What was your rock bottom?



  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Seeing this picture on Facebook after a friend's party....joined this site the following day.

    More acceptable recent picture that I actually posted myself on FB....still working on it.
  • Luvlynamazing
    When in High School I was always around the 150-155 mark. And when I went for a checkup at the doctor about 2 years later (never weighed myself before because I was a XC runner and softball player) the scale said 186 lbs. I couldn't believe it.

    Mine is similar. Went to the doc and the scale said I was 185. I had been around 140 my whole life and slowly and surely the weight just kept piling on... As I was driving home that day I vowed I would make a lifestyle change. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    My bottom started with the death of my father just 3 months after the death of my brother. My brother's passing wasn't health issue related to weight or anything like that, but my father's death was caused by a heart attack...he was 54 years old and diabetic, but refused to manage it. I began to wonder why I hadn't really been living my life. I was going through a depression of sorts, but the two deaths in the family brought me out of it by teaching me that I should be cherishing life, not hating it.

    A year later, I was at the doctor's office because my fiance and I were planning to try to get pregnant. I wanted to be prepared in every way I could be, so I was requesting a prescription for prenatal vitamins to begin taking before getting pregnant. My doctor decided that I should also have blood tests ran so that we could be aware if there were any issues that may hinder our ability to get pregnant. My blood tests came back stating that I was diabetic. I was referred to a dietician and put on Metformin. I was 27 years old, and refused to accept that I was at my midlife (if I were to die at the same age my dad did). I ended up losing 20 pounds prior to getting pregnant and was able to keep that off for the next 2 years (I only gained 20 with my pregnancy and lost it within 2 weeks of giving birth). After the birth of our son, I was no longer a diabetic (yay!) I found MFP this past summer and have lost another 18. I have around another 35 to go. It might take me another few years, but I do know one thing, I will never be diabetic again!
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    420 and gassed after walking to the mailbox... at 27 years old. With a baby on the way.
    ^^ this -

    - 380 and not able to keep up with anyone while walking
    - getting SO winded walking a block om my car to work
    - having acanthosis 2 summers ago (thank goodness I work with a bunch of RNs and wellness coaches - well, you'd THINK that would be a rock bottom but I kept bingeing and stayed in denial for 2 years)
    - working on designs for a bunch of diabetes handouts and newsletter articles and realizing "oh crap, this is me"
    - having my best friend tell me he's afraid I won't make it to 50 with any quality of life
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    It seemed where ever I went, I saw not just overweight people (especially women, but certainly NOT exclusively), but everywhere I went, everywhere I looked I saw obese and morbidly obese people and I would have the NERVE to be disgusted with how so many people "just let themselves go".

    Well, on January 20th...I made an emergency call into my doctor, because I started developing these really UGLY and disgusting rashes all over my body. I've NEVER had skin problems and always have had lovely skin. The doctor couldn't figure it out--said it looked like several things and gave me a prescription for some stuff. As her assistant gave me my prognosis report, I saw the word OBESE as one of the possible contributing factors and was a part of my medical history.

    WOW! All I can say is something snapped, crackled and POPPED within me and SCARED me something awful. Kinda like when the ghosts came to see Scoorge in ****en's Christmas Carol--what my past, present and future will look like if i don't make a serious lifestyle change. I said, that's it!! I'm getting this nasty looking and feeling fat off of me. But I also had to do a LOT of soul searching, apologizing to a lot to people (including and especially my family and friends) to get my NEW Life style starting out RIGHT.

    It like God Himself showed me myself in every obese and morbidly obese person i saw, and gave me the CHOICE of changing--drastically, and immediately and Assured me He will help me if I humble myself and follow a new lifestyle of eating, drinking, thinking, behaving, believing and loving. I said YES, and today is my 1 month anniversary of change and I've released and banished FOREVER 15 pounds of FAT, have gain muscle in many places I never have and helped me to drop my body fat percentage from a HUGE and unacceptably SCARY 46-47% to currently a miraculous and blessed body fat percentage of 32% body fat--just from changing my eating, personal and spiritual habits. I've got a long way to go--55 more unhealthy pounds to BLAST out of my life forever more--but it's a awesome and exciting road ahead, that i look forward to meeting everyday for the rest of my life!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I weighed over 300 lbs and still didn't see a problem. Then I went to get a work physical and they told me I had very high blood pressure (168/102), but they weren't to concerned about it because they just assumed I was stressed out about the physical, so I of course took that logic as well. Then I had to go to the physical therapy place and complete a working physical (doing things that I would do in my job-move patients, transfer patients, lift certain amounts of weight, carry weight around etc.) they had to take my blood pressure-just as a "formality" is the way he put it and it took 10 tries and me trying to be as calm as possible before he could get it just low enough to let me do the test out of fear for my health. The whole time I was doing these very simple movements I was out breath, panting, and sweating. Then I went to go do this job and I was to fat to do it. I could not transfer patients properly because I couldn't fit in to small spaces (like a bathroom with a wheel chair in it), I was so tired from the work I could barely keep my eyes open and was nodding off constantly. A nursing assistant who was in her 50s was rushed to the hospital on the last night of my work because she was dizzy, had shortness of breath, and chest pains-all of this turned out to be due to her high blood pressure. That night I realized that I was only 20 and that was going to be me if things didn't change.
  • LoSena
    LoSena Posts: 14
    When you don't turn your husband on anymore and they almost leave you for a skinnier woman. Is my rock bottom. What got me to put my butt in gear tho is a trip to FL I'm taking in Apr I so wanna wear a swim suit on the beach and look decent.

