Any of you ladies have PCOS?



  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member

    I have not heard of Dianette or Cilest?! what are they and what do they do?

    Dianette is a contraceptive pill that also helps with acne and excess hair. As stated by Jordana, some docs don't allow women to stay on it for long periods of time due to risk of liver problems, however my doc was happy to keep me on it for years with regular check ups. It really helped control all my PCOS symptoms and since coming off of it due to trying for a baby, my symptoms have gone crazy!!
  • kandyjay
    kandyjay Posts: 265
    I have not heard of Dianette or Cilest?! what are they and what do they do?

    They are contraceptive pills :) I absolutely swear by Dianette for PCOS, it practically removed all of my symptoms. My skin was the main issue for me (I had cystic acne) and it completely cleared it to the point where it was flawless. (I don't mean to toot my own horn there lol!)

    But of course this is just my experience. I have met women with PCOS who have found Dianette to be a living hell for them. Every one is different I guess!

    Ahh, Okay. The only pill my doctor prescribed to me was Yasmin birth control pills, which were only issued for the fact of irregular periods. However, I stopped them for a month in the summer and my skin went crazy. :( . Glad to be back on them now!
  • Jordana_x
    It's horrible isn't it, my skin is getting me down so much, I've lost count of the amount of evenings I've spent in tears over it recently, for the last 10 years I've been on the pill I've always had perfect skin and now I'm 27 years old with the acne of a teenager and it's yucky!! Due to the fact I'm TTC I can't take anything prescription-wise for it, so I'm trying to control it with diet, products and supplements but it's still bad!

    With regards to TTC, unfortunatly in addition to my PCOS, my husband also has problems on his side and so we are due to start IVF soon, have our consultation next week, so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it will work for us!!

    Totally know how you feel there. I had cystic acne, so it wasn't just horrible to look at, it physically hurt. My whole face was in agony for such a long time, I'm amazed that Dianette actually worked for me! Now I'm on Cilest it is coming back slowly, albeit I doubt it will get as bad as it once was as Cilest is still a contraceptive pill and should keep my hormones somewhat under check!
    It may sound silly but sudo cream is my go to for acne, it used to help me so much when I was younger!

    Oh wow, good luck with your IVF treatment! Hopefully everything will fall into place for you and your husband. :flowerforyou:
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member

    Totally know how you feel there. I had cystic acne, so it wasn't just horrible to look at, it physically hurt. My whole face was in agony for such a long time, I'm amazed that Dianette actually worked for me! Now I'm on Cilest it is coming back slowly, albeit I doubt it will get as bad as it once was as Cilest is still a contraceptive pill and should keep my hormones somewhat under check!
    It may sound silly but sudo cream is my go to for acne, it used to help me so much when I was younger!

    Oh wow, good luck with your IVF treatment! Hopefully everything will fall into place for you and your husband. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah mine's cystic too, mainly on my jaw and chin, some days it hurts to even smile :( I'm using the Clinique anti-blemish system and also use Sudocrem at night but still wish for my 'old' flawless skin back everytime I look in the mirror! I've actually started cancelling plans to go out and socialise with people cos I hate how my skin looks and feels so much I would rather stay at home and hide :( I'm trying to keep positive by telling myself I can go back on Dianette after I've had a baby!! It sucks doesn't it!
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    Hi ladies, another PCOS sufferer here!! I have been diagnosed fairly recently as I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to concieve so had ovary scan which is when the doc told me about the PCOS. Since then I have cut out white carbs and processed foods and cut down on refined sugars. I make almost all my meals from scratch (with the exception of cereal for breakfast!) and try to include lots of salad, fruit and vegetables in my diet.]

    sorry cant figure out how to use the quote properly!

    So have you had a good result from making these changes? I am still in the overweight range and really would like to get down to the healthy range to increase my changes of conceiving but I have lost 70+ lbs with a diet club and changing everything I've learnt again feels a bit overwhelming...although I amd starting to struggle now and feel that making those changes would possibly help.
  • polegirl23
    polegirl23 Posts: 57 Member

    sorry cant figure out how to use the quote properly!

    So have you had a good result from making these changes? I am still in the overweight range and really would like to get down to the healthy range to increase my changes of conceiving but I have lost 70+ lbs with a diet club and changing everything I've learnt again feels a bit overwhelming...although I amd starting to struggle now and feel that making those changes would possibly help.

    Hi there!

    I'm not really sure how to measure my results as I kind of overhauled my life all at once if that makes sense - I changed my diet, the products I use, the supplements I take all at the same time so I don't know what is working and what isn't! My symptoms have improved since I did these things but are still fairly bad if that makes sense!!

