief is the most important thing that you need.

    Add me to your friends list and we can support each other x

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    I am in a similar place, with injury and a long way to go BUT
    we CAN do this!!! There really IS strength in numbers!! There is support on here.
    Try to make the best possible food choices.
    I made sure to go back and re-enter/adjust my profile on here as no workouts, etc
    Good luck but we CAN do it!! Take care.
  • lxmack
    I totally understand about bad backs...I have stenosis and am working hard to try to avoid surgery. Do you have access to a trainer or PT who understands your injury and can give you safe exercises? If not, stick with something safe like walking when you are able. In the meantime, there is good advice here. Eat less, and try to distract yourself with other things that make you happy. Read a book, watch TV, chat with the nice people on this site!!
  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Your situation sounds difficult. I remember how dark and lonely depression feels. Just remember that what the others are saying is true. I lost forty pounds two years ago and I never once exercised. I simply watched what I was eating. Ask your doctor first, but I feel like it probably would be to your benefit to move around at least a little each day so that your back heals properly. (I could be wrong, I'm not a doctor but it would seem like more movement = more blood flow = better healing.) Good luck. I hope you get feeling better soon. :)
  • rainbowbuggy
    exercise for fitness, calorie control for weight loss.

    you can lose weight without lifting a finger, it just takes longer, break the loop.


    Alot of people do it simply counting calories. Remember, weight loss is about calories in vs. calories out! You don't HAVE to exercise...its juat and added benefit so just make healthy food choices, and drink your water. Once you get physically healthy again you can start to do some walking and stuff like that. But for now, just eat healthy and drink water. You can break the loop! You got this!
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Focus on eating healthy and portion control while you're in pain. The weight will still come off that way. And hopefully you can find relief ASAP so that you can also exercise. Both better eating and exercise will help your moods improve. I am sorry to hear that you are discouraged, but you can do this! Don't let this obstacle tackle you!
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    Obviously, you have alot of people cheering you on here!! Don't give up and don't be so hard on yourself!! If you have to remain propped up with cushions for a while, maybe try doing ANY type of movement while still seated. Like, put your foot under a pillow and do leg lifts (even just a couple of inches); or lift a book(s) as high/much as you can; etc. Any movement you can make is going to increase the calories you are using and I think that it could help you feel like you are doing something towards becoming healthier. Good luck to you!! Keep your chin up, and don't forget that you have a HUGE support team behind you here at MFP!
  • stephanieburris
    First of all, I think you should be very proud of yourself for starting this journey to weight loss. The very fact that you've realized that you need to do it for yourself is a HUGE step! Way to go!

    I, too, can sympathize with you when it comes to the weight loss and it's challenges. It's not easy - it's a lot of work and I recently injured my back. I've had problems with my back since my teenage years and it only makes things more difficult.

    That said, your doctor should be able to provide you with some simple exercises that you can do that may limit your discomfort but still keep you in the "active" frame of mind.

    Try not to focus on the "bad" in the moment but focus on the good that is to come!

    Stay positive :)
  • cicci40
    Don't give up, keep going watching what you eat and stay on track. The reward you will get from this hurdle will be a huge achievement. You have two options - continue and be successful and wallow in achievement or choose to give up and wall in regret and disappoinment.

    You have done well to get this far, it's not easy but keep going. It's a battle for us all.
  • jbescherer
    jbescherer Posts: 24 Member
    Depression is hard but one of the best ways out of it is to think positive. Make yourself a gratitude list and review every morning when you get up and every night before you go to bed. look at the simple things you should be greatful for such as a roof over your head, family, friends, MFP...etc. Start looking for inspirational websites that can guide you I like
    surround yourself with positive people. Fighting the depression will help with the weightloss.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    exercise for fitness, calorie control for weight loss.

    you can lose weight without lifting a finger, it just takes longer, break the loop.

    I agree: I lost quite a bit of weight (prior to MFP) simply maintaining a proper calorie intake. While exercise helps with weight loss, it is more about fitness. And even WITH exercise, if you are not controlling portions, you don't necessarily lose weight...
  • BeGreat25
    Believe it or not... Since loosing weight I had waaaaay less back problems. My back would always hurt lifting or doing certain excercises when I was heavier.
    The thing I have learned though is to take care of that back before you start again. Take some time to heal, do some research and have a healthy regime lined up to STRIKE AGAIN!
    Also... Excercising is a huge mood booster so I hope you feel better after awhile.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I am sat here propped up on cushions in agony. I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey. Which I do not find an easy task as I am totally on my own and suffering from depression find it difficult to motivate myself. I have been working out 3 times a week which has that helped me greatly with my black moods. But now I have hurt my back big style and can't do anything. I have had surgery there in the past which has in turn led to the depression. I feel like I am in a loop. Need to lose the weight (12kg min) to help the back., need to do the exercise to lose the weight......aaaaaarghhh

    This following is meant to be nothing but helpful :)xxxx

    I am sat here, uncomfortable and frustrated. I have just embarked on an exciting, life changing journey. I'm so proud of myself for making this commitment to myself, for myself, by myself! Just in this short time, my regular workouts have helped chase that black dog away! It's amazing! Can't believe I've gone and hurt my back again now. Here's hoping I haven't undone the clever work of my surgeon, and it'll have eased in a couple of days time. I'm so pleased to have broken the first chain of the loop I used to be stuck in! I know every pound I lose is helping my back get stronger. I can't wait for the day those pounds add up to numbers that impress me as well as the new friends I will make along the way :) For the next couple of days I'll let my back rest, and get stuck into researching and trying out new recipes that will help me stay within my new calorie goals :D Exciting much?!!??! :))))))
  • sparkie2bfit
    Hope you slept well, depression is an ugly thing and so many of us are or have suffered with it. Medication for the depression may be helpful while you cant get the endorphins from the more intense exercise. The food choices are even more important; lots of fresh fruit and veggies and light protein. You CAN do this - there is strength in us that we can tap into like a well when we need extra help. This site is a great place to get encouragement and helpful hints. I have decided myfitnesspal will be a life long interaction. Some days will be great some not, but we can keep going.