    Maybe it isn't only the physical health part of your life that you need to change. Just sayin. Your husband should love you no matter what. I'm sorry.

    i couldn't agree more jgood21!
  • TheDreadedJynx
    When I saw a picture of me and my husband in January. I then realized why there are almost no picture of us, I look horrible! Also, going to the doctor because I had hives for two weeks and my lis and eyes were severly swollen and getting on a scale. I was so embarrassed... Only nine pounds short of 200, I decided I had to do something.
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    This is embarrassing but.....grunting and turning red when bending down in a seated position to tie my shoes. My gut had gotten so big, I couldn't breathe when I tied my shoes :(
    Going to Mexico right after Christmas with my family. Lots of pictures were taken and I was shocked and humiliated to see myself in pictures. I see myself in the mirror every morning, but there's something about seeing a photo of yourself fat. I didn't recognize myself.
    Buying sweaters and realizing that I had lost my feminine shape- just looked like a blob :(
    Realizing that I was dangerously close to 200, and that if I didn't do something, I would burst right through it and beyond with lightening speed.
    Running out of breath when walking up the stairs.
    Realizing I had no ankles.
    Heart pain, knee pain, stomach pain. Always pain, unnecessary pain for a 33 year old woman.
  • cvpis4me
    Just joined MFP today. My rock bottom was when my and my husband's sex life went downhill. It wasn't a self esteem issue but a purely physical one. Not to be graphic but when you're obese there's not many positions you can get yourself into.

    That and I just want to be able to cross my legs again when I'm sitting down. Is that too much to ask?
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I went to see my dad and he said dang girl your arms are as big as mine in front of my husband, my sister, and her husband. I ran out of the house crying. The same week my husband told me his dad asked if I was going to do anything about my weight b/c I was getting big. It hurt so much more coming from family members. Also, I had went out one night for my bday and some guy walked by and called me fat. I had enought. Jan of 2010 I joined mfp and it was the best thing I have ever done. I still have 30 lbs to go but I now longer hate being tagged in facebook picutres, my family now tells me how pround of me they are, and I no longer have to shop in plus size!
  • tammy_lng
    tammy_lng Posts: 22 Member
    My rock bottom was looking at my FB pics of all my kids and seen that I was not in any of them :( it made me cry and I told myself i will drop the weight and be in pics so my kids know i was there for every moment of their life!
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    Seeing this picture on Facebook after a friend's party....joined this site the following day.

    More acceptable recent picture that I actually posted myself on FB....still working on it.

    You look GREAT! So fantastic :) Congrats on your loss!
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    I went to see my dad and he said dang girl your arms are as big as mine in front of my husband, my sister, and her husband. I ran out of the house crying. The same week my husband told me his dad asked if I was going to do anything about my weight b/c I was getting big. It hurt so much more coming from family members. Also, I had went out one night for my bday and some guy walked by and called me fat. I had enought. Jan of 2010 I joined mfp and it was the best thing I have ever done. I still have 30 lbs to go but I now longer hate being tagged in facebook picutres, my family now tells me how pround of me they are, and I no longer have to shop in plus size!

    That must have been very hard. No one would ever say a word to me, but would kind of carefully talk around it, if that makes sense....it's almost as bad, maybe worse, because everyone's afraid to be honest with you.
  • Kara_B
    Kara_B Posts: 26
    Being the biggest member of both sides of the family. I was trying to squeeze past my grandpa and he said, "Well maybe if you'd lose 20 pounds you could get by"...I've gone back and forth on exercise and healthy eating. Being in college brought out the worst in my eating habits. I have done well since the beginning of January, and just got over a two week binge fest. Eating McDonald's in the Dairy Queen drive thru gave me my second wind at exercise.
  • crysmcd1
    when my "heavy jeans" were getting difficult to button, when i smiled for pictures, even with my chin elevated it still appeared that i had a double chin. when my kids said "mommy, you're getting fat..." i decided to make the change.
  • Nicki1984
    Nicki1984 Posts: 20 Member
    Looking at our family pictures that were taken in October 2011 and realizing how big I had gotten over the years and then it really hit when I went to the doctors to talk about what I need to do to get this under control and the doctor telling me I was Obese
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    When i reaped my pants while on vacation because they were too tight.
  • Mandy86Lee
    Mandy86Lee Posts: 33 Member
    When the pain in my joints were daily. I got sick and tired of always being in pain.
  • Mandy86Lee
    Mandy86Lee Posts: 33 Member
    wow that is amazing ! you look great !