    Nothing has made any difference for me as far as helping with TTC, I've been prescribed a number of drugs but still don't ovulate, however the fact that I am now in a 'healthy' weight range means that we can start IVF straight away - a friend of mine is in the same situation but has to get her weight down before she can get funding for it. With regards to my weight though, the change in diet (and as such lifestyle) is the best thing I've ever done and I will never go back to my old eating habits, I love eating 'clean'!!
  • rpantusa
    rpantusa Posts: 267 Member
    Yes I have PCOS also, since I was 20. and now I am 27 and they have just gotten it "under control". It has been so bad at times I have been hospitalized, and even had a blood transfusion 2 years ago, due to severe bleeding. It has been virtually impossible over the last 7 years to loose any weight, until I met my wonderful doctor now! She put me on Metformin due to insulin intolernace, and with simple diet and exercise I am doing great now!
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    I've decided that I am going to give the low gi diet a really good go after I go shopping tomorrow so I am going to sit down and plan for the week and hopefully see some good results which I will post on here!
  • jennb1976
    jennb1976 Posts: 2 Member
    about 15 years ago my doctor began to wonder if I had PCOS but I never really followed up on it until 3 years ago when I started having other problems and it was confirmed that I do in fact have PCOS and am now fighting my weight and have been told by a fertility specialist my odds of having a successful full term pregnancy are next to nothing even with the use of meds etc so we are going down the adoption route and taking a new look at our lives in all regards. My hubby has been so amazing and supportive and on here counting his calories etc too which is awesome and now to find all of you wonderful ladies who are in very similar shoes to mine is a blessing to know i'm not alone and will definitely join the other groups on here. Thanks for helping start my day off filled with renewed hope!
  • lawsy23
    PCOS for 13yrs not fun when it comes to loosing weight not to mention the other problems that go with it :( Feel free to add me as a friend more motivation the better :)
  • funsize27
    Squats work very well for me. I do 30 per day
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    I've never had acne. Well, once, when i tried Loestrin 24 (birth control) it was so painful on my chin that I only made it 3 days into the pills.

    My biggest symptom is my period- or complete and total lack there-of. I'm 28 and have never had one without the assistance of birth control.

    The symptom I hate the most though is the facial hair. I tweeze constantly day in and day out. I look like I have acne on my chin because of ingrown hairs, or my own compulsive picking at hairs. :( I just recently talked to my doc about this, and she said there's nothing really to do about it since it's because of elevated testosterone levels, not lack of other hormones. There are treatments, but they all have side effects.
  • MonicaWalls
    MonicaWalls Posts: 35 Member
    I have PCOS also and I recently started metformin which has helped me be able to lose some weight (I believe) I am also on birth control that keeps my periods regular. I would love to have some PCOS friends on here so we can support each other :)
  • mellemar
    mellemar Posts: 2 Member
    Yup, me! I was never prescribed anything due to the results the bloodwork gave. Initially doctors just said it would be very difficult to lose weight - but silly them - challenges like that always produce results.
    I was on birth control (to ensure I would have a period *for health reasons!) but that was all I ever took. I wasn't trying for a child, and that was the only time my specialist wanted to have me on anything extra.

    Start weight - 205. Current weight - 110.

    Throughout my entire journey though, the biggest thing I noticed was that weight seemed to "fly off" everywhere but my lower system.
    The best advice I could give, based on my own experience would be to ensure to balance the cardio WITH some form of strenght training (even if its something like yoga, pushups&situps, etc) - I started with cardio initially, and neglected strenght training (as a result, I've had to double the work to undo the lose skin)
    Yoga was really good for me when I started, and I felt it was the biggest help (just focusing on each movement seemed to give me a sense of control that I was able to apply to day to day movements).
    Try to watch your sugar intake too (my biggest weakness- still to this day). I'm in the finishing stages of getting myself to where I want to be...but I embrace every extra mark on my body anyways - both as a reminder of where I came from, and all the work I've done.

    Funny thing is - throughout this entire journey - I've almost taken away all symptoms of PCOS (I now ovulate on my own and have real periods...after 15 years of never having had a period!!)

    Anyways I'll leave it at that for now, but feel free to ask any questions if you have any! I didn't know anyone who had PCOS, and even in the medical world I struggled to get the help I needed (once I finally saw a specialist, he confirmed everything but even the support locally was a litle tough).

  • jennb1976
    jennb1976 Posts: 2 Member
    I am so in the same boat as you especially when it comes to the facial hair! They tried putting me on the Diane birth control pill as it would supposedly soften and lighten the hair but that didn't work and so then I wanted to get a treatment done before our wedding last year so there was at least one day of the year I wouldn't have to worry about shaving my face. I went to get it waxed and it was torture and a disaster and the cost of other treatments was just way too much with the wedding and what not coming up. I've been curious on other treatments but have never gone further with it since. Let me know if you try anything else and how it works!
  • raindropwishes
    I do too :)
  • LMT90
    LMT90 Posts: 24
    I'm a sufferer too, have been since I was 13 :cry:!
    Absolutely hate it!
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    Hello, I was diagnosed at 16. I hear ya that is really tough to lose weight with it. However, instead of concentrating on only exercise to help with excess tummy I would look to your diet. Since PCOS is often associated with Insulin resistance, a lower carb and very low sugar diet would help flatten that out. Insulin resistance specifically causes weight gain in the middle region, so if you target the core issue it may help remove some of that. A lot of people big into fitness use the same tactic, diet usually is more responsible for a flat tummy than sit ups.
  • anndunkley
    anndunkley Posts: 16 Member
    I've been on Dianette for a few years now but have noticed over the past year that my mood swings are getting ridiculous!! God knows how the husband puts up with it as I really do struggle to control my emotions some months. I thought about coming off of Dianette but am worried that my symptoms could get worse. We're not trying to conceive as fertility treatment hasn't worked for me but I do want to lose weight and wonder if anyone knew of any other pills that help PCOS or if we can get Metformin on the NHS in the UK?? Any ideas appreciated.xx.