Primal Blueprint Anyone?



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I work in the clinical research in addition to having an overall sound knowledge of nutrition. If you don't have a clinical research study to quote as to why my low carb intake is wrong, then please don't comment. I am not interested in opinions as to why low carb is "wrong," but suggestions from those that follow this way of eating also.

    your cho curve for weightloss is silly

    please show me some controlled metabolic ward studies that have show keto diets have a metabolic advantage

    also 150g-300g of cho will lead to steady weight gain? So 600-1200 cals from Cho will lead to weight gain in everyone?

    This isn't my curve, but that established by the Primal Blueprint.

    And please read my entire post- I wasn't interested in comments from those that aren't apart of this way of eating, as you clearly haven't done the research.

    It appears that this well researched plan of yours isn't working for you if you're gaining weight.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    So what you're saying is: even though you're NOT getting the results predicted, you're unwilling to listen to any advice about doing something different, or re-examining the approach you're using.......

    Makes perfect sense.

    I asked for suggestions from those that follow this way of eating also. Not for comments from individuals that don't. That should be enough. Of course I don't want to argue with people whom I wasn't directing this question to.

    Because.....only people who eat this fad diet are knowledgeable on nutrition?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Not really, but I understand it. I did attempt it about 5 years ago, epic fail, and went back to my normal farm to fork philosophy.

    Thank you for you input... I also am a farm to table eater and make virtually everything I eat entirely from scratch.

    I'm also a chef and have eaten this way for ever, and have also been a member of slow food since 89. Anyway, you didin't answer my question.

    Your question wasn't clear. If you understand primal eating as you said you did, then you would understand Mark's carbohydrate curve.
    It's a pretty simple question really. How does consuming 150-300 g's of carbs a day cause steady, insidious weight gain. I'm quite familar with Marks philophy and the daily apple, but I would like your educated response to this....hope this makes my question clearer.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    How are your measurements, or if you don't measure, are your clothes fitting tighter/looser? It's possible you're gaining muscle but losing fat, resulting in a leaner, heavier body.

    Measurements are down about an 3 inches overall and my clothes fit are a bit looser than they were. I've only been primal for not quite three weeks and initially lost 7 lbs but have gained about 3 back over the last few days. So I was just trying to hone in what could be causing it (if my macronutrients need to be tweaked, etc). I looked at your diary, YUM! What do you usually do to keep your cal intake higher? Nuts are always a great go-to for me, but I'm getting sick of them.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Not really, but I understand it. I did attempt it about 5 years ago, epic fail, and went back to my normal farm to fork philosophy.

    Thank you for you input... I also am a farm to table eater and make virtually everything I eat entirely from scratch.

    I'm also a chef and have eaten this way for ever, and have also been a member of slow food since 89. Anyway, you didin't answer my question.

    Your question wasn't clear. If you understand primal eating as you said you did, then you would understand Mark's carbohydrate curve.
    It's a pretty simple question really. How does consuming 150-300 g's of carbs a day cause steady, insidious weight gain. I'm quite familar with Marks philophy and the daily apple, but I would like your educated response to this....hope this makes my question clearer.

    From Mark and others:

    "Continued higher insulin-stimulating effect prevents efficient fat burning and contributes to widespread chronic disease conditions. This range – irresponsibly recommended by the USDA and other diet authorities – can lead to the statistical US average gain of 1.5 pounds of fat per year for forty years."

    Read more:

    "Weight loss is all about insulin; moderate your production by eliminating sugar and grains (yes, even whole grains) and you will lose the excess body fat you desire without dieting—plus you will improve your energy level, reduce inflammation, and eliminate disease risk."

    And this link:

    Of course there are much more reliable sources than Mark, but I'm at work and don't have time to attach a reference list and other sources. I really only posted this so that I could take to others who follow (and LIKE) paleo and primal eating and could offer insight.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    So what you're saying is: even though you're NOT getting the results predicted, you're unwilling to listen to any advice about doing something different, or re-examining the approach you're using.......

    Makes perfect sense.

    I asked for suggestions from those that follow this way of eating also. Not for comments from individuals that don't. That should be enough. Of course I don't want to argue with people whom I wasn't directing this question to.

    Because.....only people who eat this fad diet are knowledgeable on nutrition?

    Do you have something better you could be doing? Because if I was as opposed to "fad diets" as you are, I probably wouldn't be wasting my time harassing someone over the internet.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Harassing? That's a stretch. I'm just trying to understand why you asked for advice and then shot down every person who wasn't a cheerleader for what you are already doing.

    Ask for advice: you're going to receive opinions. Shoot down every opinion you're given (even when accompanied by research), it just doesn't make any logical sense.

