Weights before Cardio?



  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I had a trainer at a health club tell me that I should do cardio after weights.
    5-10 min. of cardio in the beginning is ok for warm up though.
    He said that it takes 15 min. of exercise before your body starts to burn fat.
    So if you do your cardio last you will burn more fat calories, according to him.

    My personal trainer told me virtually the same info.
    I had some results when doing the cardio first, but much better results after switching over to warm up, weights and cardio last.
  • JulieJacobus
    JulieJacobus Posts: 9 Member
    My trainer said the same thing. First do about 5-10 minutes cardio warm-up, then weights then cardio.
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Weights first, IMO. Go big, cardio with whatever is left in the tank.

    ^^^THIS^^^ Go BIG and then go cardio.
  • p0stdramatic
    On days I lift: I warm up, weights and then if I'm doing any cardio I do it last, and then stretch. Agree with everyone that says if you're lifting, give your energy to that first for the best results.
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I had been told that cardio after weights is best to avoid lactic acid buildup which causes sore muscles. But on the other hand, warming up is necessary. So I do:
    15 mins bike
    15 mins treadmill
    45 mins to 1 hour of weights
    20 mins bike
    20 mins treadmill
    15 mins of stretching

    But I only do it 3 times a week. And it's not often that I get sore muscles afterwards.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Stretching, cardio, weights, cooldown, and then stretching.

    That way you don't injure yourself and your muscles stay engaged.


    All you need is a few warm-up sets, maybe a 5 minute walk on the treadmill.

    I guess we all have different ideas, concepts and opinions. As a massage therapist I can tell you that stretching before and after a workout has major benefits to the body, whether the person will do cardiovascular or weight lifting. But I'm not here to argue that with anyone, like I said, this is just my opinion based on my profession.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Stretching, cardio, weights, cooldown, and then stretching.

    That way you don't injure yourself and your muscles stay engaged.


    All you need is a few warm-up sets, maybe a 5 minute walk on the treadmill.

    I guess we all have different ideas, concepts and opinions. As a massage therapist I can tell you that stretching before and after a workout has major benefits to the body, whether the person will do cardiovascular or weight lifting. But I'm not here to argue that with anyone, like I said, this is just my opinion based on my profession.

    But is it not true that you should be doing dynamic stretches before a workout an static after? That's what my physiotherapist and personal trainer's advocate.
  • kimberlyat05
    I use to do weights after cardio. I've always read and heard that was better! I rarely strength train, I just focus on exercise and dieting until I get closer to the weight I want.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    And to answer the OP, if I do cardio on the same day I lift weights, I do it at a different time of the day. Whenever I do weight lifting, by the end of the workout I'm completely exhausted, so doing cardio before will take energy from me that will be needed for the weights, and after my weight session I can't barely stay up.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    I once read up on this because I was never sure which was more effective, turns out it's really just a personal preference. I prefer to do weights before cardio. I feel like I am more effective at weights if I'm not already tired out from cardio. Plus, I really don't enjoy cardio so I like telling myself that as soon as I finish I can leave rather than having to still stay and do weights after my cardio. :)
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    But is it not true that you should be doing dynamic stretches before a workout an static after? That's what my physiotherapist and personal trainer's advocate.

    I guess that's the most common thing to do. I personally do both static (to release the muscle fiber and break part of the fascia build up that happens when we don't move much) and dynamic (to help warm up) before my workouts and after my workouts I do static to increase flush out the muscle tissue and that way help the recover of the muscle by increasing circulation.
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    I usually do weights before cardio, but I don't think it is wrong if you do it the other way around, just as long as you partake in both types of exercise. I only do weights first because I get so tired after cardio and I am more likely to talk myself out of weight training if I am exhausted.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    Weights first, IMO. Go big, cardio with whatever is left in the tank.

    This ^^ I set aside separate cardio only days to go for gusto, weight days are usually just that, weight days, if I have energy left at the end of one to get in more than 15+ minutes of cardio in whatever form at a moderate/intense level I haven't done my job properly in the weight room.
  • machinegunkate
    machinegunkate Posts: 74 Member
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I often (60% of my workouts) combine weights and cardio in a vigorous circuit. Wearing the HRM, keeping the heart rate in the zone.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If it's an early AM workout, I'll hop on the treadmill for a few mintues to get some blood going, hit the weights hard and then maybe do 15 min cardio afterwards. If it's later in the day I hit the weights first and then maybe some cardio afterwards. Weights mandator, cardio is an afterthought right now.
  • rmb8
    rmb8 Posts: 15
    5 min cardio or active stretching (not static stretching, so you can do standing lunges to warm up or a few walking lunges but don't do static (standing and holding pose) stretching pre-workout as it can lead to injury. Then do weights (min 20-30 min) - you will have more glucose in your muscles and thus more energy to get a more effective weight/circuit workout... then burn off remaining glucose afterwards with cardio (at least 20 min). THEN you can (and *should*) do "static" stretching, be sure to stretch all major muscle groups for at least 5 min total... don't bounce, hold for min 30 seconds each pose.

    This is order is the best way to prevent injury and be most effective in workouts.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Stretch, workout, then cardio.
  • JewelE77
    JewelE77 Posts: 134 Member
    Bump, great advice! :)
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Stretching, cardio, weights, cooldown, and then stretching.

    This is exactly what I do and always have done......so far avoided injury!!

    I stretch, do maybe 10-15 mins on cross trainer then do weights and stretch. I do not do hard cardio on weight training days so that I have plenty energy for the weights, I have 3 weight training days and then 2-3 days I do just cardio.

    I think it's personal preference. :)