The Biggest Loser

tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
So I don't know where else to post this...but I am a huge fan of The Biggest Loser. I have watched every season and I have been so encouraged by the contestants as well as the trainers....but this season is quite a different story. Never in my life did I think I would see the amount of backstabbing, two-faced, mean spirited behavior as I have seen this year. I can't believe that the people in that house are stupid enough to let Conda take control. I almost gagged last night when she said during the elimination she is a role model for her daughter....Really...role model for what, how to put make-up on two faces, role model for how to talk behind peoples backs, role model on how to be mean spirited, model on how to betray your trainer by tallking your team into throwing a weigh in. Okay rant over...I feel better.


  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    I love this show also, and last night was HORRIBLE!!!!! I never liked Condra from the beginning.........all the backstabbing is from her....and the other lady from the RED throw a weigh-in and stand up there and say Oh! I don't know what happen....REALLY...........I feel sorry for both of the Trainers and didn't see any backbone from Bob, I am surprised.
    I just feel that this whole season I have seen a lot of prejudice and it makes me sick...........I already know the next one targeted on the Black team will be Mary the older women...........such a shame when we can pre**** the outcome of a show.
    My only thing is I hope the person who is the Biggest at Home winner is one who really deserves it..........
  • I have been watching The Biggest Loser since season 1 and I have ALWAYS loved it and also have always been inspired by the adversity that so many of the contestants had to overcome (like Abby, her story still breaks my heart :cry: ). For the most part the contestants always seemed to care about each other and anyone that was vicious in game play was sent home. But this seaon (mainly on red team) the contestants are so childish, vindictive, petty, and just plain mean. I don't think Jillian would have put up with that kind of behavior from her contestants. I really hope someone from the black team, like Emily wins.
  • I don't watch but I heard on the radio this morning that all of the remaining contestants have banded together and walked off the set in a protest to a "twist" in the show. Apparently, they were going to allow previous contestants(from other seasons) come back for another chance to win.

    Here's the article... It's from TMZ so I'm not sure how accurate it is :laugh:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I don't watch but I heard on the radio this morning that all of the remaining contestants have banded together and walked off the set in a protest to a "twist" in the show. Apparently, they were going to allow previous contestants(from other seasons) come back for another chance to win.

    Here's the article... It's from TMZ so I'm not sure how accurate it is :laugh:
    whoaa. if that's true, that'd be NUTS.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I like all of the drama. I watch TV for fun... not to learn fitness. I come here for that! :D
  • bensmom17
    bensmom17 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree- I hope they are not doing this for ratings, because it will just make the show trashy and I won't want to watch it anymore! :0( But, I LOVE LOVE the show- and I'm so glad that NOW I can watch and know that I'm changing right along with them!! )) Conda just has ALOT of growing up to do- she actually reminds me of a friend I once had....( note: she isn't my friend any longer!) lol.
  • ArleneMatches
    ArleneMatches Posts: 17 Member
    I agree 100%. Conda is a real trouble-maker if ever there was one.... They should send her home (but it does make for good TV).
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    This is the worst season of the show I have ever seen.

    I don't really care if any of them make it to the end. I cannot believe that people threw away a week of losing weight to get back at someone else....That said, I cannot believe Dafny ate all those peanut butter cups and then only made one change! That was stupid! Her team had welcomed her with open arms! Revenge should have been her beating Conda in the end.

    Just stupid! I hope they do let others come back and one of them wins! Most of this group is very ungratful for the chance they have! Not all of them but the majority. There are only a few that I even tolerate. I really liked Santa!
  • stevielee_86
    stevielee_86 Posts: 4 Member
    I hope all of the black team felt like FOOLS for throwing the weigh-in. Daphne is one person...their weight and health will be with them the rest of their life! I can't believe they would sacrifice a week at the ranch basically being lazy and eating too much. How can one person control all of them so much!? Pathetic
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I hope it is contestants from this season- I feel that the ones kicked off were not because of their lack of weight loss- it was ALL personal and backstabbing. If it is from past seasons I would have walked off too. Me thinks that Conda was voted off.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    My feelings exactly! That is precisely why this morning I posted on Bob's, Dolvette's, and The Biggest Loser's Facebook pages that this season is horrible and has detered from losing weight, and getting healthy, to just a backstabbing, drama filled, reality show. You don't see as much of the trainers, or exercising, anymore and I am about ready to check out on the show! Like the other poster I wanted to puke when Conda spoke about being a role model! What a joke!

