Which personal trainer would you use?

Hi All

This is hypothetical but I have asked a few people this question and it probably applies to people who are or were overweight.

2 personal trainers we will call them trainer A and trainer B

Trainer A
Has 5 years experience fit, muscular and been like this all his life has never been overweight also has a lot of knowledge.

Trainer B
Has 2 years experience currently reasonably fit slim/trim but was overweight and lost all his weight and decided to become a personal trainer to inspire others not as much knowledge as trainer A

Both trainers are the same price

Who do you pick?


  • Alicai
    Alicai Posts: 55
    At first glance, I'd say trainer B. He/she may not have all the skills of trainer A, but certainly enough to lose the weight themselves. Plus, they'll havet he motivation and understanding to help overweight people reach their own goals, won't look down on you because you aren't as fit as them, and is obviously willing to learn so they'll likely pick up more skills of their own.

    Not saying that trainer A would be a bad choice either though! :wink:
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    Ideally I'd try to dig up much more information on them before spending the amount of money personal trainers cost.

    But based on the information given I'd personally go with the one with 2 years experience who lost weight, because I also used to be overweight and lost it, and am continuing to lose weight... So his experience aligns up better with my goals most likely.

    Having said that, based only on that information, either of them could be fantastically good or bad for me.
  • Elvira333
    I'd choose trainer B, and it may not be the right decision based on their skills, but personally, I'd like to be trained by someone who has been where I have been and succeeded. I'd find it more motivating.
  • RockChick1984
    trainer B... for the very fact they been overweight before n more likely understands what its like.. so prob does more to encourage you and give you some info thats from a *been there, done that perspective*... plus i'd prob feel less intimidated with trainer B... crazy huh?
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I'd ask to speak to some of their clients.

    Also personality comes into it. Both could be exactly the same in terms of qualifications, experience and success rates but you might click with one but not the other. There's a lot of factors to consider when picking a PT or any type of tutor
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83
    Trainer A, knowledge over emotional support everytime - that's what your paying for. I also picked my p trainer based on the fact I did'nt fancy him, i.e I don't care how red i go when we are working out and put 110% into it.
  • CMoney412
    CMoney412 Posts: 28 Member
    What I would ask you is about what YOU need. Some questions to consider:

    1. I see that you have lost almost half your weight; are you feeling a plateau?
    2. What messages will you give yourself while working with either one? (meaning, which would be more motivating)?
    3. In your GUT, not your head, which one do you feel a better chemistry with?
    4. What kind of results does each trainer's clients get?
    5. How do you know the one has more knowledge?
    6. Are you more intimidated by the guy who has been fit all his life? (if so, this might be a good choice -- to get over the message that you are not good enough)

    I am a person who ultimately makes a decision from my gut, not my head. I worked with a trainer who was fit all of her life, but she still had her own struggles with self-image. Her knowledge, commitment to her clients, and ability to motivate was all there and I really looked forward to seeing her.

    So, I guess that is the ultimate -- which one would you look forward to seeing? YOU are the consumer, spending your hard-earned money on your mind and body. So, you have the right to do an intro session with both of them and see how you feel. Then make your decision. Test drive the car first and don't worry about hurting either one's feelings!
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    Personally it wouldn't be so much about the experience, weight lost, it would be about us meshing. If our styles/personalities work together. I'd want to talk to each one on one and see which one I could deal with telling me what to do. :)
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I'd choose the one who could teach me how to change my lifestyle and sustain it.

    On that face value... I'd go with B just because of the fact they have done what I want to do... but what it really comes down to is how they train and what they can teach me. I dont want someone who is going to throw useless facts at me and get me to drink protein shakes. I want someone who is actvely going to teach me about nutrition and exercise and encourage me to learn more about it on my own. Someone who can show me how to change my lifestyle into something that I can do for the rest of my life and get fitter and healthier rather than just go for the quickest way to lose weight.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    probably trainer B as they can relate to you personally,

    however if i was an athlete bodybuilder type i would go for trainer A
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    which one do you prefer? you cant deny someone because they have less experience. too much experience can get people stuck in their ways. think who do you feel most comfy with, does one give you more autonomy than the other, try both and see who you like more.
  • owlfan68
    owlfan68 Posts: 14 Member
    I would say definitely trainer B....Preknee injury and other medical issues I had lost about 50 pounds and due to the amount of time I was spending in the gym decided to pursue becoming a personal trainer and during that time a gym I was working at let me take on some clients during that quest.....I carried with me my before picture and obviously my after was me now and let me tell you that got me so many more clients because they got to see what I looked like before hand....a lot of people didn't even believe it was me b/c it was different...LOL!! I wasn't easy but I UNDERSTOOD and I think that helps a lot!!
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    Just from those criteria, I'd go with B. I'd feel better training with someone who understands what I was trying to do, how difficult it is and how being overweight and unfit feels.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Personally, I'd try them both out and see which one you like better.

    Currently i have what you described as Trainer A and I happen to like him a lot because he can provide new insight on a lot things and give me new tips and tricks to try. I'm also though pretty much at the end of my weight loss journey... so that also affects my decision.
  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Hi All

    This is hypothetical but I have asked a few people this question and it probably applies to people who are or were overweight.

    2 personal trainers we will call them trainer A and trainer B

    Trainer A
    Has 5 years experience fit, muscular and been like this all his life has never been overweight also has a lot of knowledge.

    Trainer B
    Has 2 years experience currently reasonably fit slim/trim but was overweight and lost all his weight and decided to become a personal trainer to inspire others not as much knowledge as trainer A

    Both trainers are the same price

    Who do you pick?

    Personally i would pick trainer B. Of course i would check out some testimonials but this trainer was dedicated and determined enough to finish their own journey and im sure would have the desire to see others achieve the same.
  • wimbels
    wimbels Posts: 25 Member
    I think it depends on a number of things. Do either one have a personality you like like better? I have a trainer and if I didn't get along with him or felt uncomfortable in any way, I know it wouldn't work. He's great and pushes me as fat as I can go and we joke around so it's not just some guy barking orders at me in a cold environment. But I do agree that being able to relate to one another could be a big positive. My trainer has always been into sports and is very fit. He's a very successful trainer, but sometimes I think there is definitely an element of being able to relate to me that is missing. He's never been an overweight girl so he can't 100% understand, you know? I'd look into past clients either one has had as well. Good luck!
  • zeikiya989
    The most important thing is personality fit and their style of training and who you feel more comfortable with. But based on these two descriptions i would say if you feel the same to both personality wise, i would be more comfortable with someone who can understand what i go through.