Locked the baby in the car today...

I accidentally locked my 2 year old in the car today. I have a habit of throwing all the stuff in my hands onto my front seat while I'm getting her in her car seat, and today I threw my keys along with her backpack. I must have hit the lock button on the remote, because I closed her door and went around to get into my seat - and oh my PANIC! Luckily I had kept my purse on my shoulder (I ususally toss that onto the front seat too!) so I was able to whip out my cell phone and call 911. My poor munchkin was crying for milk and I was crying for being such an idiot. A sheriff showed up almost right away and waited with me for the fire rescue to come. They were able to pop open the door pretty quickly and easily. And they didn't call me an idiot to my face, which I appreciate. I'm still kind of crying... just can't shake the "bad mommy" feeling.

Can I have some chocolate now?


  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Awe what a terrible feeling.
    You were not being a bad mom at all!
    Don't fret so much. I'll guess this is your first child? I would be laughing my head off at myself if I did this now (not with my first though)
    Give your sweet baby an extra big hug :)
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    My mom has been in child care for over 25 years now and I've seen SO many moms who have done this. They always panic and cry and feel horrible, but it seriously happens to so many women. As long as you don't forget the kid in there and go shopping.
  • eatingmysandshoe
    I have done exactly the same thing, but also chucked my phone onto the front seat. Ended up having to talk 2 year old daughter into unpopping her seat, finding my key, and pressing the button until it opened the doors. 2 year old is now 9, and doesn't remember it at all, so don''t worry, it wont cause any lasting damage!! Hugs though, as I remember the scared/guilty feeling very very well!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I did it, too! I didn't even have my purse, it was in my car, too, so I had to run to a neighbor's. You're not a bad mom, it was an accident. :heart:
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I know the feeling. It happened to me once. My daughter was in her car seat and the door closed because I was parked at an angle. Once my car door closed the doors automatically locked. My car was running so you can imagine how afraid I was . Luckly my neighboer was able to shimmy the lock up . My daughter was just smiling at me through he window while I was terrified, that she would attempt to get out of her car seat. I felt horrible.
  • cookieibuck
    cookieibuck Posts: 21 Member
    Not stupid... once I locked my husband in the car... :) And he was in there for several hours...
    Okay, Only kidding, I was lucky enough that I had taken the kids out, but the car was still running. My neighbor had to load me into their car with kids in tow to the closest honda dealer. I waited around until they where able to get me a key that only opened the doors (did not work in the ignition). My car sat running for about 2 hours and about 150.00 later, with that I turned around and quickly invested in a hide-a-key. However; due to my stupidity I forgot where I put it under that car, (actually my husband put it under there).... I then bought a small gold spray can of paint, and painted a line on the bottom of the car, and I have since found it everytime I have locked myself out, and YES there was more then one time. I do have a very good excuss though, my old villager had one of those keypads on the outside of the car that I relied on a lot!!! and when I switched to the honda, lets just say the hide a key has been a great investment. I hate those cars that lock themselves when you turn on engine!!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Don't worry, I did the same thing when my little guy was 2. He was being fussy, so silly Mom let him play with my keys and he accidentally locked the car. Thankfully he pushed the button again :P
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    Don't worry about it. If I had a nickel for the number of times my mom accidentally locked me in the car when I was little, I'd have $0.05 & I turned out alright.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    Don't worry about it. If I had a nickel for the number of times my mom accidentally locked me in the car when I was little, I'd have $0.05 & I turned out alright.

    I just LOLed at that for a while :laugh:
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    LOL If you learn anything from this thread, know that plenty of us have earned our 'mommy of the year' awards at one point or another through various situations. Dont beat yourself up
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    You need to get On Star!
  • beccasalo
    Thanks everyone! You all made me laugh at myself a little!
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    Glad everything was OK! BTW, I carry an emergency key in my wallet change purse in the case that I might lock my keys in the car (has happened).
  • jankleberry
    I did that when my daughter was only about 6 months and it was one of the (very few) hot days in Scotland. I panicked, tryed to phone my dad and my OH who were both at work and didnt answer, cryed then realised the passenger door was open! relief!
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I once forgot to strap the car seat to the seat. Next brake, baby on the car floor. She laughed! My wife and I cried.
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    im sorry but this gave me a wee chuckle.....
    i would have laughed if this happened to my siblings. (though would propbably panic if i done this to them)

    dont fret about it, you will laugh over it later..... have a glass of wine!!!
  • GroovyGma73
    LOL the part about Hubby in the first sentence made my day :laugh:
    Not stupid... once I locked my husband in the car... :) And he was in there for several hours...
    Okay, Only kidding, I was lucky enough that I had taken the kids out, but the car was still running. My neighbor had to load me into their car with kids in tow to the closest honda dealer. I waited around until they where able to get me a key that only opened the doors (did not work in the ignition). My car sat running for about 2 hours and about 150.00 later, with that I turned around and quickly invested in a hide-a-key. However; due to my stupidity I forgot where I put it under that car, (actually my husband put it under there).... I then bought a small gold spray can of paint, and painted a line on the bottom of the car, and I have since found it everytime I have locked myself out, and YES there was more then one time. I do have a very good excuss though, my old villager had one of those keypads on the outside of the car that I relied on a lot!!! and when I switched to the honda, lets just say the hide a key has been a great investment. I hate those cars that lock themselves when you turn on engine!!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    ive done it too apart from i did it to my son when he was 3 weeks old, boy did i get myself in a flap about it. A passer by had to smash the window to get me back in the car to my baby who luckily slept through the whole lot :blushing:
    ive never been more embarrassed :laugh:
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Not a bad mum..
    just a busy mum :)!
    Hehe, you can tell him/her this story when she/he grows up :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Anyone see that episode of "Modern Family" where the gay couple lock lily in the car? The red headed dad its calling onstar and goes "we locked our baby in the car and PEOPLE ARE JUDGING US!" And thee big fat dad grabs a garbage can and is running with it over his head screaming I'LL SAVE YOU LILLY!"
