i need motavashon!

im candice im a full time stay at home mom witch means i have no time 4 meever i cant evean take a shower with out having to jump out at least one time cuz i hear a cry or bang i have 2 wonderfull boys 2 years and 4 months i have ben over weight sence i had my first kid 2 years ago and getting this baby weight off is so hard i have no motavashon im getting married next year and i want to back to my original self win my husbind to be meat me. but with 2 yung children and no time 4 myself it is so hard!


  • trinajoy7
    trinajoy7 Posts: 16 Member
    get a double stroller and start by taking the kids for a walk, you will feel better and the kids will get some fresh air. can I add you to my friend list and we can encourage each other?
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    You need a dictionary
  • Trinity1982
    DONT BULLY! yes her grammar is poor however there is no need for that. At least she's trying!!!

    Motivation comes in every form. Start small - set out one very TINY goal. It could be to do 1 minute of squats a day. This you can do because you can do it while you prepare a meal (silly i know but you'll have fun with this one). Progress slowly as when your youngest grows, you'll be able to do a bit more. Go for a short walk, even for 15 mins in the stroller and your 2 year old walk along side (get a 'harness' or similar if he likes walking off) this will tire him out and give you a few more minutes of 'me time'.

    when my kiddies were around the same age, i would sit bub in the bouncer in the bathroom and play peek-a-boo with the shower curtain after my oldest child was asleep for the night. my bub would go to bed not long later and it worked for us! give it a go :)

    it's not always about excersise - its about what you eat too. start eating right and get rid of all the pre packaged and take out and you'll do a great job just by starting at that!

    Good Luck!!!
  • candiceh619
    i do have a dubble stroller but i live in a gated appartment and they only give 1 key to the gate and my boyfriend has it! it sux i have work out video's but my 2 year old jumps on me or holds my legs win i try doing them i need a gate key cus my son loves the park like anny kid and it is walking distance and yes i need motavashon!
  • candiceh619
  • BananableLector
    BananableLector Posts: 26 Member
    Maybe see if you can keep the key and let him in when he comes home, that way you can take the kids for walks and that sort of thing. What about the apartment... Does it have a lot of stairs you can walk up and down? Use the 2 year old to your advantage and start lifting him like weights lol or encourage him to "exercise " with you. He will prolly end up just jumping around or getting bored and finding something else to do.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    i do have a dubble stroller but i live in a gated appartment and they only give 1 key to the gate and my boyfriend has it! it sux i have work out video's but my 2 year old jumps on me or holds my legs win i try doing them i need a gate key cus my son loves the park like anny kid and it is walking distance and yes i need motavashon!

    Can't you make a copy of the key?
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    When my monsters were small the only thing that would shut them up was a walk in the pushchair, the little dears.
  • JulieDerda
    IM not trying to say you shouldnt work out but I am overweight as well and I have just been dieting eating 1260-1300 calories a day and losing 1-2lbs a week for the past 2 months. Just start there and then when the time comes when you plateau then worry about working out. but yes walking will help a lot. maybe your mom can watch them for an hour? I know different people have different situations so I dont know how you situation/people you can rely on to watch kids for a couple hours, is. However, there are gyms out there that have in-gym daycares that dont cost anything for them to watch you kids. and the montly gym fees are like $20 a month.
  • Mamaincali
    Mamaincali Posts: 65 Member
    You need to talk to the apartment manager. That is ridiculous to only hand out 1 key to a 2 adult household. Or ask if there is a code you can use to get back in. You can also walk around inside the complex. Get your 2 year old to do the exercise DVDs with you. Its hard when you have kids but it can be done!
  • candiceh619
    yes it can thank all of you for all of the ideas!