Skin and hair help!

about me: I'm 32, been working out and eating better for a little over 30 days now.

problem: My face is breaking out, my skin is dry, and my hair oily. It's a problem because my skin used to be crystal clear, my hair shiny and now that I'm eating better, it actually looks like I eat crap.. :grumble:

things changed:
instead of ground beef, I'm eating ground turkey, ground chicken, tuna, fish.
I quit drinking regular pop, only have maybe 1 glass of diet soda a day, the rest is water
I don't have junk food, other than light popcorn.
I have added fruits and veggies to my diet (probably not enough, but trying)
I'm working out 4 to 6 days a week and I take a shower after I workout.

Has anyone experienced this, what helped?


  • betaleonis
    Well, sometimes my skin breaks out from the sweating process - maybe your body is adjusting? Perhaps try giving your hair a natural treatment, lemon juice, egg/mayo, olive oil, etc -- its wonderful for your hair's health.. For the skin, maybe switch products if you use any - healthy food will help heal you up in the long run I'm sure!
  • Darrknys
    yes when i started eating healthier my skin was getting oilier than before, and my hair.
    It's calmed down a bit.
    My guess is that my body is forcing it out with all my better eating...
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks!! Will try a hair treatment and just see how it goes. I didn't think it could be all the bad stuff coming out, makes sense.