New to myfitnesspal and I already need a kick up the...

So, I've been using myfitnesspal for 16 days now and the last week or so, I have gone over my calorie goal 6 times! I don't know why but I just seem to keep losing my willpower :( I end up feeling 'too tired' to go to the gym and just veg out in front of the t.v and eating chocolate!

I started off so well, going to the gym and eating 1300 or just under and I ended up losing 4.8 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm wondering if someone can take on the task of setting me a target which requires me to update you every day....? It might work towards me rekindling the motivation and willpower I already seem to have lost :(


  • rrrbecca11
    Not to be rude, and I know what you are saying, but YOU have to take on your own responsibility or this will never work. It is tough for everybody. We are here to support one another but not to hold each other accountable. That is something only you can do for yourself if you are to be successful.

    Best of luck. :)
  • 2012dancingqueen
    2012dancingqueen Posts: 58 Member
    So, I've been using myfitnesspal for 16 days now and the last week or so, I have gone over my calorie goal 6 times! I don't know why but I just seem to keep losing my willpower :( I end up feeling 'too tired' to go to the gym and just veg out in front of the t.v and eating chocolate!

    I started off so well, going to the gym and eating 1300 or just under and I ended up losing 4.8 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm wondering if someone can take on the task of setting me a target which requires me to update you every day....? It might work towards me rekindling the motivation and willpower I already seem to have lost :(

    I would be happy to help!
    Let's keep each other accountable. Add me as a friend.

    I just started too and could use the extra motivation. :)
  • ttillman19
    ttillman19 Posts: 54 Member
    It is not a fad diet. It is a change in your lifestyle. If you are anything like me...I have let my lifestyle get out of control. I was eat crap, doing nothing about getting moving, and just wondering where the pounds came on. Go easier on yourself. You, like me, just started the change of lifestyle. Feel friend to send a friend request and I will make sure to have a target for you. I started with just choosing healthier food choices. However, feel off the wagon last night when I found a can of cream cheese frosting in the fridge.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I help myself by loggin my food for the day before I even eat it to see where my goals are, and I pack my lunch for work the night before. I happen to be a planner. And sometimes some ppl just need some motivation to get them going. Add me if you like :)
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It is not a fad diet. It is a change in your lifestyle. If you are anything like me...I have let my lifestyle get out of control. I was eat crap, doing nothing about getting moving, and just wondering where the pounds came on. Go easier on yourself. You, like me, just started the change of lifestyle. Feel friend to send a friend request and I will make sure to have a target for you. I started with just choosing healthier food choices. However, feel off the wagon last night when I found a can of cream cheese frosting in the fridge.

    Everyone has a "cheat" day, you have to to make this work....there's always tomorrow :)
  • michaelinee9904
    I am a newbie here and knew I had to have friends out there that would watch me daily to help me stay in line. I am on here several times a day and would love to help you get to your goal! Friend me and we can keep each other motivated! Even though yes we are responisble for only ourselves, it helps knowing someone is out there on your side.
  • lovinbeinold
    I'll tell ya, you need to work out your food plan so will power isn't really your main thing that keeps you on it. If you are getting too tired too fast, could be you don't get enough calories. I get just way too tired if I go under 1300 calories, and the truth is, I still lose weight at over 1800. But I generally eat around 1400 plus, going up to 1800.

    The point is, if you are getting too tired, and you feel you can do this whole thing on will power, you need to reevaluate what you are doing, how you are eating, etc.
  • minnow54151
    minnow54151 Posts: 38 Member
    Add me if you would like.
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Hello feel free to add me.I do agree with rrrbecca you are the only one that can do this for yourself,but I can help as best as I can.Congrats on your loss!
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I have found that if I have plenty of fresh fruits and vegtables on hand that it is easier to stay on Target. On the weekends I generally make a fruit salad and precut veggies and put them in baggies, that way it doesn't take much work to snack on them. I also find it helpful to choose to read magazines like Women's Health and Fitness to keep me motivated....and also my addiction on Pinterest is the fitness section. Also try getting a pedometer or a fitbit to keep track of your steps...great motivator. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I can tell you what worked for me, everybody saying it wouldn't and I didn't need to lose weight. Now I am just toning up and giving up my candy ( LOL saw you on that post too sour candies are the best!!) increasing my protein and trying to keep the weight right where it is. I care and I will tell you to eat fruit instead of candy for sure!
  • kayleigh_1988
    I understand that I am the only one who is responsible and I have come a long way in recognising that. So much of my time was spent moaning to friends and family about how chubby I was bla bla bla. I think by asking you guys for help, I am setting myself a challenge. For some weird reason, I thrive on the fact that I have to prove myself to someone and meet targets. At the end of the day, if I go over my calories or don't go to the gym, I feel bad but I get over it. At least if I think 'ooooh I've got to prove myself to so and so because they will be checking up on me...' it really does help. I just need the extra push! Any ideas for targets people?

    Thanks to those who have offered their help :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    What is your calorie goal? It sounds like it might be too low. If you are eating 1000 calories less than you used to, you're setting yourself up for failure. Make sure your goal is reasonable. Better to lose slowly and keep it off than to make yourself miserable and give up.
  • whitcrater
    I just started using this site because I was curious about my calorie intake. I'm very into fitness and healthy and consider myself a good eater. I've recently changed up my diet and have noticed a huge difference in the way I feel and my energy level. I only snack on fruit, veggies, nuts, and yogurt and I try to eat 3-5 small meals a day. I'm cutting back on portion size and drinking as much water as I can a day. Feek free to add me a a friend! We can keep each other on track!
  • carriecarrot
    carriecarrot Posts: 70 Member
    When you're too tired to go to the gym. Don't! Just go do something else that doesn't involve food... reading a book, shopping (for clothes/perfume/make up etc, not food! lol), enjoy a diet soda... Make that time for your hobbies... it will burn you calories although not as much as going to the gym would but.. it's definitely better than eating chocolate in from of the tube.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I know what you mean. I actually first joined a year ago, used the site for awhile and then just faded. But now I'm back and focused. Try setting a goal besides just the weight loss. Do you have a vacation or event coming up that you want to look extra good for? Try using that as a motivator!

    Feel free to add me! Same for everyone else here! :)
  • Barbwhitmore
    I was in the same boat as you at week three, then I started recruiting friends to join and found a new motivation also bought a fitbit "Boy does that help". All the advice you have gotten is good.
    Do this for you!
    Funny enough my dog is a big motivator. After taking him for a walk after work consistently for two weeks I tried to cut out one night and he acted like I was punishing him. If I got even remotely close to his leash he would spin in circles so happy. I ended up taking him that night and every night since. LOL I'm 5 weeks and counting!
  • 06fusion4us
    I got ya!!!! Keep trying.
  • pattan59801
    Thats a great idea...Thanks...I will try the log ahead and stick with what I put in..........Thanks again