    So you're not asking for help, just a yes-man.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Harassing? That's a stretch. I'm just trying to understand why you asked for advice and then shot down every person who wasn't a cheerleader for what you are already doing.

    Ask for advice: you're going to receive opinions. Shoot down every opinion you're given (even when accompanied by research), it just doesn't make any logical sense.

    So you're not asking for help, just a yes-man.

    Asking for advice from a specific group of people = only wanting that group of people to respond.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Asking for advice from a specific group of people = makes sure you only hear what you want to hear
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    The problem is that you have adopted a "diet" and you are frustrated that it is not working for you.

    If you truly believed in Primal you would understand that it is a lifestyle choice that is undertaken because you think it is best for you. I am sorry that your lifestyle choice is proving to be at odds with your desire to lose weight.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Not really, but I understand it. I did attempt it about 5 years ago, epic fail, and went back to my normal farm to fork philosophy.

    Thank you for you input... I also am a farm to table eater and make virtually everything I eat entirely from scratch.

    I'm also a chef and have eaten this way for ever, and have also been a member of slow food since 89. Anyway, you didin't answer my question.

    Your question wasn't clear. If you understand primal eating as you said you did, then you would understand Mark's carbohydrate curve.
    It's a pretty simple question really. How does consuming 150-300 g's of carbs a day cause steady, insidious weight gain. I'm quite familar with Marks philophy and the daily apple, but I would like your educated response to this....hope this makes my question clearer.

    From Mark and others:

    "Continued higher insulin-stimulating effect prevents efficient fat burning and contributes to widespread chronic disease conditions. This range – irresponsibly recommended by the USDA and other diet authorities – can lead to the statistical US average gain of 1.5 pounds of fat per year for forty years."

    Read more:

    "Weight loss is all about insulin; moderate your production by eliminating sugar and grains (yes, even whole grains) and you will lose the excess body fat you desire without dieting—plus you will improve your energy level, reduce inflammation, and eliminate disease risk."

    And this link:

    Of course there are much more reliable sources than Mark, but I'm at work and don't have time to attach a reference list and other sources. I really only posted this so that I could take to others who follow (and LIKE) paleo and primal eating and could offer insight.
    I wanted your opinion considering your credentials, I know Marks opinion. like I said I'm quite familiar with the daily apple. Let me just say that it's no doubt a healthy lifestyle, and if you can adhere to the diet, good for you, but it's not carbs that cause steady, insidious weight gain, it's the overconsumption of calories, compounded by a diet that is nutritionally compromised like the SAD, this is what contributes to the diseases of civilization, not carbs. The Kitavans of Papua New Guinea who have very little contact with western civilization for example consume a very high carb diet and are free of disease. On the other end of the spectrum you might want to google twinkie diet or potato diet for another insight........I'm beginning to have my doubt you know very much about nutrition at all.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    It can be frustrating to want opinions from certain people about certain topics and not receive what you are looking for. However, now that you have alienated everyone else on the thread that asked questions or didn't agree, I don't believe you are going to get what you are looking for now.

    My momma always said you attract more flies with honey than vinegar.

    Now addressing the initial questions you are seeking answers to, I would suggest joining this group:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Asking for advice from a specific group of people = only wanting that group of people to respond.
    The "Food and Nutrition" forum is a public one.

    if you want to limit responses to your question, I would suggest the Groups:

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    The problem is that you have adopted a "diet" and you are frustrated that it is not working for you.

    If you truly believed in Primal you would understand that it is a lifestyle choice that is undertaken because you think it is best for you. I am sorry that your lifestyle choice is proving to be at odds with your desire to lose weight.

    I'm going to have to agree here. I fully understand the primal blueprint so please don't accuse me of being uneducated or "unsupportive". The idea behind primal is to change the way you eat and feel. The primary goal is not weight loss. Also, you said you are consuming "excessive" amounts of dairy. Well, that's not primal. I believe that if that dairy has fit into your general macros it shouldn't have had a 3 pound effect on your weight, but you can't fairly say something isn't working if you haven't been following it properly. It is absolutely a lifestyle choice and it really should be given more than three weeks.
  • Rheatheylia
    Rheatheylia Posts: 53 Member
    How are your measurements, or if you don't measure, are your clothes fitting tighter/looser? It's possible you're gaining muscle but losing fat, resulting in a leaner, heavier body.

    Measurements are down about an 3 inches overall and my clothes fit are a bit looser than they were. I've only been primal for not quite three weeks and initially lost 7 lbs but have gained about 3 back over the last few days. So I was just trying to hone in what could be causing it (if my macronutrients need to be tweaked, etc). I looked at your diary, YUM! What do you usually do to keep your cal intake higher? Nuts are always a great go-to for me, but I'm getting sick of them.

