Not losing but sticking to calories and exercising :(



  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Are you measuring yourself? another way to see progress

    I agree! Seeing measurements change is rewarding -- but only measure once every 3-4 weeks. Also, pay attention to your endurance levels... are you able to go a little farther or faster that last week? Can you lift a little more than before? All this shows progress even when the scale decides to remain silent.
  • tinawharrison
    Are you measuring yourself? another way to see progress

    I agree! Seeing measurements change is rewarding -- but only measure once every 3-4 weeks. Also, pay attention to your endurance levels... are you able to go a little farther or faster that last week? Can you lift a little more than before? All this shows progress even when the scale decides to remain silent.

    Thanks, I think i will definitely start measuring! I need to be able to stay away from the scales too as it's getting me down!
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    You situation sounds similar to mine a few years ago. Back in March 2009, I had lost 10lbs in a week by diet and exercise. For the rest of the month I lost 2lbs for a total of 12lbs. I could not lose any weight until almost May 2009. However, I noticed in that time that I was losing a massive amount of inches and decided to try a different size of jeans at the store. I had dropped 2 sizes but no weight! That made me happy.

    Now from my understanding is that it's your body adjusting to the weight loss. It was rather quick for me to lose 12lbs in a month, even 10lbs in that first week. But once I realized that I was still "losing" and that it might not show up on the scale.. I just kept what I was doing and the scale eventually started moving again.

    I didn't try shocking my body in the first few weeks after my losses, but I just ate my eating plan and exercised. I waited until almost 2 months before I had a day of eating to shock my body. The reason why I waited two months is because I was losing inches so I wasn't truly at a stall. You could try a meal or a day to shock your body but I think it's too early to do that. I waited two months because it seemed counterproductive for me. Now, I've learned that my body likes to lose weight this way.. a ton of weight in a month, then a month or so of a pause then that cycle will repeat.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Quitting just isn't an option as I want to adopt a young child and to do so in the UK i've been told my BMI has to be under 30 :( It is 34+ at the moment!

    What is their reasoning for requiring you to have a maximum BMI? It seems a bit discriminatory to me.
  • tinawharrison
    Thanks, 73lbs! Wow, that's amazing!!
    I guess what's making this harder is the fact I've lost it all before and put it back on!
    I lost 60lbs and than had heart surgery, twice, ended up with a pacemaker, gave up smoking and put 47lbs back on in 9 months! This time it isn't coming off like it did last time :(
    I will persevere! :)
  • ask4itall
    Concur. Measuring weight doesn't tell the whole story. You may be trading fat for muscle. I personally take body measurements & check my body fat weekly...and of course... document everything.

    Also...taking weekly photo's in a swim suit is a great visual way to see your progress (yes...I do this too).

    Good luck!!!

    Are you measuring yourself? another way to see progress
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    you're not doing anything wrong, assuming you're eating enough calories and drinking plenty water, 15lbs is not typical weight loss every single month, my highest pounds lost in a month was 10lbs, the lowest, maybe 0-4
  • tinawharrison
    Quitting just isn't an option as I want to adopt a young child and to do so in the UK i've been told my BMI has to be under 30 :( It is 34+ at the moment!

    What is their reasoning for requiring you to have a maximum BMI? It seems a bit discriminatory to me.

    Obesity brings health issues that may prevent you being around long term and these kids have already suffered enough upheaval and loss... That's the answer I got!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Quitting just isn't an option as I want to adopt a young child and to do so in the UK i've been told my BMI has to be under 30 :( It is 34+ at the moment!

    What is their reasoning for requiring you to have a maximum BMI? It seems a bit discriminatory to me.

    Obesity brings health issues that may prevent you being around long term and these kids have already suffered enough upheaval and loss... That's the answer I got!

    I kind of get that, plus means you'll hopefully set a good example to the kids, however is a bit harsh for someone with a lot of love to give...anyways re OP... you'll get there, you just can't expect the same big drops in weight every month am afraid... slowly but surely wins the race and keeps you winning. In other words, lose it slow, it'll be healthier and will stay off better assuming you maintain an active and healthy lifestyle - nutrition/physical activity.

