people who LOST weight eating MORE



  • katnat12
    katnat12 Posts: 73 Member
    bump :)
  • ge0rgieb
    ge0rgieb Posts: 10 Member
  • I'm not too far into my journey, but I am definitely eating more now than I was before. Meals are smaller, but I often have to make myself eat. The only reason I do not eat back all of my exercise cals is because I'm not sure how accurate the burn is, so I aim for at least 50%.

    When you are consciously eating more small meals throughout the day, I think you will always feel like you're eating more than before.
  • My doctor indicated this may be what I was average intake was between 850-1100 caps per day. I started this program to track my input and make sure i was atleast getting the 1200. I will track it for awhile...and bump it gradually if I don't see desired results....according to my calculations i should reach my goal by September.....:smile:
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    GREAT thread!

    I just tweaked my calories up a bit since I have not been losing and have been hungry. I was already eating most my exercise calories.
  • hermiony
    hermiony Posts: 49 Member
    thanks everyone for the posts. i read through every single one, took me 2 days!
    i was trying to eat as less as possible and exercising an hour a day and my loss started slowing doing to 1 pound a week.i was at 1000-1100 but for the past few days i have upped them to 1300 and i have been losing more since then. who would have known eating more loses more weight!
    i have a hard time finding food,to get to that number but i have been reading tips on here and started eating things like peanut butter that i dont even like to get some calories, i never eat back my exercise calories and dont really have a cheat day.
  • I like some others who have posted was eating 1200 per day and didnt always eat all my calories and when exercised didnt eat all my calories and have found that I kept putting on the odd pound then a few days later would lose it, been like this for the previous two weeks with no weight loss.

    This week new approach increased my calories to 1350 working on losing 1lb per week, kept up the water intake and making sure I exercise and eat most of the extra work out calories and yes 1lb less so far after 4 days so result. I now it sometimes seems mad saying you should increase the calories slightly but your body needs to fuel to enable it to function and burn the fat.

    Good luck and give it a try!!
  • ChrDG
    ChrDG Posts: 10
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    What calorie dense, higher fat foods do you all add? Nuts? Avocado? What else? I need some options to bump up my calories because 2+ bowls of Fiber One cereal was a bad idea! :wink:
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    What calorie dense, higher fat foods do you all add? Nuts? Avocado? What else? I need some options to bump up my calories because 2+ bowls of Fiber One cereal was a bad idea! :wink:

    Cheese, meat, peanut butter, greek yogurt. Bonus points because they all have protein.
  • hermiony
    hermiony Posts: 49 Member
    i was too scared to up my calories too much so i went from 1100 to 1300 but yesterday i ended up snacking all day on healthy foods and went up to 1500, i was terrified the scale would make me pay, but when i got on this morning it has gone down again!! yay for eating more!!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I have had my first full week of eating more - I increased my cals by at least 30% from 1200 to between my BMR and TDEE.

    Daily intake has been 1600-1800, and I have lost 2.4lb this week!
  • I have had my first full week of eating more - I increased my cals by at least 30% from 1200 to between my BMR and TDEE.

    Daily intake has been 1600-1800, and I have lost 2.4lb this week!

    That's great! Well done and thank you so much for coming back and reporting that ... sometimes people say they are going to 'try this' or 'try that' but we never get to know if it was successful!

  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I have had my first full week of eating more - I increased my cals by at least 30% from 1200 to between my BMR and TDEE.

    Daily intake has been 1600-1800, and I have lost 2.4lb this week!

    That's great! Well done and thank you so much for coming back and reporting that ... sometimes people say they are going to 'try this' or 'try that' but we never get to know if it was successful!


    I promised myself I was going to try it for a month, even if I gained at first as 1200 wasn't working so what did I have to lose.

    Now, I am eating more and getting hungry, so I guess my body is working properly again now that it is properly fuelled.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member

    Great thread! Saving til later :)
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    In the same boat. Trying to up my calories. I am really active and my Fitbit tells me I earn about 500- 800 calories from exercise. I tried to eat near the amount it told me yesterday and couldn't sleep last night because I was awful, bloated and gross from overeating (maybe TMI but I eat LOADS of veggies and fiber). This week I am going to focus on eating back 50-75% of my exercise calories to stay up near 1200-1300 net and see what happens.

    Less bulk and more healthy fats will make you feel much better--less bloating and over fullness. Fat is GOOD for you if from healthy sources.

