March Challenge Anyone?



  • QueenTB
    QueenTB Posts: 4 Member
    Hey..I'd be up for the challenge!!! I've been stuck around the same weight for a while now!!!! My goal is 125..
  • You can add me too! I'm heading to Mexico in 5 weeks (& then Canada to visit family) & i'll be seeing heaps of people I haven't seen in ages!! I've already been training for 5 weeks with barely any weight loss so hopefully this next 5 weeks will be different. I weigh approx 73 kilos now (which fluctuates daily between frustrating) & I'm 5'6. I'd love to be under 70 (& stay under 70 daily) by the time I leave for Mexico which I know doesn't seem that difficult but believe me...the weight doesn't want to move!

    My next goal will be Aug 31st (which is when my Australian visa expires) & I'll probably be going home for another visit. I'd like to be 65 (or less) by then. :)

    73 kilos=160.6 lbs
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    Hey so great that so many people want to jump in!! It's great to see lots of people seem to have similar stats to my own!

    My biggest goal here is to do my cardio! The challenge is to keep everyone accountable for doing cardio any number of times a week that is suitable for your needs. (For me that's 5-6 days a week). Of course, still do any other exercise you take a part of. Like I said before, I LOVE doing weights, so that's still going to be in my regimen.

    So, I'd like everyone to post here what they did for cardio for the day beginning March 1st.

    I tend to lose track of threads on here sometimes also, so if anyone would like to add me on Facebook to make this a bit more personal in communicating, you can search for me: Marie Santos Rivera

  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    I'd like to join. I am 33 and I am currently at 195. I've lost 12 so far. My goal is 150 so I have 45 to go. I have been doing pretty good at sticking to my cardio workouts but I want to keep going. I also am thinking about setting a goal to start running...and perhaps join a 5k run at the end of March. I'm not sure if that is unrealistic or not but that would give me five weeks to prepare. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I'm in! I'm new to this site! I love challenges!! I have 9 lbs to lose by April 1st! It's always those last 10 that kill you!!
  • I am in!! So far I have lost 18lbs but need to lose another 12.5lbs to be at my goal of 125! Oh and I am 5'2 & 1/2 :) haha.
    I need to up my cardio to 4-5 days a week.
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    Awesome! Glad to see so many people join in!!

    Remember, starting March 1st, we are all posting our cardio for the day on here! :)
  • I'm new too.. please count me in I am 4'9 and started at 146 and my goal weight is 120 by August and our family vacation I am moving right along at 140 currently
  • yluuuu
    yluuuu Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in! I'm 5'3 and currently 145lbs. My goal is to be 130lbs by summer =)
  • 7LetsDoIt
    7LetsDoIt Posts: 2 Member
    I am new on MFP and weight around 170 pounds. I am new on my weight loss plan too so I need all the motivated to start my weight loss journey. So count me in!
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Hi pls include me in. I am 5'2", current weight 116. Goal weight 110. I've been on this new healthy lifestyle for ten months now. Once I achieve my goal, maintenance is where the real work comes in. I also need to continue to tone through weights, and burn fat through cardio.
  • count me in as well. I'm 5"2 and a half :) at 135 and would like to be 125 by the summer. I'm a cardio freak, but will be super busy with school next month so the challenge will make sure I'm consistent. :)
  • I will be in - my goal is between 127 to 130, I have 8 to 11 to go. Want to be there by beginning of June, my son graduates high school and it is my 25th wedding anniversary! :love:
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    I would like to be 230 at least... maybe 220 by the end of August... my wedding is in October... I am currently at 248... so I am in... NEEEED to get back to the GYM! I am 5'6... down from 265 already...
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Yep I am at 190.8 right now, my march goal is to get to 180 and work out more period, it has been hard finding the energy between taking care of 3 kids and divorce, but I will get it done as I am also in the may 1st bikini challenge on mfp :)
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I'm about 141lbs... 4'11".....57 years young and want to get to 125-130. I do a 100 mile challenge every month on MFP, which has made me up my cardio. I also do Zumba 1x/week and play tennis 1x/week. I love the weight training, but my trainer says the only way to get slimmer around the middle is to do cardio....jog/run in particular. The accountability on this site is what makes us all successful!!
  • I'm in. 20+ yrs ago I was an amateur body builder. 15+ yrs ago the old lady metabolism hadn't kicked in yet. I've been too big for my clothes for 10+ yrs now. I've had enough. My goal is to be cut by bass season. I want obvious muscles when I hoist 2012 's big one. I have 20 #'s of 'insulation' to drop before I can even see what muscle is there.

    I'll be posting 5 cardio, prolly step aerobics, per week. Is there a strength training challenge to push me?
  • bettyjeanbell
    bettyjeanbell Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys! I'm interested in meeting new folks and keeping each other accountable! I just discovered MyFitnessPal a few weeks ago and I'm in love! I've lost 12 pounds in the past 4 weeks and am working to melt off the last 20 so I can get back to the strong, fit gal I always was! Would love to befriend other MyFitnessPal-ers doing the same thing!

    Also, I just launched a Nutrition School if you guys are interested in adding a nutrition and fitness support system to your accountability. ( The next group class starts April 1st but you guys are welcome to hop into this inaugural class if that's something that interests you. If not, no worries at all. I just thought I'd put it out there since I've been rounding up my friends to do the same thing this month!
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm interested in joining! I am turning 30 on March 22 and am trying to lose 5lbs by then! I mostly do cardio anyways, but this would help keep me motivated on the days I don't feel so motivated :) I'm 5'9 148lbs
  • mybeachpal
    mybeachpal Posts: 28 Member
    I, too, would love to join. Summer's coming. I really need to get unstuck. Just 3 days ago turned 67 yrs. So plz count me in . :) Initial goal - 30 pounds. Then 15 more would be ideal really.