April fool's day challenge



  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member

    CW: 166
    Apr 1: 160
  • Is it too late to join?
    CW: 145.6
    GW: 135
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Well I'm up a pound for the week. Not sure where I went wrong :C.
  • I'd like to jump in for this challenge! :D

    current weight: 246
    goal by April 1: 235

    baby steps...
  • This morning I was 221.6. I would like to be 210 or less by April 1st.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    Current weight: 106.0
    Weight by April 1: 95-98 pounds

    Hoping for the best :)))
  • superdoof
    superdoof Posts: 9 Member
    Can I join please, April 1 is my 7th wedding anniversary (I know)

    Current weight is 168
    Goal is 160
  • LMT90
    LMT90 Posts: 24
    I'm in...

    Well last Thursday I was 223.5.
    I have weigh in tonight. So can update my current weight then :smile:.

    But I would love to be around 203
    (It's a tall ask I know, aim high as they say. But it's my birthday 5 days after and anywhere close to this number would make me a very happy girl)

    CW: To be updated tonight.
    1/4 GW: 203

    Good luck guys! x
  • sammywil
    sammywil Posts: 104
    Im in :)

    CW 181
    GW 171

    Good luck everyone :)
  • diane68
    diane68 Posts: 43 Member
    Can I join please!

    CW 167
    GW 157

    10 pounds in 5.5 weeks - tough but I'm going to give it my best shot.
    Good luck everyone.
  • britneyblonde
    britneyblonde Posts: 92 Member
    Im in aswell but my weigh in day is a Sunday :)

    GW for April fools = 147lbs
    SW = 157lbs

    26th Feb =
    4th March =
    11th March =
    18th March =
    25th March =
    1st April =
  • bellanoelle
    bellanoelle Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in too....this will be my first challenge on the boards....

    Current weight: 192.2
    Goal weight: 184

    Thanks for starting this!
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    beginning weight: 153.4#
    Current weight: 149.8#
    Goal weight: 147#

    I might have to lower my goal. :)
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    current weight:282.2
    weight by april 1: 270

    Weigh in day.....I am now 279.8 thats a loss of 2. 4 pounds on my way to 270

  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I will give this a shot. I could use a GOOD Challenge.

    CW: 223.5
    GW (by 04/01) - 210

    Ok - my Week 1 weight in!

    SW: 223.5
    CW: 220.5
    GW (By 04/01) - 210

    Whoot! Whoot! I did pretty good this week! (pat on back)
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    current weight:282.2
    weight by april 1: 270

    Weigh in day.....I am now 279.8 thats a loss of 2. 4 pounds on my way to 270


  • Weigh in day - 167.4 YIPPEE
    Goal for April 1st - 157
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I'm also in :)

    Current weight: 253

    Goal weight for April 1st: 243

    1st week weigh in 2/23

    Current weight: 249.2 = 4lbs down Yay and boo :) Boo because apparently my body responds a little too well to exercising lol

    Kepp it moving y'all we CAN do it 2012 is our year!!
  • Zoeegirl
    Zoeegirl Posts: 100 Member
    Was 275
    Today 272
    goal 140
    Im on my way :bigsmile:
  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    Current Weight = 229
    Goal weight by April 1st - 219