Sucks to be a picky eater!



  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    i'm the same way! but i've slowly tried tasting new things. just close your eyes. that helps me alot! also, if it's the texture which is my main probably, try having things cooked differently. i hate mushy things so with eggs, oatmeal, rice and such, i just cook it longer so it's harder/thicker :) getting bored of your food will sadly lead you to stop eating well and stop your progress. good luck.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    the better it tastes, the worse it is for you...........

    ah, i hate reading that! Some of my favorite foods are barely steamed veggies ( I LOVE green beans). You just have to break yourself in slowly and get used to them!

    I love veggies. About 99% of them, I adore. I hate salads.

    The more you eat, the more you will start to like them, and play around and find applications where they are better to you! Soups, casseroles, etc :smile:
  • janellis1
    janellis1 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand completely!!! I hate salads and stuff that can help me lose weight.....I am having a hard time watching what I eat. I am just going to have to exercise it off.
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    Forcing myself to eat something that is gross is out of the question. I am willing to try new things with new recipes trying to mix old with the new but if its gross....back to the drawing board! lol

    And no, I'm not 3 yrs old but who says being an adult you have to eat disgusting food?? I didn't get that memo when I got my "How to be an adult" handbook.