Under my calorie goal, but not hungry...is this bad?

Hey everyone!

Intro - I'm Julia, 5'7", and started at about 160 pounds. I want to go down to 135 for health reasons - my doctor said my dialostic blood pressure was a bit high for a girl my age (18), thus suggested I lose some weight. I'm also trying to get fit to be able to efficiently run away from zombies during the zombie apocalypse, but that's another story.

Anyways, I started MFP being constantly hungry and mindlessly eating around 2,500 cals a day (I live on student residences with an all-you-can-eat meal plan...go figure), and since starting have cut it down to the 1,200 suggested by MFP. However, now, I find myself consistently eating around 900 cals, or just above, and not feeling hungry afterwards at all. There are days that if I wouldn't be tracking, I'd eat a 450 cal breakfast and then just a few handfuls of almonds throughout the day. I know about plateauing, but I truly feel like I'm not hungry at all...

I run for ~25 minutes three-ish? times a week and do yoga once a week for an hour, and make sure to have a good, protein-rich meal afterwards.

My question is, smart humans of MFP...is this bad? Should I be forcing food into my mouth to fit my calorie goal, even if I feel like I'm overeating? Should I listen to my body to avoid bad feelings, or My Fitness Pal to avoid plateau?


  • TheDreadedJynx
    I'd do my best to get as close as possible every day. I used to eat sparaticlly, too, but my body is starting to adjust and I'm hungry for smaller meals more often.

    Also, I feel ya about the apocalypse resigning! ;) I can't even hold my husbands gun up for very long right now.
  • rochey1098
    If you can't eat more that's understandable, instead try eating something different. Fats like nuts, oils, dairy etc or meats with a nice dollop of animal fat like pork or beef will bolster the numbers. Failing that good old rice added to your vegetables is calorie madness.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    No, I don't think it's bad. Above all you should listen to your body and feed it if it's hungry, or don't feed it if it's not hungry. 900 calories is a bit low but I would also focus on eating healthy foods (fruits, veggies, less processed foods) although I did not take a look at your food diary.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I sometimes dont get around my 1200 calories a day either but I make sure to throw somthing a lil highish in calories into my day just to get my calories up to where they shoould be.

    Try your hardest to get to the 1200 calories a day, even if u just have to throw a lil piece of dark chocolate in there to get it. :o)
  • sethwdyer
    sethwdyer Posts: 19 Member
    I would say that if you continue to eat such a small number of calories you may develop an eating disorder....which is bad.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    no woman should eat under 1200 calories a day - period.

    Regardless of exercise you should eat at least 1200 a day -- try calorie dense foods.

    and if you exercise you should be eating back some of your burned calories.

    not eating enough will not help you lose weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you want your weight loss to really make an impact, you need to eat more.

    A few years ago, I ate under 1000 calories a day and while I did reach my goal weight, I didn't reach my goal body. Here's how I looked at 130# then vs a little over 130# now. This time around, I ate around 1800-2000 calories a day. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/494091-i-just-don-t-care-anymore
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    LOL about the zombie apocalypse. I never thought about it, but now I won't be the slowest person, so I won't be the first one eaten.

    And I think you need to eat more. :-)
  • sfh0wrd
    I sometimes don't meet the 1200 a day rule, but it's no more often than once every week or so. I don't worry about that as long as I don't feel hungry. But if you're only hitting 900 on a normal day, I'd try to throw in something else to get it up to at least 1200 cals.
  • star87cc
    Same boat here too (Zombies wont wait for you to catch your breath) and somedays I'd really struggle to reach 1000 calories so I've started with protein shakes, helps after workouts and first thing in the morning for breakfast plus bumps up the calories and my protein intake which is all good as I was worried that if I wasnt taking enough protein in then I'd lose muscle aswell as fat (plus its chocolate truffle flavour added to unsweetened soy milk to keep sugar down too = lush!) xD