Anyone else here with PCOS

Hi, I have PCOS and that is just another barrier to weight loss...anyone else here living with PCOS?


  • Hi. I too have PCOS. It definitely makes weight loss a struggle.
  • mjcordrey
    mjcordrey Posts: 1 Member
    I have a "slight" case they said when I was trying to get pregnant.. Didn't know that could affect weight loss though.
  • I have PCOS as well and I know it hinders me as trying to lose weight.
  • There are quite a few people on MFP with PCOS. I am one.
  • I was diagnosed when I was 16 and the doctors put me on birth control to try and regulate everything, but that's also when me weight problems really started. I've been told that it will fix itself when I lose weight, so we'll see.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I have PCOS too and yes, it definitely causes me to have problems with weight loss. I find that reducing my carbs/sugars helps quite a bit. Welcome and good luck!!
  • I have PCOS and I found that limiting my sugar and carbs along with a good workout really seems to work. I have lost about 50lbs and have kept it off for about 8 or 9 years.
  • I have PCOS as well, and I had no idea that it would cause difficulties with losing weight! That explains a lot.
  • After my first pregnancy (with the help of fertility medicins and a great fertility clinic and doctor), I had to drop alot of weight to meet my fitness standards, I lost about 30 lbs in 6 months. I didnt lose the 30 in six months, but I was close to it but I did go from a 39 inch waist to a 31 inch waist when it was all said and done. Now 6 years later after having another child (unexpected) and I am having the hardest time losing this weight. My goal is to loss 30 lbs to get to a healthy weight for my height.

    PCOS does make it hard and it gets really frustrating at times but it can be done just is a slower process due to the PCOS. I still have to deal with the acne and the hairs and the thinning hair line and the tire around the belly but I know if I work hard at this and do it at my pace and do it in a healthy manner that I will be successful.