Work Your @ss Off Challenge

I have decided I am going to really work my @ss off this week Starting 19th Jan. I'm gonna exercise like I've never exercised before and would love it you guys joined me. Personally I've set myself an extremely high goal of burning 7,000 calories this week!! The most I've burned before was 4,500 in a week. So the more the merrier what ever your goal is, make this week the hardest week you've every pushed yourself before! I will be updating every single day how many calorie's I've burned and how long I worked out for, it doesn't matter if it's only walking it all adds up!

I hope some of you join me :happy:


  • I will work extra hard today, tomorrow and Tuesday since I have more time. :D The rest of the week the norm due to no time.
  • Great hun, what do you normally burn?
  • I'll join you in the challenge, realistic target for me 5000. Will update daily orogress
  • 300-400 would be a weekly total of 4000
  • claremillerphoto
    claremillerphoto Posts: 31 Member
    Ok - I love a challenge! Have no idea what I can expect to achieve so this could be interesting!
  • I am in, 8000 burned and 9000 taken in.
  • Okay I am in. I generally burn between 300 to 400 calories a day. So I am going to say for this week that I am going to try to up that and burn about 500 calories a day and make it 3,500 calories for the week. We are heading up to the Bay Area on Friday and doing a convention for Saturday and Sunday so tons of sitting in the car on Friday and Sunday so I am going to have to go to the gym at the hotel on Sunday morning to make up for it. I am willing to do it though to make this challenge work. Here's to it.
  • Thas awesome guys!!! We can do it I know we can!

    Ok so Day 1 I burned 1,112 Cals consisting of 141 minutes of exercise. 5,888 to go :happy:
  • Day one 1179 cals burned, 75 mins of cardio
  • From doing this challenge my chart looked like i barely ate the whole day lol.
  • erinsmith1983
    erinsmith1983 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in I got 25 lbs to drop in the next 8 weeks. So far today I've burn 606 doing insanity and I have kickboxing tonight,

    my goal this week 7200 while eating 1200/day :)
  • Your doing great guys!!!!

    Day 1 = 7,000 - 1,112cals = 5,888 Remaining

    OK so Day 2 for me is over and this is how it looks.

    123mins of exercise burning 1,044 cals

    5,888 - 1,044cals = 4,844 Remaining & I've never felt better :happy:
  • Day one 1179 cals burned, 75 mins of cardio

    Day two, 889 and 50 mins

    Total so far 2068 for 2hrs 5mins
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    My target is 5000 calories by Sunday 26th feb

    So far 1017 :)
  • Day 3 of Work Your @ss Off Challenge.... I burned 1,227 Cals today from 164mins of workout. That brings my totals to 3,383. Only 3,617 left to go.
  • Did some stairs today, that was tiring and embarrassing. I sure hope it confused my body from the normal walking. Not sure what I could do tomorrow. I am at 1924 day 2 so I think by Sunday I'll pass 4000. :)
  • I shall join too please :-)
  • Did some stairs today, that was tiring and embarrassing. I sure hope it confused my body from the normal walking. Not sure what I could do tomorrow. I am at 1924 day 2 so I think by Sunday I'll pass 4000. :)

    That is awesome!!!! I'm so proud of all you, your doing brilliant.
  • Nytram81 what you in for? Great to have you on board!
  • Day one 1179 cals burned, 75 mins of cardio

    Day two, 889 and 50 mins

    Total so far 2068 for 2hrs 5mins

    Day three 1251 and 85 mins
    Total 3319 3 hours 30 mins