What should I say? What should I do?



  • amandadj1984
    I once heard (and I'm ware this is not a person to model your behavior after lol) that Paris Hilton has a "one bite rule" she orders whatever she wants and takes one bite, simple as that. while I don't have millions of dollars to throw away as I please I have taken a variation of this rule to heart. Take a bite if it's delicious and throw the rest away. You won't feel like your missing out (chew slowly) ;-) and as for wasting, it's a waste to put something in your body that isn't good for you. Try and change your attitude toward food I try and think of food as fuel. I wouldn't fill the gas tank of my car with high fructose corn syrup, it wouldn't run so I wouldn't do it, simple, I don't have to think twice about that. So why put something in your body that doesn't help it run? Self preservation is not rude. I have the same problem with my family. When we go out to eat my husband always pushes food he knows I like on me because he feels like I'm depriving myself. I've started keeping healthy food on me at all times and just puting my foot down and sying "I appreciate it but no thank you" It hurts my feeling sometimes when he treats me like I'm being silly but people don't like change, even for the better You have to worry about you and your health. Good luck! I know it's challenging.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Say "No thanks." If they ask why then tell them your goals. If they're still offended then screw 'em.