
Hello, I am new to the group, I was looking at joining Curves has anyone tried this if so what do you think


  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    Good morning and welcome I have been here almost 2 weeks has plenty to learn here and enjoy..
    I am not sure about curves I go to shapes for women and really love it.. Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • Twinkletoestasha
    Twinkletoestasha Posts: 53 Member
    Ive seen someone mention this before what is curves?
    Welcome on board. Only been here 5 minutes myself but love it.
  • DanielleSmilie28
    I tried Curves but didnt really rate it, its the same routine all the time..... i prefer choosing what routine i do myself. However, i do know some people that rate it..!
    Good luck!
    Feel free to add me for support and motivation!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I started working out with curves, but it got really boring. Very repetitive. No variation. :-/ and I think my gym is cheaper and has so many more options! But that's just my opinion.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I did curves a few years ago, it is repetitive but gave great results when done routinely!
  • pattykay54
    I love Curves......long time member.You can mix it up.....and most Curves offer zumba too. You can usually get a free one week trial. Good luck!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    CURVES is an exercise club with, I guess what I would call circuit training, for women. I only went once with a friend. The equipment was set up in a circle. You go to each station for a period of time & then on to the next when the timer/speaker tells you to. Honestly, I did not enjoy it one bit. Barely even got my heart rate up & I was bored to tears. It seemed more like a geriatric social session to me. Not at all what I was looking for, but perhaps it works for others. Please don't send me hate mail! Just sayin'; one gal's opinion. :)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    it's expensive. Boring cause it you do the same thing all the time, they never even changed the music at my place. so everyday it was the same darn song.
    And I find it's filled with a lot of women in there 60's and 70's who ignore the young people and gossip. and walk so slow so you have to wait a bit longer to get onto the next machine cause the women is standing on it talking away, or is struggling to get off it and doesn't accept help.
    I went a whole year cause my grandmother insisted it was good for me. the first month the work out, i sweated a lil but but barely anything then after that, I could breeze through with a high pulse, not break a sweat and not lose a pound
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    welcome! When I first started my fitness life, I joined Curves. Couldn't get into it, it wasn't challenging enough for me and all the women wanted to do was chit chat the entire hour. I gave up after 3 months.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Good morning and welcome I have been here almost 2 weeks has plenty to learn here and enjoy..
    I am not sure about curves I go to shapes for women and really love it.. Good luck on your journey :smile:

    I go to that same Shapes!!!

    I also go to the Curves on the corner of Ridge and Little. ;)

    OP: I love Curves. I also love my traditional gym. They both offer different things: Curves is my go to if I am short on time and only get to go once to the gym. I like to get there at least 3x a week, and I started there before getting my other membership. The first time I went to Curves, I was 28, and the weight literally flew off (from a size 14 on Oct 20 to a size 6 on Jan 20!!) However, I'm older now, and it wasn't working as well this time around. Hence, the other gym--where I could get more cardio.

    Curves is a great workout--but it requires you really put a lot of effort into those machines. You can't lazily go through the motions and expect to see a change.

    I'd recommend the free trial, and see if you like it! I also recommend the book "Curves Fitness and Weight Management Plan" available at your local club. Even if you decide against the membership, the information in the book is good! So are the recipes. ;)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    curves is great if you don't need variety.... but really i'd think doing curves is only effective for so long. doing the exact same exercises day in and day out will not help you -- may help at first - BUT your body will get used to doing those motions so it will have to work less to complete them and therefore burn less calories. Join a regular gym - it will benefit you more! :)
  • kriggs1976
    I was in Curves for 1 year. I got so bored with doing the same thing over and over, I stopped going.

    You do the same thing, same machines, same time limits...You can not switch it up; there is nothing to switch up.

    You go in a circle, work each machine and walk in between the machines until the announcer voice says to switch. It is a 30 minute workout, granted that is fast. But it is to boring for me.
  • naturemama68
    naturemama68 Posts: 8 Member
    I love my Curves! The machines exercise all the muscle groups and, the harder you push them, the harder they push back so what you get out of it is really up to you. I like that it only takes 30 minutes and is all women - I've made some good friends there. I also go to Zumba twice a week and love those classes, too. I often do the Zumba class, then stay to do the circuit - good workout!
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I started working out with curves, but it got really boring. Very repetitive. No variation. :-/ and I think my gym is cheaper and has so many more options! But that's just my opinion.