    Yes, i agree eat less bulk! Cut back some of the veggies and replace with some good fats like flaxseed oil which is 130 calories a tablespoon, large egg (70 calories) nuts (walnuts, almonds). Swap some lettuce for avocado. Then you'll have no probs reaching your calorie target and you wont feel so bloated.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I get frustrated when I read some girls on here saying that they are eating 1200 and if they try to eat more they put on weight. That the only way for them to lose is to eat such low amounts. Some even think they have to go hungry to lose (which in actuality they are starving themselves)

    I think they must have really damaged their metabolisms for it to get to that point! A product of yo yo dieting/undereating for periods of time then eating at normal calorie levels. What has happened is during the period of extreme very low calorie dieting (VLCD) there metabolism slows down because they are losing muscle along with fat. Then when they resume normal eating either after their diet has finished or they binge eat on the weekend they put weight back on!

    Now because they have been VLCD if they decide to up their calories because they are finding it too difficult and they are getting hungry they get scared s***** because they start to put the weight back on. Because they now have less muscle their metabolism has been lowered they burn less calories at rest and there is just a vicious cycle. Sorry if this is a bit long winded lol.

    If they want to be able to eat at sensible levels and to lose the fat in a healthy way and not to have to go hungry then what these people need to do is to chuck out the scales for a few months and restore their metabolism. For some people it might take longer to correct their metabolim. To get back to normal it might take 6 months i dunno. Anyway what they need to do is to find out what their true maintenance level of calories is and eat this.

    (Edited here to say: Actually just thinking about this some more. Because their metabolism have been damaged their maintenance has been damaged to so that every time they diet and then decide that the diet is too hard and start to eat again (go off their diet) their maintenance calories gets lower and lower. They are going to have to exercise to help put muscle back on and to restore their maintenance set point so they can eat more food. That is why they will have to be careful to slowly up their calorie intake because it will be too much shock to the system and they'll put on weight. When they start putting muscle back on they can at the same time increase their calorie consumption to match)

    But to get there they will have to introduce it slowly by upping their calories slowly each week. This is scary if they keep an eye on the scale because for a while they are going to put on weight. If they can get through the period where they can correct their metabolism thats when they can start to lose the fat at a sensible slow pace. They need to lose slowly so as to maintain their muscle and lose the fat. This involves weight training and exercise. These people need to learn to be patient. Its best to lose slowly.

    I sometimes cant bear to read those kinds of topics anymore. So I think I'll just stick to these topics. If people want to learn and get educated then they will visit these types of threads.

    Anyway a bit about my story.

    I've lost 31 kg and it took me 22 months. I still would like to lose a couple more. I exercise intensely and I am losing eating between 1900 - 2200 gross calories most days. The closer I get to my goal weight the more I have needed to eat. I have maintained my muscle mass by doing weights (heavy weights) and even though ive been in defecit I think I may have even put some muscle on. I have a lovely defined body now and because of my muscle mass its great it means I get to eat more food and also the extra fuel powers me through my workouts and allows me to perform at my best in my sports.

    In the last few months I have increased my protein, eating egg whites, lean meats, fruit, veg, brown rice, occasionally wholegrain breads, low fat dairy. I eat these types of foods 90% of the time and the fat has been melting off of me. I figured out my maintenance is between the 2000 - 2600 because I had a period where I plateued and didn't lose measurements or on the scale when I ate this amount.

    I think the number one thing is when losing the fat is you have to be very patient if you want to lose it the right way, (the slow way) You have to keep perservering because I have found patterns where my body goes through adjustment periods where it is trying to get used to its new weight before it settles. My body likes to hover within 2 kgs and that has been the story for quite a while now. Atm I weigh 62 kg however a few weeks ago I was 60 kgs and thats fine because that has been my fat loss pattern the whole way through. My body will soon realise ahhhh its ok it is safe I can let go of those 2 kgs she is feeding me enough food, its safe to let go of it. So soon I will drop down to 60 and stay at 60. I'm looking to get to around 57 kg but its ok if I dont make it because I'll be focussing firstly on how my body looks, what my measurements are and my body fat%. I'm 5 foot 2 and I'm 62 kg but people have told me they think im 55 kg so the number that I end up on the scale isn't the most important thing.

    wow this has been a long post haha.
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
  • bump