    Good luck.
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    I am no expert but I would say that its very very normal and happens with everyone..
    Try changing your diet and routine..
    Our body is way too smart than what we think.. if we eat and workout same for more than 2 weeks it gets used to it and stay happy in that shape and size.
    Try changing your diet and change your workout regime every 2 weeks. It will surely work!
  • memega
    memega Posts: 73
    It's quite normal. Just tweak your workouts and adjust your calories. Try this link below...
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Plateaus after a good weight loss month are not uncommon so don't get discouraged. You are averaging 2 lb a week which is very good! So don't put yourself down.

    Have you taken a look at your diet? Where do you get your calories from? Once you start to kick in the heavy exercise/training you need to up your protein to help you build muscle. Muscle takes up less space - which is why the inches decrease but not always the pounds. Also muscle burns more calories. Try getting 15-20 gm protein with each meal and around 10gm with your snacks. You still need to stick to you calorie totals, so look for lower fat proteins, and if your not already doing it, increase the veggies, fruits and cut back the refined carbs a bit. to stay on track.

    If your protein is low some/a lot of your weight loss can include muscle mass not just fat. and since muscle burns more calories than fat, loosing muscle can slow your loss. That's why its important to include strength training in your weight loss journey.

    You can do this! Its a bit early to be trying splurge day. See if there are ways you can improve the quality of what you eat and cut down on refined/processed foods. It has made a big difference for me in the past.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Quitting just isn't an option as I want to adopt a young child and to do so in the UK i've been told my BMI has to be under 30 :( It is 34+ at the moment!

    What is their reasoning for requiring you to have a maximum BMI? It seems a bit discriminatory to me.

    Obesity brings health issues that may prevent you being around long term and these kids have already suffered enough upheaval and loss... That's the answer I got!

    I kind of get that, plus means you'll hopefully set a good example to the kids, however is a bit harsh for someone with a lot of love to give...anyways re OP... you'll get there, you just can't expect the same big drops in weight every month am afraid... slowly but surely wins the race and keeps you winning. In other words, lose it slow, it'll be healthier and will stay off better assuming you maintain an active and healthy lifestyle - nutrition/physical activity.

    Good luck.

    That was the only answer I came up with too. But you hear all the time about "perfectly healthy" people having sudden heart attacks and dropping dead for no apparent reason. Just last week I read about someone who was non-smoker, non-drinker, non-drug user, healthy diet, exercised, all that good stuff, and they had a stroke.

    Anyway, OP.. all I can advise is just keep at it. I lost 8 pounds my first week - mostly water weight of course - and now my losses are starting to ease off. It happens to everyone. Just have to be patient (and that's harder for me than anything else!)
  • LuccaK
    LuccaK Posts: 4 Member
    Try to get a little Selenium in your diet, it helps break the Plateau. I suggest one Brazil Nuts a day for 5 days. Breaks my plateau.
  • BenderFitness
    Thanks for all your encouragement guys, It's just so disheartening when you're trying so hard. I had a treat day last week to try and do the shock approach but seems it didn't do the trick! Quitting just isn't an option as I want to adopt a young child and to do so in the UK i've been told my BMI has to be under 30 :( It is 34+ at the moment!

    What an amazing motivator. You will hit your goal. Keep doing what you are doing. You may be building muscle which sometimes slows down the results you see on your scale (initially!) but it boosts your metabolism and increases your fat burn which leads to long term weight loss results. So the plateau is frustrating, but temporary. Think of it as your bodies rest period before it starts sprinting to the finish. Also, watch your sodium intake. You need some, but going over can cause your weight to fluctuate buy 5-6 pounds. :)
  • skaggstara
    I fully understand how frustrated you are!! I lost 14# my first five weeks. It has been four more weeks, and I keep bouncing around up and down a couple pounds.Keep going!! I am not quitting either. It has to pay off. I added a few more calories starting this week, wondering if I just am not getting enough. Good luck on your weightless and the adoption!!! :)