    As long as my measurements are improving I wouldn't worry about the number too much, sounds like you're doing well. The human body is a very strange and complex thing, it could very easily drop those 3 pounds overnight and continue losing. I've only been primal for a week or so and am still learning, so I haven't gotten tired of nuts yet. I'm considering flavoring nuts myself since most of the flavored kinds have weird ingredients. I'm thinking tiny bit of olive oil then dry seasonings like lemon pepper, curry, italian, chili pepper. Should keep the nuts from becoming too monotonous. I have trouble keeping my cals high enough sometimes, everything is just so filling! It's only been a week but I'm really beginning to rely on oils more, lots of olive oil on salads and veggies, add some Italian seasoning and a bit of salt to it...yum yum!

    I'd ignore the people on here who just want to argue, why anyone would read and reply to a topic who's title is something they disagree with is beyond me. They don't want to educate or learn, they just want to be a jerk.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I'd ignore the people on here who just want to argue, why anyone would read and reply to a topic who's title is something they disagree with is beyond me. They don't want to educate or learn, they just want to be a jerk.
    The OP asked for opinions, and got them. Simple as that.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I'm sure I look like a jerk because I didn't want to listen to anyone that was non-paleo- but I did say that in my post.

    I wanted honest PALEO eaters to look at my food diary and to critique it. Not people who were against it- as I don't need any convincing as to the way of life itself- I wanted affirmation that I was adhering to it. Mostly- I was concerned that I my body was reacting to the drop in calories- not that I was "gaining weight." I'm not so vain as to drop a way of eating because I think I'm going to "gain." I would rather my body work like a find tuned machine then be a waif.

    Thank you all for you input. While most unsolicited, it was genuine for the most part. I did my research extensively before starting this and I know why my all organic diet has now turned into an organic Paleo diet.

    UCSF – short term paleo intervention improving blood pressure, glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles.


    particularly important for type 2 diabetes: (Harvard School of Public Health)

    introducing gluten earlier in infant’s lives = more celiac disease
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I'm sure I look like a jerk because I didn't want to listen to anyone that was non-paleo- but I did say that in my post.

    I wanted honest PALEO eaters to look at my food diary and to critique it. Not people who were against it- as I don't need any convincing as to the way of life itself- I wanted affirmation that I was adhering to it. Mostly- I was concerned that I my body was reacting to the drop in calories- not that I was "gaining weight." I'm not so vain as to drop a way of eating because I think I'm going to "gain." I would rather my body work like a find tuned machine then be a waif.

    Thank you all for you input. While most unsolicited, it was genuine for the most part. I did my research extensively before starting this and I know why my all organic diet has now turned into an organic Paleo diet.

    UCSF – short term paleo intervention improving blood pressure, glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles.

    9 subject, no control group.

    "Twenty-nine patients with ischaemic heart disease plus either glucose intolerance or type 2 diabetes "
    ^^Not at all relevant to the majority of the population^^^

    "Overall effect on weight was equivocal among the studies evaluated in this meta-analysis. Randomized, controlled studies of restricted-carbohydrate diets in patients with diabetes need to be conducted in order to evaluate the overall sustainability of outcomes and long-term safety."

    ^^Hardly compelling^^^

    Protein good. No ****. What, exactly does this have to do w/ paleo???


    Protein good. Groundbreaking.

    What does this have to do w/ Paleo???

    No abstract available. Do you have access to the full text?

    How is this relevant, exactly???
    introducing gluten earlier in infant’s lives = more celiac disease

    Are you an infant? Unless your name is Stewie, I highly doubt that you are.

    Literal LOL at this one

    "The results show that it is possible to consume a Paleolithic diet given the constraints. However, the diet does fall short of meeting the daily recommended intakes for certain micronutrients. A 9.3% increase in income is needed to consume a Paleolithic diet that meets all daily recommended intakes except for calcium."

    Are you ****ing serious??

    Did you even read any of these studies, or just copy and paste them from Sisson's page?

    Thanks for playing.
  • BrandonDoom
    BrandonDoom Posts: 64 Member
    Harassing? That's a stretch. I'm just trying to understand why you asked for advice and then shot down every person who wasn't a cheerleader for what you are already doing.

    Ask for advice: you're going to receive opinions. Shoot down every opinion you're given (even when accompanied by research), it just doesn't make any logical sense.

    So you're not asking for help, just a yes-man.

    You are being ignorant and rude.