Excess skin after weight loss

I've lost about 79 lbs, 70 of those within one year. I feel great, and I'm generally very happy with my new body. However, the excess skin is quite a bummer. I especially miss the fullness that my boobs used to have. I have excess skin on my arms, upper thighs, and especially my tummy and breasts. Most of the research I've done has stated that surgery is the only way to fix this. Well I'm in no position financially to go through with that right now. I read three or fewer statements saying that exercise and improved muscle tone helps with saggy skin--however, those who claim this typically have not had a personal experience with extreme weight loss and never share any before and after pics of these results so I have a hard time believing.

Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions you've found? Please share!


  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I also have major extra skin, it makes me look pregnant, mostly in my belly and under arms! My boobs r just very saggy! The plastic surgion said nothing but surgery will help it, as well as others that r in the same boat! I guess it depends how much u lost, how much extra skin and whether or not u have excersised all along! I am tryen after 95 lbs lost now to excersise and tone, the only thing i see if weight gain and inches lost! Its only been two months! So not sure! Mines pretty nasty and bad tho! Best a luck to ya!
  • char982
    Wow, 95 lbs! Good job. My problem areas are very similar. I have been exercising all along, cardio and weight training, but still have the same problem. I wasn't that bothered by the excess skin at first, but now that I've been at this size for almost a year, it's getting to be very bothersome--it's ugly to me. It's nice to see the exercise work in losing weight/getting smaller, but I'd like to see some muscle tone, too! I know I must have abs under here! LoL Best to you as well.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I lost 160 lbs 3 years ago (I have since gained half of it back and working on it AGAIN:ohwell: ) and although I loved my new body and the sizes I was wearing, underneath my clothes I felt hideous! I had alot of loose skin in alot of places, but the most bothersome was my arms (my batwings as I referred to them) and upper inner thighs. Oh...I don't think I lost it to fast, it took me a little over a year and a half, and I did it in a healthy way. I ate right, exercised, and strength trained. After I lost the weight I focused more on the strength training because I thought it may help with the loose skin. It didn't.

    I had my family doctor tell me that strength training was the solution. It really wasn't. I guess it may depend on how much you lost and how much loose skin you have...but she saw me, she saw how much I had and still she told me that was the answer.:ohwell:

    There's not much more frustratiing than to work so hard to lose so much weight only to feel so self-conscious. Good luck to us all:drinker:
  • timeformetofly
    timeformetofly Posts: 64 Member
    I have flabby arms I bought a exercise band... they are cheap around 9 bucks... just started it so not sure if it will work but at least it gives me some upper body work out and it can go anywhere with you and not hard to do.. there are all kinds of band exercises on line if you google it... even if the flab doesn't go away.. we need to keep strength in out upper body...They say if you buff up the muscle under the flab it makes the flab smaller... makes sence... good luck....