Help_Am I alone



  • where are you in Afghanistan? I was in Bagram, Kandahar, and Kabul and the DFAC was pretty accessible at all those places......why are you stuck at your desk for 12 hours str8? what do you do if you have to go to the bathroom or if you have co-workers that smoke how do they take a smoke break? from my experience I find it hard to believe you are literally stuck your desk / work place for 12 hours straight but I guess I have to take you at your word

    Do you not have a refrigerator of some kind in your work place? Every work section I visited had a small refrigerator and microwave of some sort....this way you can refrigerate and cooks some smaller food / DFAC leftovers

    as to your un healthy care packages...why not leave them in the USO office or MWR office for others that may want them?

    if you can only go to the DFAC 2 times a day, and literally can not leave your desk, why not have a co-worker / friend, bring you a healthy-ish meal from the DFAC in a to-go box?

    ask your stateside friends to send you healthier snacks like canned tuna, protein bars, raisins, nutrigrain bars, instant oatmeal and things like that? ...Also usually the PX on the FOB sells some things like that.....also I am sure worst case you can order some of that stuff on the internet.
  • also if you can only go to the DFAC 2 times a day, take a healthy-ish to go box for yourself to eat later
  • Day twe of no eating in my rack that is in a tent ROB. Never said I am stuck to my desk for 12 hours straight, I said I work 12 hours shifts which means the DFAC is only open twice on my shift (2200-1000). If you get a to go box you can't get a plate at the base I am on but thank you and if I am trying to avoid eating in bed why would I take a to go box for later did you read my post ROB? I am in Kabul and you of course know I cannot put on here what I do thanks though. Any who things are not that liberal at NKAIA but hey I guess people forget situations change, maybe you heard about that cross border incident in November that causes us not to get supplies but whatever I am not here to explain my situation was looking for encouragement. If you can not be positive about weight loss you have more than a fat issue.
  • sorry you misunderstood where I was coming from, I will cease and desist.

    best of luck.

    Hopefully you can stay on KAIA.... I hated the convoys to the other places like ISAF Hqs, NKC, Eggers, etc.

    Stay safe
  • Beth429
    Beth429 Posts: 17 Member
    I chew gum when I get the craving and drink a few glasses of water! It really helps!
  • Sorry after re-reading I realized I did. Hopefully I can stay here too its been four months already and no unnecessary movements yet. I have 7 and half more months and I just want to fix this addiction permanently because eating in bed is also a problem I face state side too only there its Taco Bell and Krystals at 0200. Thank you for all your help and will take heed to your advice. You take care of yourself and keep speaking your mind.
  • marca_june
    marca_june Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I too am addicted to sugar. Thin people say oh, this cake is too rich for me to eat, not me, bring it on! I found out the more I eat, the more I'd want so I try my best to leave it alone. Eventually things get a little better. Eat something more healthy.
  • Thank you Beth someone actually sent me packs of sugar free gum so I may try a piece before and spit out before I find myself dozing off but the cold turkey is really working and I enjoy the two cookies on my walk in to work.
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Perhaps you could try some of Dr. Atkins bars....they may not be the best but low in sugar....and high in protein...may help...I plan on trying these this week...or sugar free jello!
    The're very good. They taste like a candy bar.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am used to eating around $5 in candies daily...

    Read something that inspired me to stop the sugar: your teeth are the strongest part of your body, along with your bones. If sugar can deteriorate the strongest part of your body, what is it doing to stuff such as your organs?

    Also, it causes premature aging.

    Im using the grapefruit well as upping protein...on day ~3 now ^^
  • Larissa26
    Larissa26 Posts: 12 Member
    Try this at night time. Make you a protein shake. Get you some choclate protein mix, egg beaters, Skim milk and a little bit of dark choclate. Mix this in for your shake and add ice and BAM! . This will help with cravings A LOT!!!The millk & egg beaters are going to help you feel up:-) My nightime cravings are horrible, but have found the shakes help.
  • Grpeaches you can do it, for the others with the great advice thanks for all the good suggestions and trust I will try them all.
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    or try grapes!
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! I too am addicted to sugar. Thin people say oh, this cake is too rich for me to eat, not me, bring it on! I found out the more I eat, the more I'd want so I try my best to leave it alone. Eventually things get a little better. Eat something more healthy.

    I am also addicted to sugar. Over the last few years though, I have worked really hard at staying away from anything with processed sugar and I find that after 3 or 4 days of no sugar at all, I don't even crave it anymore. I still had to worry if it was the holidays or something and there were all sorts of sweets around and sometimes I would go ahead and eat what I wanted only to find that i was back on the wagon and had to start all over again. After yo-yoing back and forth the last 2 years I guess, I can finally say I don't crave it. This past Christmas I tried to eat junk, but it just didn't taste as good anymore. Even the really rich stuff I loved like cannolis, italian creme cake, truffles, cheesecake, etc. are no longer so yummy to me.....thank God! Now, I just gotta stop eating other junk! I eat fruit now, especially grapes....and chew sugarless gum, or eat a bowl of Cheerios when I want something sweet and that's plenty.