

  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I am looking forward to pancakes tonight, but does anyone know how many calories there are in a typical pancake?
    The pancakes I made came out at 69 cals each.
    112g plain flour
    210ml of skimmed milk
    90ml water
    2 eggs
    made 9 and cooked each one with 2 sprays of sunflower fry light (the calories include the frylight)

    Make a well in the flour, add the eggs and start to beat together, gradually adding the milk and water a bit at a time. Give it a good beating and then get your oil really hot in the pan before you pour in the batter mix. Delicious!!

    I love you for this. Assume you just whack it all in together?
  • laja1
    laja1 Posts: 12
    pancakes all the way
  • NettyIOM
    NettyIOM Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a traditional girl, i'll be lemon juice & sugar for me! Can't wait for tonight!! :happy:
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    I am making these

    High calorie 600 for 4 pancakes. Less than 1 carb per pancake tho which is great for those of us on a low carb diet!
  • mocha1975
    Pancakes for everyone at my house - lemon juice and sugar all the way!!!!

    ^^^^ This!!! - I also add some ground cinnamon for good measure!! :) ^^^^
  • radscorpion
    Yes! Lemon and sugar! There is no substitute :D
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    In France tradition is crepes which is a paper thin and filled with either sugar or jam, although since Nutella has been on the market it has become #1 filler. there
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    In my town we have pancake races and skipping at the beach! Weird Shrove Tuesday tradition that no one else gets! I love it! :-)

    Can't wait for my pancakes later either! Lemon and sugar for me! :-)

    Are you from Scarborough, they were talking about it on Something for the Weekend on Sunday.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I prefer the Scotch Pancakes - never understood the attraction to traditional full of fat, feel those arteries getting harder pancakes with Jiff Lemon squirted all over them ;) But enjoy yours if you're having some. Haven't seen a jiff lemon ad on the tv this year either!!
    Well that was horribly confusing for a minute there... because here in Australia, Jif Lemon is a cleaning product for the bathroom. You really DON'T want it on your pancakes!

    we used to have 2 Jif (cleaning cream, now called Cif) and Jiff lemon juice LOL - I never understood why the changed the name of Jif to Cif? *mind boggles* But yes you don;t want that on your pancakes haha

    Aparently countries who did not speak english found it difficult to say Jif so they changed it to cif.
    Thats what their advert was about when they first changed it lol
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    In France tradition is crepes which is a paper thin and filled with either sugar or jam, although since Nutella has been on the market it has become #1 filler. there

    Thats what the traditional UK pancake is for pancake day, the wafer thin pancakes. Nom nom nom
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I am looking forward to pancakes tonight, but does anyone know how many calories there are in a typical pancake?
    The pancakes I made came out at 69 cals each.
    112g plain flour
    210ml of skimmed milk
    90ml water
    2 eggs
    made 9 and cooked each one with 2 sprays of sunflower fry light (the calories include the frylight)

    Make a well in the flour, add the eggs and start to beat together, gradually adding the milk and water a bit at a time. Give it a good beating and then get your oil really hot in the pan before you pour in the batter mix. Delicious!!

    I love you for this. Assume you just whack it all in together?

    excellent you've saved my pancake day from disaster :D
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    My wIfe makes the best primal pancakes out of banana, almond butter, egg and blueberries. Amazing and no syrup required!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Pancakes here too. Fruit and syrup on mine. Tossed salad on the side for good measure. Maybe a couple slices of bacon too.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    you can get a free short stack at ihop for pancake day