To my MFP Catholic family



  • knelson422
    Fasting every once in awhile is actually good for your body, or so I have read. It won't put you into starvation mode When I fast, I learn what it is like to be TRULY hungry, and am more grateful for my fridge that has a ton of food in it. I also feel more in control. I pray and ask God to help me make it through the fast as well. I fast with my church once a month, and there is a purpose behind it. In Isaiah we can read about fasting and how it is supposed to be a good thing for us. Way to go to my Catholic friends who do Lenten. I am not Catholic, but I think a season of sacrifice would better help me remember why we celebrate Easter. Good luck, way to go.
  • charliesmagic
    I'd like to give up chocolate too but I LOVE my SlimFast Chocolate Shakes in the morning so I decided to give up fast food. It should be a win-win. And my dedication is to attend Mass every week. I'd love to be able to do it. We shall see...

    I like this! I think I will add to my "sacrifice" for Lent the dedication to attend weekly Mass. I am giving up being lazy for Lent. Hoping this will be a good way to establish a good habit. I used to be a pretty good exerciser...then I stopped. I am aiming for 4-5 days a week minimum. Going to mix cardio and strength training plus DEDICATION to MFP. *crossing my fingers!!* I can do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • allisonpriputin
    gave up ice cream and candy.... am hoping this will help break my sugar addiction in addition to helping me lose weight... and it will be a sacrifice :)...
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I am committing to working out 40 days straight, and giving up Chai Latte's. I don't indulge in them too often, but I do love them!!
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
    Our priest this past weekend commented about giving up something for lent. His comments ran along the lines of, if you are using Lent to make long term changes and bring you closer to God, then go ahead and do that. But he also commented that it was not enough to just give him your waistline for 40 days. Interesting and blunt way to look at it..

    I plan to do something active every single day of the 40 days.

    AND I plan to declutter at least 1 trashbag a day for 40 days. (not necessarily going in the trash, but could be a give away bag too.)
  • mahjohweeee
    mahjohweeee Posts: 66 Member
    Fasting doesn't necessarily mean that you are giving up EVERY SINGLE BIT of food. You can give up a majority of what you eat for a day; I think God would understand that your health is important. Plus, at least you are recognizing God and worshiping Him.. :) Personally, I love Lent. It makes me dedicated to do things I have been meaning to do for ages, but just haven't mustered up the strength to actually do. Going to be eating healthier and am giving up Rage Comics for Lent. I know, I know, what a nerd, but I can't help it! Bless all :smooched:

    OMG Rage Comics... that would be so hard for me! I'm currently tracking how long I'm on pinterest, twitter, memegenerator... I had to limit my facebook to just 1 hour a day during the workday.. I have a feeling I'll be "binging" the minute I get off work. :)
  • thefoodnerd
    thefoodnerd Posts: 27 Member
    I'm giving up the snooze button for 15 extra minutes of exercise and making sure I get both of my workouts in every day... : D

    Great idea!
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Right now I'm just doing the traditional way of fasting & abstinence by not eating anything other than fish & veggies.

    Im giving up Sugar as well and fast food. We can do this <3
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    You aren't cheating. We are allowed to eat as much as we need to get through the day.

    I'll most likely be giving up sweets. I have lowered my calorie allowance for Lent, so I'll probably be hungry if I end up wasting calories on cookies, cakes, or candy.

    BTW, we don't have to fast on Sundays. Every Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection, so we don't fast. That doesn't mean you HAVE to eat red meat on Sunday, just that you don't have to avoid it for the sake of Lent.