how do u get up n get ready to work out in the am???



  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    my alarm sits across the room... I allow myself one snooze - set my clothes the night before in the bathroom - usually I am up by 4:40 and at the gym by 5:15-20 done by 6:30 or so
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    I'm a shift worker, I feel ya. I have worked out after an evening shift (which for me is midnight-ish) and I honestly never have the energy to do a full work out. I have started dragging my butt there in the morning...being half asleep is almost better. By the time you are halfway through your workout you will wake up.
    But as most people have said, it's just a DO IT kinda thing. I said I'm a nigthowl for years before finally accepting that if I wanted the luxury of going home right after work, I had to work out (gulp) in the morning...
    Good luck!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I am a night owl too. But, some morning I teach a 5:30 am. So, the alarm goes off, I roll out of bed, brush teeth, get dressed....gone. Nothing pretty!!!
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    how do u get up n get ready to work out in the am???

    Um, I don't!
    I've tried to exercise in the morning but I just can't do it. Too tired, not enough food to energize me. Not even on the weekends. Mid day or evenings for me please.
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    Mostly you just have to decide to do it. I always lay out my workout clothes the night before, including my bag with water bottle, ipod, wallet, keys, etc. Partly so I can get dressed and out of the house in the least amount of time possible, partly so I don't wake up my wife. I set the alarm. On days that I'm struggling, I just remind myself that even if I shut off the alarm, I probably won't fall back asleep right away, so in reality I've still gotten up early, but will then have nothing to show for it. It's all mental stuff.

    thats exactly what i do!

    you go to work at 2pm? so go whenever and shower and get ready and go to work right after the gym. That seems like an easy fix to me. like everyone else just gotta do it. you gotta make it a priority and schedule it in.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Have a baby.

    Heh heh, just kidding. Though that would be a pretty good way to get up before 8am. Mine wakes up at 7am on the dot, every day.

    Actually, one thing that I do when I have to get up early is I set an alarm and put it across the room. If I know that I really have to get up, I'll set two of them, a few minutes apart, and force myself to get out of bed by putting them where I have to physically get up to turn them off. For me, it's the actual getting out of bed part that's hard, so once I'm up, I just figure "Why the heck not?"

    Also, have everything laid-out and ready to go the night before. Like shoes, running gear, iPod, etc. Lay it all out in one spot that's easy to find, so that you don't have to go hunting for it. Makes everything that much easier when you're not really in the mood to get going.

    Oh, and drink a massive amount of water before going to bed. When you wake up and have to pee, you can't think about going back to sleep, because your bladder will feel like bursting. Gets me out of bed even better than my alarm some mornings.
  • jendutton5
    jendutton5 Posts: 6 Member
    I work out at 5:30 in the am........I cuss my alarm clock at 5:00, give myself 1 5 minute snooze button. Then I get up, the first few minutes of class are pretty rough, get some fun music going and just knock it out. After a week or so, it gets easier to get up, plus i have WAY more energy during the day!
  • southernyankee716
    With a LARGE cup of coffee
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    I've just started on this trip of regaining my health back and weight loss, so it may be easier for me because I still have "fresh" or newly acquired determination and motivation. Hopefully it will stay with me but this is what I do. I am a shift worker, 3 shifts over a 6 week period. Day shift starts at 7.00 a.m. so I set the alarm for 4.00 a.m. Get up , breakfast and then to the gym to be there by about 4.30 a.m. Hours workout then to work for shower etc and ready to go by 0700. Sometimes I dont feel like it but I just force myself. Once I am moving and have got some food in me, I feel alright. I find on A shift and night shift, workout before work is better for me. I am more alert at work. I think at the end of the day, you just got to bite the bullet and go for it. Get up and get moving.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I will typically set the alarm for 45 minutes before I have to leave for the gym (which can be a 10 minute drive or a 2 minute elevator ride to the hotel fitness center). A shot or two of caffeine and I'm usually alert enough to move. Once I'm in the gym (bright lights, music, action, and a purpose) I can get my workout done.

    Now, as far as mental acquity, that takes me about 2 hours from when I wake up.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Get a dog!!!! No options- always needs a walk out, gets me up at 6am. No rest days though!

    LOL, my hubby has the 'early shift' - I get to take the monster out at night.
    I thought about exercising in the mornings while they are out, but haven't made myself ge up yet - it's the only hour of unperturbed sleep I ever seem to get around those two....
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I don't. ;)
  • starrstarr007
    I used to only workout in the evening after work, but more ofen than not I was missing workouts or running out of time and was eating dinner at midnight. I agreed (with myself) to try working out in the morning for 2 weeks, this meant setting my alarm for 5:30am when I was used to struggle to get up at 7am.... I can tell you I still hate it every day (especially after going to concerts until 1am like last night), but I have a little routine now that my 10% awake brain can handle. Get up go to bathroom, put on HRM chest strap, gym clothes are hanging in bathroom, put those on. Walk downstairs to kitchen to fill up water bottle, say hello to my dog who will join me at some point in the journey, tell her to go back to sleep with daddy. I go into the spare room turn on the fan and open the window - once that freezing air hits me I am awake and usually by the end of the warm up I am wide awake. Still cursing at myself for getting up, but I am up. By 7am I am so glad I did it... then I makes breakfast, shower and go to work. I find I eat better during the day because of it - especially because I do not want my early rise to be wasted. Funny enough now my weekends are my harding days to workout because I do not set an alarm. If I haven't worked out by 9am I struggle to motivate myself for it...

    So in short - I hate it all the time, but I am thankful I do it...

    Good luck - hope you find something that works for you
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I give major props to the people I see out running at 4 or 5 in the morning when I'm driving to work. Getting to work before 6am is hard enough for me, I couldn't imagine getting up and jogging outside. O__O

    Luckily I get out of work usually no later than noon, so I have plenty of time to hit the gym after.
  • Vix8856
    There's no rule that says you have to work out in the morning, do it when you get off work in the evening! Or if you REALLY are dead set on mornings, here's what I do...
    Wake up to a kick-*kitten* up-beat song...
    Give myself about 15 minutes to fully wake up, check facebook, etc from bed...
    Get up, wash my face to wake up a little, start some tea brewing, then work out to something that you LOVE doing!!
    I chose Zumba, I can't wait to get out of bed to do it. I usually get up at 6am even on my days off, and I am a former night owl also!
  • angelvicki1999
    For me, I just have to do it. I'm going to take some of these other tips, like drinking way too much before bed, that's backfiired once though.... But I hate getting up early, but if I don't I don't get the workout in any other way. With two kids and school in the evenings, I have to get up early. I love it when I do it though because I feel so great for the rest of the day, have much more energy and oddly enough, I don't pig out on junk food. Guess its a feeling of a wasted effort if I do.. Good luck with ya!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal gets me going. I digest for 30-60 min, then I'm totally ready to go
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I work out at night. I get home from work about 2:00-2:30 am and workout about 3:30 am, then go to bed. I cant do the morning thing. Ive tried, I just have no energy at that time.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    I usually work out at 5am and then get ready at the gym and go to work. It's rough, but I think it's worth it. I get my workout out of the way by 7 am and don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day! My biggest motivator is knowing that my gym buddy is there waiting for me to get there so I feel responsible for showing up. Some tips I have for working out in the morning:

    -Lay out all your workout clothes/water bottle/everything you need for the gym the night before so you can put it on as soon as you get up.
    -If you are getting ready at the gym after you work out, pack all of your clothes for the day/toiletries/etc the night before.
    - Prep your food for the day the night before so you don't have to worry about it in the morning.
    -If you are eating breakfast before you work out, decide what you're having the night before so you don't have to waste time getting it ready in the morning. If you are eating after, pack your breakfast to bring with you the night before.
    - Set your alarm and then put it ACROSS the room so you have to get up and won't be tempted to hit snooze.
    - Be patient. It takes some time to get used to morning workouts. It takes some time but eventually your circadian rhythm will get used to the new sleep cycle & you can start going to bed a little earlier. Getting up in the morning gets easier & easier as time goes on.

    Good luck! :)
  • BrianSkelton72
    1. Set the alarm
    2. Get your butt out of bed when the alarm goes off

    I am a night owl by nature and I have to force myself out of bed every morning. It does not get easier as time goes on. You have to make the decision to do it and then keep making that decision every day. I wish there were a better answer to make all of our lives easier but there isn't. A wise man once said "Do or Do not. There is no try."

    Best answer! And just motivated me! Time to make it happen...