How to get motiviated

I'm finding it harder & harder to get motivated. For me to find some time for ME & get moving.
Somehow my 4 year old seems to have control over the living room (& TV)
I have NO support from family (actually got over 5lbs of chocolate for valentines day when everyone KNOWS I'm making a lifestyle change ~ not a diet I want to change & eat healthier forever. my in-laws are doing nutrasystem & MIL is a chocoholic like me & said better for me to have it since I have less weight to lose than her, yet she's lost 3 sizes since Christmas, really??)
Husband has a hard time coming home after work & letting me leave the house to go to the park & walk (no sidewalks in our neighborhood) so I find myself sticking around the house to finish up dinner/help with homework etc since I'm the stay at home mom & that's 'my job' next thing I know it's 8:30 & I'm exhausted & the last thing I want to do is put in a workout DVD
I'm sick of eggs & oatmeal & haven't found decent looking lettuce the last month of shopping, don't even get me started on how all the other fresh produce has gone up in price & since we have a budget I can't afford all of it

Typing this out it makes it seem so stupid, but that's the cycle & I don't know how to get out of it


  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    I totally understand......I read this weekend that during 1 hour of television, if you march vigorously in place during the commercials, you will burn 150 calories.....they said that was about 25 if you do it during the whole show you would burn 300ish......Cartoons are usually full of music....try doing some crazy moves during the 4 year old's programs.......and sometimes they actually like doing short workouts with mom.....if all you can do is march in place several times during the day, it will get your metabolism up and get you sweating.....I know when I had small children, big workouts just could not happen. Change it up and do 10 or 15 minutes every chance you can, do some squats and run in place, do pushups off the kitchen counter, etc. Keep track each day, set a goal and apply each "mini workout" to the goal....that way you will be able to have that "accomplished" feeling at the end of the day instead of a frustrated feeling that it never got worked in.......3 out of 4 of mine are grown, I've been there, give the little workouts a try!!
  • Gottastop
    Gottastop Posts: 67 Member
    thanks for the advice. I just wish I could get more of those moments. Even if I get 10-15 I still feel like I failed

    anyone else have any ideas??
  • purpleychick
    purpleychick Posts: 39 Member
    Do you have a Wii? My seven year old dances to Zumba Fitness 2 and Just Dance 3. We have a blast, and now SHE asks ME when we're going to dance. She's my little motivator.

    Wii also has Just Dance for kids, and I Nick Jr Dance for kids.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    You have to make yourself a priority! I know it is hard to make time for yourself during the day. I am a stay at home mom and my husband works out of town, so I don't get a break until my daughter goes to sleep, then I work from home on the pc for a few hours. Whether you say to your 4 year old that mommy gets the tv for the next hour so you can work out or tell your husband that it is me time and go for that walk. If you have dinner ready for him then he can clean it up on his own. I found that with my two year old she will either try to work out with me or play with her toys that are is the room. Every little bit she will look over at me and I say hi or make her giggle and she goes back to the toys. I think it is good for the people around us to show that we love ourselves enough to demand a little time. The more we respect ourselves the more other people will. Your child will see you working hard at something you want and your husband will be proud of your efforts.