    I concur.
  • fancycat37
    Yes Curves is repetitive, but I like the fact that it is a women only club, and only requires you to commit to 3 30 min workouts per week (you can obviously do more if you wish). A one to one work out with one of the trainers can certainly be beneficial if you have got into bad habits over time, like not working hard enough, as I found out today. I feel more comfortable attending curves as I think I would be somewhat intimidated by a gym at the moment, having so much weight to lose. I may feel differently in a few months time, who knows, but for know Curves definitely gets a thumbs up from me.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I did curves for years off and on- it depends on what you are looking for from your workout...

    1. it is a community- the women who go tend to go at the same time- you will make friends, which always makes exercise fun
    2. it is quick- half out start to finish- I could go at lunch with no problem
    3. the workout is a great middle level workout- you work up a sweat, but you can wipe off with a wet cloth and go back to work
    4. the owners have avested interest in you coming back- theya re indivicually owned franchises- my owner used to call if we missed more thana week just to check in! Christmas Cards, happy birthday signs-
    5. if you go to one that has the computerized tracking system, it helps to tell you what you are working enough or not enough by muscle group- great for newbies
    6. no men- and I mean this in a nice way- which means no one leering at you (good or bad) no one annoyed because "girls are using THEIR machines" and no little skinny B&$#^#@ prancing around in spandex to make you feel bad about yourself- they are real women, there to get in shape
    7. If you have a lot of weight to lose, it is a great way to kick off your workout- all the owners are trainers who can help you modify each exercise to meet your level of fitness

    1. it can get a little repetative
    2. it is a circuit, and you switch machines every 30 seconds because there is someone ready to move to the machine you are on- it is hard to repeat a machine you like until the next go- around
    3. there are a lot of older women there- which can be great, they are a hoot to talk to, but can be slowere moving around the machines

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me or friend me! Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • frugalmomsrock
    I was in Curves for 1 year. I got so bored with doing the same thing over and over, I stopped going.

    You do the same thing, same machines, same time limits...You can not switch it up; there is nothing to switch up.

    You go in a circle, work each machine and walk in between the machines until the announcer voice says to switch. It is a 30 minute workout, granted that is fast. But it is to boring for me.

    I switch mine up all the time. lol I make sure the person behind me is several behind, and I do the leg presses one leg at a time, 30 seconds each leg. I do the stepper for at least 1 minute each round, I go over on a machine, less on the recovery board, etc. While it may be a little repetitive, it does offer results. I also usually have ladies to talk to while working out, and there's always upbeat music in the background.

    My club also changes the machine order around about every six weeks so that the routine changes a little all the time.
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    I belonged to a Curves a few yrs ago and really enjoyed it!! Curves is for women only. The equipment is set up in a circle, and you change stations every 30 sec. Weight resistant machines, 30 sec on the machine, 30 sec walking/jogging in place, then on to the next machine, which works another group of muscles. No mirrors on the wall, no treadmills or stationary bikes. I think it depends on the ppl that work there. Claudette would stand in the middle of the circle and encourage us as we did each set of exercises. She would give a little push, "come on you can do it." Things like that. She also corrected any mistakes we were making, to give us better results and keep us from injuring ourselves. It keeps you moving, your not doing long periods of time on one machine, so you can make each exercise as intense as you want for those 30 secs. Each month there would be a challenge or something to keep us motivated. I enjoyed workingout there because they were everyday woman just like me. Some obese, some in great shape, working mom's, grandma's and cheerleaders, everyone was made to feel welcome. It was a friendly atmosphere. I never felt like I was being judged by what I was wearing, how big I was, or anything like that. feeling you might have walking in to a gym. It was a friendly welcoming atmosphere.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I loved Curves for about the 1st 3-4 months I was a member. But like others have said it got very boring and repetitive. I will say that it got me in the routine of exercising and really helped jump start my weight loss. The manager of the club I belonged to was great, super motivational and supportive.
  • walkinmydoxies
    CURVES is an exercise club with, I guess what I would call circuit training, for women. I only went once with a friend. The equipment was set up in a circle. You go to each station for a period of time & then on to the next when the timer/speaker tells you to. Honestly, I did not enjoy it one bit. Barely even got my heart rate up & I was bored to tears. It seemed more like a geriatric social session to me. Not at all what I was looking for, but perhaps it works for others. Please don't send me hate mail! Just sayin'; one gal's opinion. :)

    No hate from me, I agree. I went in for visit and decided it wasn't for me. Never did a workout. Love zumba classes and gym. :smile: