Ladies, I'm talking to you

Do you weigh yourself when you're on your period?
Do you change your diet at all?

I tend to gain a bunch of weight, mostly water (I hope). It is NO fun to see that number rise when you know it's not muscle mass. I also tend to want different foods during that time...particularly things that are high in iron.


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 820 Member
    Weigh in only if it happens to be a scheduled weigh-in day.

    Diet changes? I take prenatal vitamins that week for the added iron, and try to pay close attention to WHY I am eating.
  • tiggertoo57
    This last month I had an IBS flare up with the world's worst period! 10 lb gain total...but I lost it all by the last 2 days of my period. I've figured it's not worth putting it in here because it just skews your weight counter. Usually I would take iron pills but this last time my system was so messed up I ended up on broth for 2 days. I cook a lot of meals using 90/10 hamburger drained and rinsed in order to help get my iron and lots of broccoli and leafy greens. Good luck.
  • _Shelley_
    This last month I had an IBS flare up with the world's worst period! 10 lb gain total...but I lost it all by the last 2 days of my period. I've figured it's not worth putting it in here because it just skews your weight counter. Usually I would take iron pills but this last time my system was so messed up I ended up on broth for 2 days. I cook a lot of meals using 90/10 hamburger drained and rinsed in order to help get my iron and lots of broccoli and leafy greens. Good luck.

    I crave leafy greens and broccoli, too. I ate a bunch last night and again today. At least we are craving healthy things :)

    Thank you.
  • knowlestandy
    knowlestandy Posts: 10 Member
    You know, I never thought about changing my diet, or weighing myself during "mother natures gift" time. I will keep an eye on it though, and will let you know what comes out of it. Hope you are doing well on your weight loss journey. Have a good day.
  • katemiddletonisawesome
    I'm on mine now and I REFUSE to weigh in for at least 10 days!
  • aprildawn81
    aprildawn81 Posts: 668 Member
    Do you weigh yourself when you're on your period?
    Do you change your diet at all?

    I tend to gain a bunch of weight, mostly water (I hope). It is NO fun to see that number rise when you know it's not muscle mass. I also tend to want different foods during that time...particularly things that are high in iron.

    So glad you asked this!!! I always gain 2-3lbs then when it's over, they're gone. I wouldn't count it (and I don't, lol)
  • moniquelessard
    I gain at the beginning, then I lose weight at the end. I don't stress over my weight during my period. It's unreliable. Just keep watching your diet and exercise. All will be good :)
  • AnneH1977
    AnneH1977 Posts: 86 Member
    I skip the weigh in that week, since I know that I'll have "gained". I know its fluid, but my eyes still go all buggy lol. I also make sure I'm not loading up on sodium since I tend to want salty stuff. I drink extra water as well to flush out the bloat. Sure is great being a girl. Sigh...
  • Melyssaks
    Melyssaks Posts: 69 Member
    I tend to bloat and feel fat but not actually gain pounds so I still weight myself (I always weigh myself at 10pm everyday). I actually get nauseous the first day of my period and usually cannot stomach food and then day two I crave the world's greasiest foods (especially french fries and cheese doodles). I usually let myself have it since I figure it balances out with the lack of food I have the day before. I never exercise the first couple days of my period. All in all I find that it tends to even out in the end so I just track everything like normal. If I see that I have gained a pound or two during my period then I work extra hard once it ends to make up for it. It's all about balance. Even if you gain weight every once in a while you just need to stay on track and get the weight back off.
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh in, regardless if I'm on my period or not, and just note it on my iPad. I don't let it get me down if I gain a pound or two because I know it will come off the following week. :)
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    After 30+ years of having periods, I still manage to say, "What the?? Why have I gained 3 pounds? Seriously? Man, I have no idea what is going on." And then my period starts. So yes, I do weigh. But maybe I should not. Or I should use a calendar. :laugh:
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I do because I track my weight gain at that time to try finding my average. I know it skews my counter but that is ok. I still want to know what I've gained and when it comes back off.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I don't weigh myself during that time of the month. I know that I gain at least a couple of pounds of just water weight and it's just disheartening. I do get cravings though, mainly to salty foods and dark chocolate. I try not to give into them though, kind of how I got to the shape I'm at now. If you have some major cravings and you see that your body is getting pale or you are really out of breath or stuff like that you may be suffering from iron deficiency anemia - Not saying that everything you crave during this time of the month does this, or that every women how has cravings goes through anemia just thought I would bring it to attention in case someone is having stuff like that going on.
  • birdieintx
    I stepped on the scale this AM and thought, "what??? up a pound? how???" until I thought about what's coming. So no I will not be weighing myself this week until that visitor has packed her bags.

    I crave sweets when I am on the rag also so it's just a bad time all around!