    Maybe if enough people complain to them they will get back to how it used to be when the next season goes to the editing room!
  • kbrob14
    kbrob14 Posts: 106 Member
    I couldn't agree more! I actually fast forwarded my DVR last night to see who got sent home, then deleted the whole episode because I can not stand the drama! Didn't they go there to change their lives?
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    I only started watching the show during season 9, when Michael V won and I really liked it. This season does suck and yes Conda is annoying but honestly Adrian and Daphne pissed me off more than Conda has. Coming back after a month and acting like they're "all that" and not listening to the trainers and other players advice and concerns about how they were acting and then Daphne getting all uptight and having to "get revenge" for her brother being voted off, I mean SERIOUSLY! He acted like and *kitten* and got what he deserved, I wouldn't have put up with him either. Yes throwing the weigh in was a sh!tty deal, but the way Daphne ate all those cups and then lied consistantly about being the one that switched Jeremy and Conda was just so disgusting. I am so sick of the show this season I'm considering not watching it anymore.

    I also saw that article from TMZ and while I always try to take what they report with a grain of salt, keep in mind that they are the ones who broke the news about Michael Jackson dying and were one of the first ones to report about Whitney Houston and a few other big news stories. We'll have to see what develops but I am getting so sick of the drama this season...
  • Wow I so agree!! I hope someone wakes up and votes her out. One thing these people need to realize is that it is about getting healthy but it is also a game show with a prize at the end. Any player can do whatever they feel they need to in order to stay in the game or stay with their trainer. Daphne took a risk and it didn't work out for her but that was her decision and for everyone to be mad at her is ridiculous!!
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I think they know this season sucks because of all of the "go on line at blah, blah, blah, .com for interactive chat with former contestants, etc. Seriously, Conda "There is so much negativity" Call the Whambulance. Without her, the red team looked so much happier. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, Emily would have voted for her bc she did say, "I won't let Conda take control of me again." And as for Daphne's 2 pound gain. Sunny gained 5 pounds last year after her week at home with Bob, their bodies just had to stop for a little while. Daphne's life now seems to have gotten so much better. I hope she wins the at home prize. PLEASE SEND CONDA HOME - I BEG OF YOU BLACK TEAM. They should make a bobble head with her head on it - she wags it back and forth so much when she is talking. Okay, rant over. Glad I am not the only one.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    OMG! I CANNOT STAND CONDA! I too almost chocked when she said that! On Bob's behalf I think he is just disgusted by how the entire black team acted. I think he knew that honestly getting upset and yelling and them wasn't going to do any amount of good, like he said "yes this is childish behavior but the emotions were real" Anyway on that note I wish the other players would see how manipulative Conda is and how she plays them all! Glad to have others to rant too!!! LOL
  • sharae216
    sharae216 Posts: 162 Member
    I actually didn't get to watch anything but the elimination and I was so upset that Conda had gotten switched to the Black team! She's nothing but trouble and cant believe she's made it this long! I would have thought that switching her to the team and other problems people on the black team have had with her, I thought they would have eliminated her. But I definitely hope someone from the black team wins but definitely NOT Conda!
  • I was so disappointed an upset last night after watching the show. I think it was the worst show ever. This season has been the worst ever. I agree with so many of you on so many points. Glad I wasnt having these feelings all by myself. I hope they can all get back to the most important matter now and that is losing weight. I agree that the trainers and the teams all gave Conda too much power from the start........................
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Agree... she is soooo annoying, but it's TV. I watch it for entertainment, what they do is totally unrealistic for the rest of us. I've joked around with my husband saying I should try out for the show (a guy I went to school with actually WAS on the show!) and I just could not see leaving my kids and family just to loose weight. If I was that unhealthy there are plenty of other resources besides going on a TV show to do it. True there is the money....